Sup Forums Why haven't you converted to Mormonism yet?

>last bastion of white heteronormity
>beautiful daughters of God
>authority of the priesthood, restored by Joseph Smith

Why can't you be the man we need you to be?

Other urls found in this thread:!3737!3!224414847284!e!!g!!mormon missionaries&ef_id=WO68RQAAAJwbAzDT:20171018051145:s

why havent i gotten a fucking job yet
why havent i killed myself yet

Mormons are literally the future of whites in America if the rest of us dont start having some fucking kids already.

Daily reminder that our demographic concerns would literally evaporate if White Americans bothered to have 3-4 kids instead of 1 or 2

Jesus sailed to America to leave extra scriptures with a bunch of savages

You can't be the man at home with ease, if you only have one hole to fuck that bleeds

Because worshiping a shitskin kike is retarded, no matter what format it’s in.

i can't afford all the wives

I have considered it, Catholicism is too far gone and I don't like the intellectual level of most mainstream Protestant Churches
idk, if someone wants to send some missionaries my way I wouldn't be opposed

>mormons didnt let blacks join until the civil rights movement forced them to.

Converting to Mormonism is actually a pretty good idea because then you can apply to one of their universities and get really cheap tuition.
Also, the campuses are full of cute blonde virgins.



For the first time in ahwile you made me want to go back. But its not going to happen.
I miss the culture and being with those kinds of people but the beliefs are just so fucked man.
I would love to be culturally mormon and follow all the rules but that's never enough.
But its the only way I could be sure my children are loved the same way my mom loved me.

Nope, try a different straw man, Schlomo.!3737!3!224414847284!e!!g!!mormon missionaries&ef_id=WO68RQAAAJwbAzDT:20171018051145:s

Don't they believe in inheriting a world or something after they die?


>of God

Nope Mormons are a cult

What beliefs are you talking about that are so fucked man?:

Yes! You get worlds without end! Listen:

"Man is, that God once was;
God is, that man might be"

Do the math!

Everything is a cult nowadays
Like, literally, AA is a cult.

This is very base. I do not endorse this thinking.

But it checks out

Dude those are the best bits my man!

You tell me what has you upset.

The amish are even better those people live in the 1800s and shun anyone that steps out of line.

Blue pilled bullshit.

Mormons are addicted to drugs:

It's pervasive in their suburbs. Especially their upper-class ones:

I can promise Sup Forums that the audience here wouldn't make it to the "celestial kingdom" by the criteria of the mormon religion. They just want your daughters. And if you happen to join up, have a family, then have second thoughts... they'll steal your kids from you, ideologically.

Consider how desperate a religion needs to be that they'd be recruiting dipshits on Sup Forums.

I will convert the very day Mormons reaffirm that polygamy is the will of God.

Wow! That there is such an argument against us would really require a man to inquire further. You must be anti-Mormon, you must have been ex-communicated or fell away because you were offended.

I’ll level with you 100%: Your theology is batshit even by Christian standards, but I respect the good works that Mormons perform and their innate propensity for creating strong, traditionalist communities.

To be honest, I’d almost consider “converting” but I would just be larping and that’s bad.

>You must be anti-Mormon, you must have been ex-communicated or fell away because you were offended.

No, I was not ex-communicated. I was not part of your church. Great guessing, bro.

Their prophet is literally white version of muhammad lmao fuck off snow niggers. Also reminder mormon niggers attacked Americans to "spread' their bullshit religion. They should have been btfoed like the Jews in Poland. Reminder Christianity and Roman Catholicism are 10x better than this fucked religion and were both hated by all other religions, while mormonism was made to make money off the retards and it worked.

Did you know any men who had multiple wives?

>"Man is, that God once was;
>God is, that man might be"

That's not scriptural.

How about you work on getting one wife, first. Then worry about more. I doubt you'll want that commitment.

>Also reminder mormon niggers attacked Americans to "spread' their bullshit religion

I forgot about this.

You're absolutely right. Mormons consider Joseph Smith first, America second, and God third.


Does anyone in the thread know a Mormon Man that has multiple wives?

I'm not convinced America or most Protestant churches will exist 100 years from now
Mormonism definitely will
Food for thought

What's the advantage of mormonism if you can't even have a harem?

I don't want to live in some community of whitebread picket fences who call the cops and snoop in everybody's business.

