>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
PREV APPEARANCES/LINKS (fuck poo in the loos too)
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump speech @Heritage Foundation President's club 10/17/17
>FLotUS Melania - Hurricane Relief PSA 10/17/17
>Pres Trump&Cabinet talking to radio ppl 10/17/17
>Pres Trump on WIBC radio w/katz 10/17/17
>Pres Trump on Fox News Radio w/Kilmeade 10/17/17
>Pres Trump/PM Tsipras Press Conf 10/17/17
>Pres Trump meets w/Greek PM Tsipras 10/17/17
>Pres Trump has lunch w/Greek PM Tsipras 10/17/17
>VP Pence on WIBC radio w/katz 10/17/17
>VP Pence Tax Reform speech in Buffalo NY 10/17/17
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 10/17/17
>DoD Video: ICBMs 10/17/17
>DoD Video: Ballsitic Missile Defense 10/17/17
>DoD Video: Strategic Deterrence 10/17/17
>The Renewal of the American Spirit
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>American Hero
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/ptg/ President Trump General - Double Standards Edition
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What’re we going to do about Shia lacucks new HWNDU flag?
>/ptg/ President Trump General - Double Standards Edition
More like Drumpf General - Double Covfefe pots edition
also checked
This is the biggest fucking nothingburger I've ever seen. The Congresswoman should honestly kill herself for thinking this would work.
I love Lauren Southern
ISIS has lost its capital, DOW has passed 23,000 for the first time ever, yet media is silent. Kikes!
>Trump is quietly completely transforming the federal judiciary - nominated nearly 60 judges, filling more vacancies than Barack Obama did in his entire first year (
>U.S.-backed forces reclaim ISIS capital of Raqqa (
>The FBI has released documents suggesting James Comey planned on exonerating Hillary before FBI investigation was complete (
>DOW passes 23,000 for the first time in history (
>FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow - massive bribery, kickback, extortion, money laundering, and cover up scheme - directly incriminates The Clinton Foundation (
so what was Hannity's big surprise?
That bitch needs to be deported
He was just rehashing the Hill's report on how the FBI has info proving the Obama Admin helped Hillary get bribes and sell the Uranium to Russia.
Is Loura Southern a CivNat or a EthNat?
GTFO, paid Russian shills!
How is this offensive? As a vet I don't get what slight Trump has committed
Fuck you OP
Russia bribed Clinton Foundation to corner uranium market in US. Mueller and Obama knew and slowwalked the investigation. Obama approved the deal.
Like real Russian collusion right here.
then why don't you marry her? hahaha
Shia probably chose France because they're too chickenshit to try anything. Nothing will happen.
People actually believe this?
the uranium one deal can bring the whole lot of them down, they're getting desperate
That's it I'm deleting my Sup Forums account
>mfw /ptg/ talks about ISIS as if they aren't kept alive by the USA and Mossad
Soros (with a net worth of $23 billion) "gifted" (made quietly over the past several years but disclosed only on Tues) $18 billion from from his investment vehicle (Soros Fund Management) to his Open Society Foundation, one of the largest transfers of wealth ever made by a private donor to a single foundation. The plan is to make sure his. . . activities continue after he retires or passes away. $18 billion is roughly three times the amount of money spent by all parties, in all races, during the 2016 election cycle. Soros is expected to contribute at least another $2 billion in the coming years.
>Like real Russian collusion right here.
Ummmmmmmm do you have a single verrit code to back that up?
TFW when CIA and Mossad is ITT right now
Is she a Civic Nationalist or a Ethnic Nationalist?
Whose mans is this?
>that gut
Crash imminent
Worse, she's Canadian
house of cards
Don't let MSM slide the Uranium One story you fuckers.
Circa published their findings with more damaging details than The Hill.
Its going to heavy information warfare as Dems try to distract with the grieving nigger widow. It'll blow over, keep your eye on the prize.
>implying some kraut won't blitzkrieg france and relive 1940 all over some random flag
That's RUDE, even coming from you user.
Regardless of whether the statement is even real, the statement itself isn't even offensive.
this is why being a neo-nazi is shit.
being an anonymous Hitlerist IRL is just more practical
Hillary is looking... well today she's in korea probably gonna cross the dmz to escape charges
That a Dem would come out with this and listen in on the call to take something out of context seems literally ghoulish to me. It's repulsive, considering Trump literally said nothing wrong.
is anyone actually surprised?
Crystal Pepsi is the only way I will drink Pepsi
That doesn't even make sense.
