What will war look like in 60 years video related

What will war look like in 60 years video related.

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Once all the Jews are dead war will be a thing of the past.

Japan 1

ayy lmao


that was gay, dude.

sticks and stones


was that the entire fight?



> Metal Gear!!

don't give robot freaks too much money or they will kill themselves

you're a fucking idiot, why would people be inside the battle bots

dumbest shit i ever seen

competing strains of grey goo some eating us some eating the goo that eats stuff, it also swarms in the air like a fog that can break down materials and rebuild them. like it can take in flesh and rebuild it into monsters for example. different goos will have different levels of complexity and ability to build things, some goos very simple for example only capable of "digesting" a single molecule or selection of molecules and rebuilding simple items. some more complex or malicious. many corporations and organizations and even private entities releasing custom coded reprogrammable goos on to the world. many goos developed and programmed by ai's if singularity happens.

so like maybe there's a carbon eating grey goo that digests trees and vegetation and pops out carbon nanotube walls and structures build by little spider robots it makes. it could level a section of forest and turn it into an entire city in a couple months. a simple construction goo. and then someone makes a goo that reprograms carbon and rebuilds that into dildos and uses this to infect the city and dildos sprout from the walls and ejaculate more nanobots to convert more of the buildings into ejaculating dildos.

so then to fight that there is sent out a swarming goo that is designed only to take out hostile goos. and counter goos to fight those goos.

or maybe someone has a goo that turns any organic matter no matter how rotted or disgusting, even old logs and stuff, and it digests that and pops out edible and tasty pastries of nutrition that varies depending on the amount of materials the goo can digest.


"The wars of the future will not be fought on the battlefield or at sea. They will be fought in space, or possibly on top of a very tall mountain. In either case, most of the actual fighting will be done by small robots. And as you go forth today remember always your duty is clear: To build and maintain those robots."
Douglas MacArthur 1951


AI vs AI

>hype giant robot fight for years

I don't even know what I waw expecting

20 minutes in it gets pretty good though for a few minutes.
14-16 minutes as well

thats just the first of 3 battles i think china vs japan
then the winner of that battle, japan, fights an american robot for a couple fights
the rest of the vid can be skipped really, i've isolate 2 of the 3 battles there

>mfw that thing actually works and we have to pull it out of the rubble in some dystopian future like every anime ever

That's the whole point you cross-eyed emu fuck

my bad, the first robot battle was us vs japan and us robot lost. then a different us robot fought japan robot in other 2 fights.

but yeah, first us robot sucked


Well a new challenger appeared maybe it will be more interesting.


Japan won the first match. America won the second. Hopefully this will get some cool shit developed.

Pilebunkers when?

>produced by (((goldberg)))
>nip rekts two bug men
>nip rekt by two bug men
I don't even know what to say to this shit.

oh shit japans been building power suits for real oh fuck the future is here and japan will rule the world using powered exoskelatons like they always told us they would in their anime.


that was gay as fuck. only like 1 real event happened the entire 24 minutes, and it was just the first hit. everything else was a budget shakeycam transformers wannabe.

fuck japan china #1


I feel embarrased for even watching this.
It makes pro wrestling look real. Never watched something so fake and gay in my life.

Yep. 90% of it was one standing perfectly still as the other shot paintballs at it. Only one seems to move at a time.
this was faked beyond recognition.
This was all hype and zero delivery.

Meanwhile, in Korea...


Mechas and huge battle robots are just slower tanks with a retarded shape. And tanks (and in conscience; mechas) are next to useless in warfare waged between any countries capable to affording mecha, a 300.000 usd missile is able to destroy your 1.000.000-700.000 usd Mecha


why is the US one so shitty? i could've beat the nip 5000 in a fucking pinto and i'm borderline retarded

US one started more or less as a joke while the japanese one was intended as riot control

Good damn the hazel looks so fucking good. My favourite ms.


Robots won't be part of future wars that's for sure. A the minute an unmanned drone is something like 6 to 12 million dollars. Fuckers are expensive. Any sort of unmanned combat unit would be more expensive than just paying the wages of soldier. Unmanned vehicles may become more of a presence though as it's not really that expensive to do and ultimately there is no cheaper solution to vehicles and transport in the first place

I have a feeling that you'll be proven wrong the moment ai gets smart enough..

Smart or not its about cost man. You have an army, would you rather spend $10 million on a fucking robot dog, or spend the same amount of money on over 300 infantrymen?

Moore's law. It'll happen, maybe even in our lifetimes.

We already have completely autonomous weapons systems on the battlefield.

Are they pretending that this isn't staged?

>Build structurally unstable robot
>Oh no it fell
See how the red bot is built more like a centaur/quadruped? If it takes a hit from the front it has the heavy back to support it. Those flimsily ass legs on the green one are retarded.

1:55 >

>would be more expensive than just paying the wages of a soldier.

see it that way, calculate how much you pay your average grunt over ten years and how much one robot cost. If the robot cost less than that and is easy to maintain you certainly got a deal here. You don't have to pay the robot a retirement plan, health care, food or gear. Your robot won't has PDST, won't dissert and will certainly not leak your precious document on the net cuz he's an angsty faggot.

there is a lot of advantages to consider here.



Plus robots follow orders perfectly, no problems destroying anything required to.
If you have a nation of people who don't want to fight your war, you might need robats.

The US team better have Eagle Prime bellowing this shit thru a loudspeaker during the fight

>If you have a nation of people who don't want to fight your war
If your nation doesn't want to fight then isn't a nation anymore, or it isn't yours.

Why do neither of these "mecha" have legs? They just look like retarded tanks with a battering ram with those treads.

fucking retarded staged

make them remote controlled and actually duke it out next time


most likely not like this
think smaller
human sized robots will make up most of the fighting i believe
and soldiers won't really exist anymore

This is just retarded american robot wars.

i dont think giant robots will ever really be necessary or very practical

gay as shit

That looks fucking retarded.

That was hilarious to be honest

..i guess you guys are too young to remember..

Robot jox

These guys are admirable, but their robot still suffers from shuffle walking. They need a pendulum or ballasting system on the lower back to counteract the weight vector. The shape of the cockpit also hinders the potential motions of the arms.

Everyone is so close, but they make strange mistakes that prevent investors from becoming attracted and improving the technology.

You are my pet and pets belong in chains and bonds. I will do with you what I like. In time you will come to enjoy it.

Wrong. Taiwan #1.

In 60 years this will be viewed as primitively as we currently view biplanes and cavalry charges.

This is brilliant but why do the American designs have to be so gawdy?