Other urls found in this thread:
Does the ride ever end?
I can't wait to take my life back
I want to hug Aizen sama.
Me tooo user ;_;
I bet Kubo is going to pull "LE EPIC KUBO TROLL XDD" shit so that his manga won't be completely forgotten in 2 years.
Like what?
Anime soon
What did he mean by this?
She rejected BazzB
Leaving who he ends up with a mystery
That's not a troll.
Best end.
need more bleach hentai doujins
Heart = Vagina
Remind me why Sup Forums haven't sung this yet.
Unfortunately 90% of Bleach doujins are gay
I almost want to commission some artist but I'm worried it'll be too expensive. Maybe we should do a fundraiser
Is there a problem officer?
Ichiruki clowns on suicide watch
Don't get me wrong I like some gay stuff from time to time I just would like some more straight doujins
>he's too immature to appreciate the beauty of both sex
IchiTatsu clowns on suicide watch
Ichihime clowns on suicide watch
Ichigrimm clowns on suicide watch
IchiIchi clowns on suicide watch
Is that a thing?
Tatsu = best girl
If she doesn't appear next chapter I'll drink bleach
As someone who's been on suicide watch before let me tell you that it's not fun, please don't joke about it.
Ichigo and Ichibei best pairing.
Waiting in anticipation
Someone post THAT image, quickly.
Nobody respond to the guy above me, just sandbag him please
>22 posts deleted
I waited for the manga to end so I could read it all at once and wondered how did we get so many threads when normally theres one per week, I guess now I know exactly how.Anyways does anyone think ywach defeat was bullshit? I mean all he did was slice him in half when that wasnt supposed to work.
>all these deleted posts
Based janny
Keep posting.
Thank you, mod-chan
Didn't Uryu's arrow completely block his abilities? I mean it's all bullshit at this point. Kubo had to end the manga in a couple chapters, and Yhwach was too powerful.
Mods confirmed for Ichihime
Nazi mods. Fuck off to leddit if you want to white Knight.
>devianart image
>spaniard shit
Delicious butthurt.
Yhwach's defeat was the epitime of bullshit.
Kubo had plenty of ways to resolve that fight with stuff that was already in the series, but he just couldn't help but use yet another asspull to finish it off.
Ishida's power was able to transfer effects he suffers onto other people and things, so all you had to do was hit him with 1 of the countless overpowered abilities and he could ship that right up Yhwach's asshole, but instead Kubo just ignored that despite setting it up like 2 chapters earlier, and shot an arrow at him that came from basically nowhere.
Complaining about the mods is rule breaking
two more days for what?
What will you guys be reading starting from next week?
Whatever replaces Bleach's spot in WSJ
You too go back to plebshit you fucking faggot wanting to feel safe by the mods.
Kill yourself
tg:re and taizai as usual.
90% of Bleach men are bishonen homo/asexual characters.
What did you expect from it?
Kill yourself.
Shouldn`t he have seen both zangetsu and that arrow coming either by future hax or simply sensing ishidas reiatsu and at least turning to him to tell him how much of a god he is?
Dungeon Meshi
One Piece
Prison School
Mob Psycho
ONE's One Punch Man
Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro to clear it off my backlog.
I dunno, what else is even worth following anymore
>Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro
Funny, I'm reading that right now.
Go back to tumblr please
You know that there was a page about how Uryu dropped his dream to became a doctor because his dad was building that arrow?
Ururu doesn't have any T in her name.
>One Piece
>Prison School
>Mob Psycho
>ONE's One Punch Man
Do you hate yourself or something?
Yeah, it doesn't make sense in context at all, unless you assume antithesis lets Ishida just completely negate Yhwach's powers, which also doesn't make sense since it didn't work on Hashbrowns and he almost died to him.
It's still stupid, and makes the other stuff totally pointless. 1 page also doesn't mean shit since Ishida went through a whole stupid fight to explain and show off the power that could supposedly beat Yhwach and then never uses it to beat Yhwach
Thinking too deep into it. Kubo had to kill Yhwach in two chapters, but made him too powerful to be killed.
The Yako abuse is a little much, but I forgot what a good artist Matsui Yuusei was after how not great Ass Class was.
I am on Sup Forums
Edgy shit but worse than your average shonen now
nice. We're all on Escanor hype train
Just have Rukia or someone show up to bankai Ishida and then dump it on Yhwach, I dunno.
It's Kubo's fault for not giving himself enough time to end it right.
>Edgy shit but worse than your average shonen now
Who decided that?
She would give great blowjobs
I dont think ywach would give ishida whos powers he couldnt steal and could betray him at any moment such a dangerous power, maybe this is just a ruseā¢ and ywach just wants to do what he said he`ll do when he stepped out of that portal and kill ichigo when he is the happiest altough i dont think the thirties are that happy of a period in ones life.
>every damn thread
It was bambie who was reeking of semen like the whore she is
Keep beeing delusional
I am more inclined to believe Nianzol would be better at it.
Well when Ishida got that power Yhwach didn't have Almighty to see that it would fuck him over, I think, I dunno who can even keep track of Bleach's bullshit when even Kubo won't.
Kekk. Tell em
Kubo literally confirmed that gigi is male
Who stole Kubo's ability to draw more than 6 faces?
Did he trade it to the devil for fame and fortune?
Nope, bambi appeared after the discussion. The wiki is retarded.
Someone here doesn't like the term suicide watch.
My point is that he sees and changes the future he didnt need the power right then.
That's correct
Or they got bored of the same boring shitposting
We don't even know when he even got axed other than the announcement. Up tot he final volume Kubo went with his usual pace, but you can see things getting really rushed in the final volume. It doesn't really fit Kubo's writing style. He probably wanted to drag for another 30 chapters but they didn't allow him.
Ok, let's push a new one then.
Ichiruki clowns bathing in paranoia
Only biologically.
Also remember that little subplot about Ishida becoming Yhabahaha's succesor.
Her bug like hair is so cute
fuck off tumblr
Ichiruki clowns gonna freak
Only way that counts.
What does this expression convey to you?