>Does she swallow?

Moronism is NOT Christian in any way, shape, or form.
Moronism is a cult.
Smith was a professional liar.
Fucking Morons!

Most the dipshits who start these threads reject Polygamy and are going to outer darkness

Two reasons

All the bible has going for it archeologically etc... mormons
>wrong animals, no jew DNA is Americas, maps all wrong.

Not christians!

Really makes you think

Conversion rates have dropped to less than 2%. They took a big hit when they got tied up in the Prop 8 vote in California. So I'm a bit confused why you think a religion that composes 1.6% of the U.S. population is going to outlast Protestants whom make up 25% of the U.S. population. Especially considering that LDS conversion has dropped steadily over the years.

Why? Do you want to chat with one? He's not going to give you insight. These guys are predators that form a commune and start trading underage daughters to each other.

The judiya fear the mormon

Anyone who goes on and on about Mormonism, but rejects Polygamy is a fucking liar.

Would be similar to someone saying I am a Catholic but reject the Pope.

>These guys are predators that form a commune and start trading underage daughters to each other

Do you have proof that this is common practice?

I feel like it's all just big underwear garment scheme

Yeah.. the president of the fLDS (the people who practice this shit) went to prison for it.

user, Polygamy is not shit, it is the will of God,

Because dressing up like a baker and practicing secret handshakes to get into heaven isn't really my thing...

I tell you what, I need to get some things together in my life right now, but when I get settled in a month or two I will hit them up. Thanks buddy.

The religion is total shit, but it is still the best hope for America

20% of Mormons are not white but more importantly missionary religions always decay

so you're using sex to sell Faith in Christ... you are absolutely the lowest piece of dung ofal, how like mormons...

Former Mormon here

Can confirm that user is full of shit and needs to stop finding random pictures on the internet to back up his claims.

I have been involved with the many practices of the LDS church and those outfits have never been used nor will they ever because they aren’t fucking real holy shit
Here's the whole temple ceremony from 5 years or so ago. It was a little different when I first did it. They took out the parts where you swore you wouldn't reveal anything or else have your throat slit, tongue ripped out and be disemboweled.
t. exmormon

wew lad.. have I got news for you...

>Tells me he has news
>Doesn’t give me the news

Well I’m convinced

Not really. What THEY call themselves is meaningless. If it doesn't match up with the REAL Bible, it's a fraud.

I honestly can't tell if you're trolling right now.. but if not, do a little experiment. find a mormon you trust who has been to the temple and ask him about temple robes. show him that picture. see how he reacts.

Because I dated a Mormon for 5 years and discovered it's a retarded cult with retarded rules for retards.
>No, user, I cannot tell you my secret special spirit name and family night is tonight so you have to leave at 4pm
Fuck that gay shit.

>Temple ceremony

What kind?
Sealing ceremony?
Baptisms for the dead?

Did all that aluminum foil finally cook your brain?

it's the endowment you mong. that other shit is secondary. i promise i know more about mormons than you. you're picking an argument you have no hope of winning.

The robes are just plain and pure white. No temple worker wears anything on their heads. None of that fancy decorative shit either.

t. someone who’s actually been inside a temple

now I know you're either trolling or you're a kid who hasn't done the endowment ceremony.

Endowment of what?
The priesthood?
I’ve gone through that and the video was nothing like what I had

Lay off the tin foil you mong

the true order of prayer, done near the end of the endowment ceremony.

what your "hot" mormon wife will wear during your wedding

Get that conspiracy shit outta here mong
Even if that video was legit what’s the big deal?
Symbology is a big part of Mormon religion and is usually taken the wrong way
Not that you’d understand since you’ve never seen the inside of a temple yet claim that you’re an exmormon

Mormonism is straight heresy and needs to be purged.

here's the underwear you'll get to wear for the rest of your life after getting endowed. p.s., ladies, the bra goes on top, not underneath

they produce stable family structures but their cosmology/mythology is batshit retarded. to any WNs thinking this is some kind of last bastion of huwhite christendom: that was all abandoned in favor of shekels, all it takes is 30 seconds inside the visitor center with space jesus in SLC to realize this

there's a reason there are exactly zero great mormon physicists

>B-but Muh heresy

Heresy is having traditional values and keeping the white family alive

Gotcha merchant