Whites Are No Longer Allowed to Wear Jewelry
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JEWELRY LIVES MATTER! #yas #queen #resist #cultural #appropration #apologize
thas rasis mayne
Internet/computers/automobiles/indoor plumbing/sewers is my culture, not your trend.
> Speaking English is our culture, quit appropriating!
The bigger the hoops, the bigger the whore
Cultural appropriation. That shit makes my blood boil.
I liked blacks. Black music. Black booties. Black Twitter gifs. Black humor. Black hairstyles. Black presidents. Black friends. Fucking paint everything black.
Now I can't take anything from their culture. Just because my great grand parents pulled them from trees and enslaved them.
Then what is their culture good for? They get to have iPhones and weaves. They get to have internet and gangsta rap. They get to have proper english and ebonics. Why? As repayment for slavery?
If you want to act the slavery victim, I am going to treat you as one. Fuck your backwards culture! There I said it. Fuck you for claiming dreadlocks and hoop earrings and bone-shaped nose piercings. You can have them.
This is what pushed the far-right movement in the lime light. These whiny racist-calling bitches. They are what divides us, not Drumpf.
I am not ashamed of my culture anymore. My culture does not need your fucking hoop earrings and sista-oh-no-you-didnt.gif's.
You were my equal. You were part of my culture. You were my friend. You had no color. But you spit in my face. You question my motives. You look at me funny, because I wear dreads or baggy pants or hoop earrings, and you see my white skin, not a person. You are the fucking racist. You are appropriating the hatred and backwardness from the lowest of the whites.
Fuck you. And don't tell me I have always been racist, you were just the catalyst to honesty. Really, I did not even see "black culture", I saw culture, and wanted to partake.
The way you looked at my dreads and hoop earrings is the exact way I am going to look at a black man in a business suit. Happy now? Cunts.
Serious question, does anyone else find jewelry generally unattractive?
Basically ever girl ive dated didn't even have pierced ears, which is pretty rare but one of my things. Even my wife doesn't have them.
Wedding ring and watch are basically on exceptions.
i think most people generally find it off-putting. I mean shit just screams attention, don't it?
>indoor plumbing is a development popularized by western Europeans
>modern industrial specialization, including the concept of modern cities, is a development enabled exclusively by white men
>the English language is an evolution from Germanic (read: Aryan) speech
>Internet and computers are cultural signifiers for successful white men.
Niggers, spics, and Muslims should not be allowed to use these tools, as they are foundational white cultural developments, and as such their adoption by any non-white modern culture is cultural appropriation.
>Hoop earrings are my culture, not your tre-
How dare you speak to me in my people's native language.
it's just as Mean Girls foretold
Hoops were worn by pirates. Pirates were thieves.
Oh thank god, piercings are gross and a major turn off. Almost as bad as slutty tattoos.
>peanut butter
fuck I'm dying
Keep scrolling, nigga.
should put an elevator in the last panel
Yes because niggers invented hoops but not the wheel. Makes sense.
I thought it was common knowledge that coal burners wear hoop earings
His normal face gives me nightmares. This is just horrifying.
Honestly I've never seen a white girl wearing hoops
Coincidence? I think not.
I automatically ignored your entire post because I could immediately tell at a glance from the formatting and length that you're a redditor. Imagine being fresh off the r/The_Donald boat and wasting 15 minutes typing this fucking crybaby rant. What a fucking FAGGOT.
Wtf happened to VICE? In the beginning of millennium I read it at the shitter for shits and giggles.
"I took acid and went to a monster truck show" type of articles.
i wish niggers would stop bastardizing the white mans fashion. holy fuck i hate niggers. i'm relatively into conservative fashion and when i see quintessential white american trends get appropriated by undesirables to the point where they're wearing purple koolaid suits with big fuzzy hats it makes my blood boil. and stop appropriating hair parting by using a fucking electric razor. you black people are smelly and ruin my day every time i see you in public anywhere carrying your plastic bags of who knows what across 4 lanes of traffic
you should post the gif of the mob in africa pouring gasoline over a girl and lighting her on fire. That's what a police free world looks like.
It got a cool reputation so every talentless rich kid in nyc had daddy get them a job there
That is the dumbest, most pie in the sky thing I've ever seen.
hol up, so hoops really are a black thing? i thought "hold my hoops" was just a meme
Your brain operates at a snail's pace. This nauseatingly drawn out 15 minute thought process you've had should have came and went in an instant with the swiftness of a firecracker. You're patting yourself on the back in real time as you experience the most basic of revelations, wasting everyone's time in the process. You worthless fucking MORON. I'd love to peel your face off and shit in your eye sockets.
Ok I am sorry, I went a little too far. Everything can be understood if you just try hard. I think I understand people against cultural appropriation:
Whites do not, in general, identify as white. It is the norm almost everywhere in the Western world. Blacks can't identify as whites, so they identify as blacks. They strongly cling to any resemblance of community culture: Finally they have found something to enrich their past with. Enriching your past is very powerful, magically speaking. It is the reason why Freemasons trace their lineage back to the builders of pyramids. It is why Cleopatra and Egyptian kangz is so important for some black people. So you go study your culture, and basically you found out your race and culture lost. Blacks race and culture got fucking owned for centuries. Whites even bred black people to become strong workers on the land. Then you see your idols: Black sportsmen. In the back of your head you make the connection: Why is the coach white? Would this basketball player have been so good if his great grand parents weren't stolen from Africa and interbred to create this superhuman? Why is James Bond white? Why do they put token black people in medieval theme TV show? Why can't our culture be as good as the white culture?
