Just curious, what is the default white liberal way to explain away your massive homeless population and go on to support sanctuary cities and shit?
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There isn't one
There are people sleeping on the sidewalk outside my front door and people don't say shit
self righteous cunts would rather talk about beaners all fucking day
so it's cognitive dissonance and they ignore it ? do they ridicule people who bring it up or just laugh it off and change the subject ? i'm genuinely interested
>car is driving on the left side of the road
The benevolent attitude is all a farce. It's not real, at all
The only reason Californians can justifiably consider themselves progressive is because the government here enacts social engineering and abisive policy's regardless of whether we want t or not, but when it comes to being involved in ANYTHING it's absolutely nothing
Maybe Berkeley is he only outlier cause I live in the LA area and most people have no idea what antifa is. They only know it's fashionable to get Donald trump
Honestly sometimes it's like walking around through a burning apartment complex and people are just watching tv and reading the paper
They just ignore for the most part
I want to get out this place or at least make Jefferson
Really the coastal areas are their own crazy people
Um, mild weather? Florida and Las Vegas are just as thick with the homeless
I guess you could call it cognitive dissonance. My biggest issue is that cities like sacramento won't do anything about removing homeless but at the same time won't provide them with any help or opportunities. So they just stay where they at on the streets and no one does a thing.
There are actual homeless, wheelchair bound, transsexuals living in my neighborhood and the liberal answer to this is to major in Social Justice and PolSci and become a "homelessness activist" (these actually exist and prevent the police from removing encampments filled with criminals and the insane.) Life is a lie on the west coast and the state governments all work against us.
I've heard actual cali communists talk and one of them said, "I don't give a fuck about affordable housing! Let them be homeless!" after declaring loudly he was a communist.
They don't care. If you're not an engineer, you're not a worthy human being to them.
Where the fuck do you live? I get called in to kick them out.
come on down to phoenix
AC negates the heat, but kills off the homeless
It's a republic only when they want it to be, as the routinely change the requirements for petition counting, most recently for the Gavin Newsom recall effort.
We step over them on our way into starbucks. We don't think about them at all. Theyre just part of the scenery like seagulls or crows.
There was a guy in San Diego lighting homeless people on fire.
Can confirm, the homeless are all over South Florida
they decriminalize people who knowing infect others with HIV and jail medical professionals who miss gender trannies
yeah i dont get it either, but it's easier to virtue signal then it is to solve real problems
The California government is a fucking horror show
It's a beauty pageant for hack liberal politicians
They're prepping newsom, hell run for president in 2024 if not 2020
I fucking loved watching that one smarmy cunt get his ass kicked in that local race in some southern state, NY and CA really are trying to destroy the rest of this country. It's a shame, I really do like this state otherwise
I live in North Hollywood and I've only seen the same 3 transients near the freeway on Sunland when I'm on my way to work. I guess there's more nearby but the new Starbucks kicked them all out too.
cali is so cucked lol
no one actually gives a shit. the government throws millions of dollars at this problem every year and the homeless are only increasing
it's infuriating.
>be me
>live in faggyfornia
>throw trash in dumpster
>15 mins later see 3 men digging through trash
>trash all around the ground
>area looks like shit due to bums
drove through San Bernardino the other Homeless all over...every fucking corner.
Don't fall for it! Never go to Phoenix! Ever! I spent a year there one weekend on business.
There are seemingly hundreds of parks near where I live (sorry, not completely Doxxing myself) and every bum on the surface of the earth lives within a ten mile radius of my house. I keep telling myself I'm going to start taking photos of the Condominiums they have made out of cardboard and pallets, curbside of actual apartments.
>I spent a year there one weekend
must have been a long weekend
Who /johnandken/ here?
They ranted about bums shitting in the streets in OC for weeks. Idk if the cops ever shoo'd them away.
No joke, if I were homeless, I'd do everything I could to get to San Diego. Coziest homeless existence possible.
I can't speak for you americunts but down here cunts basically just blame the government for everything and expect them to magically fix the problem.
If there is still homelessness in Australia despite generous welfare payments and "free" healthcare, I'd say you cunts are fucked.
White liberals would say that their homeless programs were great so all the other states started busing their homeless to cali. Oddly enough this is actually true, but the homeless stick around because they don't freeze to death. They need to let Hep A take its course.