Failpresident has failed
Reddit——————> you go
Is this her version of king nigger's "apology tour"?? She isn't in politics anymore, sit your saggy ass down bitch.
it does make sense if you factor in the inherent subversiveness of the Jews
oh no, the banned redditors are back
Imagine getting paid millions of dollars to talk to random people that have nothing to do with anything and you have an 'indeterminate' date to have anything done by. What a deal.
C-can I live in America, /ptg/? I was born here and my parents were legal immigrants and everything. I just want a home.
Wrong, look also at circa's report. Both solomon and carter work with hannity to get the news out
>that gif
but it was her turn (to apologize for america)!
You do realize NYT tries to be objective as it says in the journalistic ethics code, but its so hard when what Trump says is actually racist. No way to spin that.
Controlled opposition retiring himself
Wasn't Claude Taylor the one who got duped into spreading fake news about the Trump investigation? Please.
Forgot pic.
Reminder: Frederica Wilson is a House sheboon from Florida's 24th district
>She gained national attention in early 2012 as a result of her high-profile comments in the death of Trayvon Martin
You missed something we didnt know until the show
>John Solomon: I can confirm tonight. I am reporting this out tonight Senator Grassley, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, began an investigation last week specifically asking all the CFIUS members did you know there was a criminal investigation. This is going to become one of the most important investigations that is going to evolve this fall.
Previously we only knew Clinton did it now we know Grassley is actually investigating
Solomon also said Grassley is asking Sessions about it tomorrow
GP has a write up and video
tick, tick, BOOM
make hillary the presidet right nOW
well, i dont see why not.
Hopefully Kim Jong Un gives her the wambier deluxe
RIP, Portubro.
Grassley better not fuck up
>jews control the neo-nazis
This is true, but why would you admit that the leader is jewish? Who would even believe that a jew would become a neo-nazi?
So she can't make any of her interview appointments yesterday in the UK because she "hurt her foot," yet is making speeches in SK today? I bet she had an episode.
>tfw just got my lease application approved and moving to Dearborn, Michigan in July to start a new life in the US of A!
I finally got my dream job you guys! I can't fucking wait to move to America! Any of you lads want to meet up at the sports bar for a pint of craft next month? I'm gonna be a Yank!
Lots of retards out there
This makes more sense than anything else
You have much to learn neonate
we knew dems and commies sleep in the same bed and have committed numerous crimes and acts of treason. the insiders have known all along. what makes you think that a few articles will suddenly make a difference? call me when those fuckers are swinging from the noose
>wild fires
more like mass arson
Sessions is fucking hopeless. Grassley I do have some faith in.
I've always liked this one. But you're not a leaf.
...Eh, same thing really.
Perhaps. An illegal alien started a California fire that killed at least 40 people. Too lazy to link pic related.
Garbage ass post.
Forgot to add Grassley was also looking into Lynch
>In April, The New York Times reported that the FBI came into possession of a batch of hacked documents, one of which was said to be authored by a “Democratic operative who expressed confidence that Ms. Lynch would keep the Clinton investigation from going too far.” Chairman Grassley then requested a copy of the document from the Justice Department, which has failed to respond. A month later, The Washington Post reported similar facts and provided further details about individuals involved in these communications. The Post reported that the email in question, sent by then-chair of the Democratic National Committee Debbie Wasserman Schultz to Leonard Benardo of the Open Society Foundations, indicated that Lynch had privately assured Clinton campaign staffer Amanda Renteria that the FBI’s investigation wouldn’t “go too far.”
>Comey was reportedly concerned that the communication would raise doubts about the investigation’s independence and began discussing plans to announce the end of the Clinton email investigation rather than simply referring it to the Department for a prosecutorial decision. Comey’s extraordinary action to announce the end of the investigation was a break from Justice Department protocol, and was later cited as justification for his removal from the FBI.
Grassley seems pretty based, can you burgers confirm?
>Semi truck sales are out of control
you would be fucking shocked on how jews do their shit when undetected for a long time
anyways, try lurking moar and read the reqired documents on 8/pol/
I stoped being lazy. Here.
he's now become what he loved: dusty old bones
you don't have to organize a mob when you're enemies number in the hundreds
reverse course ASAP...We all watched you cave
One more piece of info that got drowned out today but was VERY IMPORTANT
Trey Gowdy revealed Samantha Powers testified that she didnt do all the unmaskings done in her name
So its either
A) shes lying
B) someone else in obamas team was unmasking people in her name
This is a pretty big break in the unmasking case - Powers name was used to request unmaskings almost once a day
Is she the fall girl or a liar Sup Forums?
I'm not a racist.
Does /ptg/ know the difference between Paleo-conservative and Neo-conservative?
what the fuck I hate science now
is it gay to suck off 9 dicks if you're thinking about donald trump while you do it?