He's such an ass lol
Why is that an offensive statement? It's objectively true.
As if we need another thread on this
You clearly don't understand what the U.S. Presidency is all about. It's about decency and empathy.
I don't even care at this point, military dies fighting farmers in the middle of nowhere yet somehow it's to protect our freedom. Makes no sense
Wut? Were these widow expecting these soldiers were just getting some pancake?
>You clearly don't understand what the U.S. Presidency is all about. It's about decency and empathy.
Nice viewpoint you have my friend. Now if only our country could get together and unite as one
It's an honor thing. I don't get the fuss.
He meant he knew what he was signing up for. He did so knowing that he would be risking his life for "freedom". He's speaking highly of the individual not mocking him. It's amazing how you guys can take anything out of context. It's very intellectually dishonest.
Maybe if most of your life was watching king nigger cry.
Why does Sup Forums defend nigger acts when it's done by white people.
It's quite disgusting tbqh, and proves the endless hypocrisy that happens on this board.
Fake news
Even CNN dropped the video after less than an hour
How is this bad? He's saying the guy wasn't blindsided and was prepared to die. It's different than being a fry cook and getting killed.
Nah CNN Is still running with it what are you talking about?
When you join the military, there's a risk of being KIA. We have a volunteer army.
That risk is what he literally signed up for.
Sup Forums is one of the worst cases of cognitive dissonance in history
I don’t give a shit. Until soldiers start fighting and dying on US soil to defend the American people from our true enemies, politicians, I’ll continue not giving a shit.
Since 9/11, I’ve lost so many constitutional protections I don’t see why I gotta kiss some soldiers ass for failing to live up to his oath. Trading your self respect for free college and a military discount at ihop then expect me to sit here being spied on by some dude in a uniform and think he’s defending my freedom.
>sign up for free housing, education, healthcare, duscounted groceries and gas and a condition is the state can order you to your death
I don't get it. Get a full time job. You wanted the gibs now it's time to earn all the welfare. Good job fighting for the zog.
she lost, deal with it
this The whole narrative of the story is fucked. Typical leftist journalism. They took one line from what he said and plastered it on a headline without context.
Marine here, he received the greatest honor. Dieing in battle is the best damn thing you will ever have the chance to get when you enlist. The first thing i remember.
Fuck you faggots.
Nice spelling there, jarhead. You'd think that you guys would at least learn that word.
I don't know if you'll believe me, but a soldier there told me the context is he and his family knew he wanted to serve the country, knew it was dangerous and know what he signed for but when it happens it hurts anyway (to everyone that cares about him)
This world is covered in filth. The time for decency is over.
I always wondered this too.
I've literally heard this nonsensical shit.
so tired of this shit. i seriously doubt he went up to this woman, looked her in the face and said "HE KNEW WHAT HE SIGNED UP FOR" and then walked off
more than likely he said something along the lines of "he knew when he signed up that he could lose his life and he went anyway, he was a courageous man who loved his country"
Which you are adding to. Don't act like you're analyzing and not the problem.
and yet you failed to be quotable
This guy was a tip of the spear warrior not some doofus REMF there for the GI Bill or job training. He's right.
anyone who takes offense at this is a moron mate, the article acts as if Trump was laughing and slapping his knee while saying this to a widow
>nigger killed in Niger
he is a marine you idiot
marines dont learn anything they just eat crayola crowns
Only the warriors who die in battle meet again in Valhalla.
you dont know what a nigger is, stop trying so hard to fit in reddit
We have absolutely 0 evidence that this line, taken in context is not decent and empathetic. Just more shit tier journalism from your garbage ass excuse for a fourth estate. Cherry pick sentence, provide absolutely no context and OUTRAGE.
Only 3 words that matter.
The madman...
>decency and empathy
>part of being top shit to the most powerful/destructive empire this world has ever seen
I don't think you understand how ridiculous that sounds.
HOLY SHIT. This isn't even from the mouth of the widow, its just more he said she said bullshit from the High School Democratic Party
>Be Nig American
>Go to your ancestral homeland
>Get shot
'i GUESS still hurts'
>crayola crowns
“he knew what he signed up for, but when it happens it hurts anyway,"
These fucking commas. I wonder what the whole quote was.
>present era
>paying attention to anything less than full and complete quotes
/leftypol/ was a mistake
Well he's right . So what .
No, no it's not.
It's about leading a country, not feeling sorry about everything.
You don't live life like that.
telling that to a grieving widow wasn't a acceptable context
that's not an inherently offensive thing to say. it could as well be saying that, knowing all the risks of enlisting, he chose to do so anyway, hence, he was a brave, valiant man. the quote is clearly be taken out of context.
>mainstream news outlet
>Trump quote, current year
>definitely not taken out of context or exaggerated/outright fabricated
Sage these shill threads you stupid faggots
>It's about decency and empathy.
you don't know of or care about the language that immediately preceded or followed that quote, fag
Come on, we all know that was Trump's tactless way of saying "Hey, it wasn't my fault". The man has no class.