All this must cause a giant inferiority complex. You dig back further into your people's past, but there is nothing. Whites just ruled and owned black and brown people. Egyptians are suddenly depicted as white people. No Ra UFO's. Instead you have gang violence, tacky make-up, giant hoop earrings, weaves and dreads and fake nails, black rappers singing about how they are nearly as rich as their white record label owners, ghettos, and big mamas wearing hoop earrings.
And then some ditzy white girl can't compete with your tits and butts at school, so she appropriates your hoop earrings and tryin' to act cool. The white girl is seen as daring, edge, and trendy, while you look like a same-old dangerous fat ass latina.
Long Island girls basically started the trend
>blah blah blah I'm from reddit
commit suicide immediately
Me thinks thou dot protest too much.
You also make me feel like an oldfag. Le reddit maymay is so new it is almost a stale meme.
I'm from FYAD. From Moot posting animu pics at 15. From Sup Forums being created and the jew and nigger hate being an in-joke, instead of something seriously felt.
I am a veteran of the Great Meme War.
And I demand you apologize for appropriating Sup Forums culture. Newb.
Oh look, another 'this is how much an oldfag i am' post.
God you beat me to it.
you had to google some of that shit and thats ok
Nigger my first computer was a vic 20 with a tape drive. Enough of the bullshit. You're not special. There's heaps of us old cunts still here. No one cares.
you spent 7 minutes on google and knowyourmeme looking for random shit to say to try to blend in. it didn't work.
Ok guys you got me.
So... anyone interested in performing illegal acts round these parts?
The fuck are you on?
niggers are no longer allowed to say hitler
Of course. I'm personally going to assassinate JFK. All I need is a time machine and a library pass.
i think this guy mixed crack in this weed.
Now it's no longer OK to go native?
I always wanted to fuck a big titted latina with hook earrings
it's chav culture 2bh black people just appropriated it
JEWelery is degenerate. They can keep it.
>Blacks no longer allowed to read
Reading is my culture, not your trend
White people don't wear jewelry because nigs nig
People literally guffaw at a white guy when he wears his "chains" shits cray-cray
>samefag bait
You really are a cockhead aren't you
No you for you
looks like she has clothes on in the last pic, might wanna fix that
Come on... Canadian? I know you had a low view of me, but, really now?
>Otis Reddingi invented Otis Elevators
>I'm from FYAD
That was an Aussie you dumb fuck.
Do you even look at post IDs or flags?
I do coke and weed but they don't make me retarded.
More like 'Jew-elry.'
Literally physically appropriated from Indian women who are so poverty stricken that they have to sell body parts to survive
I always love hearing about cultural appropriation from someone who is literally wearing parts of brown bodies on their head
>having a conversation with yourself and then screencapping it.
Is this the Sup Forums equivalent of ejaculating onto your own face and then posting the footage on xhamster?
Why does she only have a shirt on in the last panel?
Why don't SJWs ever mature past infancy?
>holistic conflict resolution addressing what led up to the crime
You are and insufferable faggot. Please commit some kind of suicide desu senpai.
(((jew)))elry is a scam
>liked blacks
Don't care about blacks.
>black music
You got me. Dupstep/brostep and dnb, but the majority of producers is white. These are not the only things I listen to.
>black twitter
Don't care and don't follow them.
>black humor
I prefer British, not some ooga booga.
>black hairstyles
Won't have that shit.
>black presidents
The sum of white presidents is better than Obongo.
>black friends
Don't see any and don't have any.
>paint everything black
Why do you change topic?
automobiles are my culture, not your conveyance
>wonder woman
>jew nose
No proper white woman wears hoop earrings anyway.
Example of White Cultural Appropriation of minorities culture circa 1650 BC.
we wuz RANGS n shiet
The only white women i see wear them are divorced boomer liberals
Black history month is full of learning
Hoop earrings have been Romany gypsy girls culture since ever.
The funny part is that not only Africans traditionally wear dreads and they didn't invent peanut butter either.
Perhaps we need a modern society was created by the white man, and unless you are white you may not participate due to cultural appropriation.
Or fuck off back to the jungles of africa for and go back to your original cultural home.
Ive had a nigger tell me that I was stealing their cultur for having a spetum piercing I was born and raised in a reserve. Niggers are 100% worse than any white man
is this a new pasta?
Holy fuck that's good. Exactly how I feel.
>it's an extreme left minority stupid opinion getting attention on this shithole episode again
You fucks choose to be offended by everything
This is stupid. Ancient Roman jewellry, ancient Viking jewellery, and other old European cultures all have hoop earrings. This is a traditional shape.
Hoop earrings are trashy anyway, so I'm fine with this.
whats with those septum rings
Sorry niggers, whites don’t give a fuck about what you think we “”should” do. Nobody gives a fuck about you at all... is there anything on this earth that has less value than a black life?
Fucking niggers. We invented this shit, they stole it and now they claim it. Don't fucking tell me not to say woke; we invented that world while you niggers were considered mere apes.
holistic means context oriented. so basically if a conflict/crime has happened the plan would be to examine the context i.e look for a motive look for evidence at the scene of the crime basically police/detective work.
Passive-aggressive samefag pls go
soon it will be illegal to be white
Hooped earrings so niggas have something to hold their legs up while getting banged
I wish niggers would just shut the fuck up and stop appropriating the concept of speaking the english language and wearing clothes and using computers or phones.
Like, hello all you BL*CK people out there, your people didnt make english, your people dont wear clothes, your people dont use technology. You're MISAPPROPRIATING our white heritage as your own and it is incredibly offensive. Go back to clicking and popping over throwing spears in the nude you goddamned animals.
Agreed. Anita Sarkeesian is a racist.