See you at Ragnarok.
Nov 4th
oh wow another larping faggot reposting his retarded trash, how refreshing
Trying to attack me in my home would be a seriously bad idea.
>Muh russia
No larping
Are antiffa really planning on attacking people in their homes?
sounds like a self defense situation
>sounds like a self defense situation
I hope to God they come by the dozens
lol, came to say this. Bring it you fucking gender bending faggots, i'll kill 10-20 before I die.
Brother, with the armor of god and the sword of truth you will be able to destroy legions of cucks.
shitty larp fuck off
sounds like fake news to get whitey to live the fear life®
>Horsey comic
I already know you are dumb so i won't argue. Plus i'm not white.
>tfw my registered address is my mother's home
>tfw I still haven't updated my address
If they attack my mama I will rain fire upon them
Let them try, user. Please let them try.
........ Ever Texas Chainsaw Massacre? Remember leather faces layer? Yeah that is exactly what will be waiting for you, so please come. I will wear your face in front of your mother at my trial.
you guys are like old people in comment sections on facebook articles.
i know a lot about antifa from living in a city my whole life and having involvement in various alternative art scenes (say what you will here). i don't like these people and the mentality is a mind virus.
however, you're deluded if you think there's any cohesive structure in their organization and any semblance of a calculated attack that's going to happen. these people plan for existing protests like feeder fish; they stick to the outskirts and cause problems. they don't strike offensively, they lie low and basically bait people into either getting physically close to them or provoking them.
there's no email list for antifa and they primarily communicate via thirdparty messaging clients on smartphones.
if you have any other questions please feel free to ask. it's almost embarrassing how deep in the dark you guys are sometimes and i like talking about this stuff because i don't have many people irl who are in the same political wheelhouse as me.
report them to the FBI
antifa spotted
>Bill Clinton is a pedo
>50 round
>C L I P
>hey i can give you guys advice on addressing this problem coming from someone who directly associates with them
>go away shill
this is why you're not going to make much stir here.
I'll be alone each and every night
While youre away dont forget to write.
so you are antifa
>Attacking me in my home
>Castle Doctrine
License to kill
Please enlighten us, most of us are under the impression they're funded by Soros.
what about my posts insinuates this? i try to help out in threads like this whenever i'm on here. if you have specific antifa questions i can try to answer them.
I think they wildly underestimate how seriously some people take this kind of thing. There are literally millions of people who have actually dreamed of the day they’d be completely legally justified in this exact scenario. Please let them to try to do something. It’s gonna be a blood bath
Everyone knows joe biden is a pedophile
We have some volunteers.
If you’re coming to my home uninvited, you’re not leaving conventionally
>antifa will attack us in our homes...
as far as i know none.
so "antifa" in the states is more related to the black bloc protestors that i saw pop up in greater numbers during occupy. funding is impossible because work is carried out by word of mouth usually. there are several businesses and quasi businesses in this city that have existed since the late 90's that they'll meet up in. i've been to these places for things not directly related to protesting; topics of conversation that i overhear or am roped into relevant to this are ways to disrupt land developers and basic lefty 101 college discourse.
going back to your question, i don't think soros is funding antifa as a unified entity. definitely helping with cnn and their ilk in the process of giving credence to their movement. what antifa as you guys know is a hashtag online ranked around "#blm" (black lives matter is definitely soros-funded as i believe there are figureheads to it that have history in these sorts of grassroots movements, i'm sure you know this).
antifa is more ragtag than this. they played social media well and now everyone has them on their tongue, just like what they wanted. doesn't help that antifa is synonymous with "i'm not a bad person" in urban lefty jargon so you get regular people identifying with them in a city of millions when only 30 or so people go to the protests and meeting and cause a ruckus.
I wish a nigga would.
>Tfw when you're hoping they break in your house
Oh no, I'll actually have to use one of my many guns to protect my home. That would just suck. And there'd be a few less antifa running around in the world, and the rest would have a reminder not to fuck with us. Oh man, I sure hope they don't come to my house. That'd just be a real shame.