This. He’s saying that in form of “he chose a dangerous mission and knew what he was getting into” it’s an effort to dedicate his bravery. Literally the most empathetic statement you can make at a soldiers funeral. I’ve heard it a few times watching a few of my friends get buried.
I understood that liberals have no souls, but pot calling the kettle black when it comes to lack of empathy.
>the president should be an effeminate pussy who cries on Ellen
O nooo a nigger is crying quick burn the constitution
>implying the fry cook isn't a former Navy SEAL with over 300 confirmed kills
>"Basically he said, 'Well, I guess he knew what he signed up for, but I guess it still hurt,' " Wilson said, adding that she listened to part of the call on speaker phone while in a vehicle with the family.
which means he didn't and those are some old black nigger's words
Being this dumb to not understand post you are replying to was satire.
You literally do not know the context. Nor the person. For some people empty platitudes are not comforting, some people like to be reminded of the facts. Not everyones a faggot like you
And on top of that, at least he actually gave a shit to personally call the widow.
Not even supported this fucker in the primary. Still a Rand Paul fag.
I'm amazed at the fact that you can get free shit as us soldier, like free university and other free shit
Here you get a kick in the ass and even that isn't free lmao
And them you Americans yell me we are socialist
Leftypol keeps tryin'
It's about leadership you weak-kneed faggot.
Every time Trump says or does anything stupid the amount of butt hurt faggots that come out of the woodwork to defend his dumbass is unbelievable. Get fucked losers.
>Join an all volunteer army, knowing that the major risk will be dying
>His commander in chief tells his widow that while he knew the risk of signing up and that there's a chance he won't come back, he still went, and the worst happened, and it hurts anyway
Here's your (You), go get that semen out of your ass there user
You see their army actually has a presence world wide so it makes sense to compensate the individuals.
Are you black?
Willing to bet this is taken and cherry picked so far out of context.....
But it won't matter to some libtard. They have already been told what to think.
i think that kind of statement also relieves a burden of mourning on the family. it's easier to deal with the death knowing that they chose that life with all the risk, rather than thinking of it as some kind of freak accident no one could have predicted.
So does our army
Well he did. Used to be that you went into the military with an expectation of death or glory (or glory by death).
being a tactless fuckhole to someone who lost a loved one is not leadership
Also not one person, shill.
>single sentence
>no context
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
Says the coward draft dodger who took FOUR deferments to avoid carrying a gun for America.
Fuck you, Trump you fucking chickenshit cunt. I'd love to beat your fucking face in, asshole traitor.
Hoe shot is your skin faggot? Dirt or mud brown?
He's such an ass lol is the best you can come up with? At this rate he'll be proclaiming himself as god at the third temple in no time and you'll make a thread and it'll say "he's such an ass lol" and then the rest of the Bible happens
>Valhalla is just full of nigger gang bangers
Ugh no thanks. Norse pagans conformed BLACKED
lel sure it does. sure it does chap
Wrong. Freak accidents you can just accept as unavoidable. With this, there will be guilt and blame over his chosen occupation.
lol, thats all i have to say, lol.
Second time he's mocked a Gold Star family. Why aren't we killing him again? Is there some law?
Russia, you faggot
We beat you in Syria
Can I get a transcript of what he said
This smells awfully like that "trump thinks vets can't handle PTSD" crap CNN pulled
Sounds plausibly true. Oh well
This is the source of that quote: Democratic Congresswoman Frederica Wilson. Lol, the absolute state of the Democratic Party.
Are we supposed to actually believe what niggers say? If I am not mistaken, they are barred from giving sworn testimony in courts of law.
Oh no Trump didnt participate in the war that literally every veteran agreed was a dumb fucking war, what a terrible guy.
Trump was in Miami today?
Is that the sound you make after Trudeau fucks you in your boy puss? Does Canada even have an army?
Trump is trying to make the biggest Philosopher's stone he can manage. It is going to take the lives of many more.
Dont think you ever saw me sticking up for Canada did you? Thats the best you got? not even the right topic
Journalists being journalists, not asking for follow ups or anything. They hear a few words that can be easily be interpreted harshly and roll with it without context or verification.
They make it appear like he called them, said, "Im sorry, but he signed up for it," and hung up.
If the McCains are a gold star family then my ass deserves a purple heart from the sideways shit I had to push out this morning.
OK, he was a mindless drone without an iota of self-determination. Such a blithering idiot he couldn't possibly have understood where he was or what in the hell was going on when he signed up.
Is that better?
Heel spurs are an old person's disease he "had" them in his 20s or whatever. When a story came out about a guy who said a dead guy said trump was a garbage idiot student, we all ignored that. 30% approval. Big island water. Paper towels. Refers to self in third person
Gas up the helicopter boys, Shariablue is here.