I live in the East Bay. We have different types of bums here. Like redneck bums who live in camps out in the grass near the freeways or bike trails. Some of them have meth addictions. However, they're a bit more sane than ones in San Francisco. Once you get to SF, it's straight-up heroin junkies sleeping in their own piss.
The reason why liberals don't help them is because they're afraid of getting attacked. They'd rather have someone else take care of the problem.
Not enough programs.
Gib taxes plox.
>Picture of a bum in bongland
also - who the fuck wouldn't want to be homeless there? the weather is great 24/7/365 - literally the best place to be homeless
KFI AM 6.40
I listen to them every once in while, and boy do they hate the everliving shit out of "homeless advocates" and bullet trains
We're the richest state in the country. Cuckservatives are jealous of the fact that our GDP dwarfs their opiate riddled shithole.
> Wahh wahh CA is so cucked.
Then why does everyone in the world want to move here?
> massive homeless population
Oh, fashy neckbeards care about homeless people now? Since when the fuck did that happen?
fash neckbeard BTFO
>the weather is great 24/7/365
Yep, that's how it is here.
psychiatric hospitals cost money and aren't government founded. crack epidemic in the 80s made a lot of schizos. They have homeless non profits in skidrow, but its hard to maintain them all. they usually lock up skidrow at night so they don't all invade the arts district. homeless are everywhere in Los Angeles. My commute to college involves stopping at compton station. I see crazy shit everyday!
"they are people too" to any non-white/degenerate also ignoring the problem, and acting like there isnt one when its brought up...its all the same argument for anything stupid - BUT MUH FEELS
Big fan of theirs,
John "deport everyone named Juan" Kobylt and
Kent "Homeless get bent" Chiampou are the only thing on either band of public radio worth listening to.
If you live near the court I get it. I've had to go there a couple of times to hand shit in and I've seen the area around it.
Evil communism, and more browns will vote it away.
same, there have been more of them in the tri-valley area recently and its getting out of hand. there were THREE on the same street a while back when walking to the bank.
> near the court
909 subhuman kys
I'm a fashy neckbeard and I have always been empathetic towards the homeless even though most of them have caused their own problems... I have been charitable my entire life. A true national socialist cares about the world around him.
Here is an article of downtown trying to get rid of the problem, but the gentrified hipsters wont allow it.
> boasts about being richest state in the country
>wealth is concentrated at top %20 of the population
>has the highest level of poverty in the nation
>sets aside no money for infrastructure
>enacts wildlife protection policies that cause terrible wildfires, most recently killing 10 or so
>Taxes the middle class as much as a Fortune 500 company
>releases thousands of ex cons and actually wonders why crime is increasing 7 percent every year
Wake up bud.
I'm also in east bay, and I agree, the homeless people here seem more put together somehow. They have carts, and clothing, and their wits.
In SF though, they tend to just seem like they are on the verge of death, thin clothes, smaller, and with obvious health issues (sores, missing teeth)
Lel not even close faggot.
*Evil capitalism
Yeah I love them. Same with Tim Conway Jr. Too bad the rest of KFI is garbage
Leftist bullshit doesn't fucking work. That's the problem.
> aus flag
We're talking about CA, please kindly fuck off to another thread.
> charitable my entire life
Donating to NAMBLA and Log Cabin Republicans doesn't count
They complain about rent, complain about homeless, yet want more illegals and other immigrants and turn a blind eye to foreigner property investors. It doesn't make any sense.
East bay too, where's the meth heads? I just see young transients and established beggars (beg at the same place for years)
there's 60K homeless in LA County alone
It's actually been increased to around 40 killed.
Fucking 40.
>turn a blind eye to foreigner property investors
The bamboo jew pretty much owns all of SoCal
Anything, even NPR, beats what's on LA's FM stations, almost all of which is Spanish broadcasts and whatever gangster rap has charted in the last year.
I'm always surprised at the lack of empathy you guys have for the really poor and homeless.
Haven't rent rates been skyrocketing in Canada to the point that it's impossible to get affordable housing?
Also you had a couple of hurricanes and the fires in CA, roughly 100k homeless alone from that.
Surely they can't all be bums.
Just think of how many race species will be saved around the globe now that our blood ritual is complete.
What about 95.5 KLOS?
CA is a paradise if you have a household income >250k, end of story. Nobody cares about the living conditions of those who mow my lawn.
I thought we were talking about fashy neckbeards.
Btw, I am directly involved in charity and help homeless people personally with my own initiative. Nice straw man though.
Between the ten minutes of ads and ten minutes of the DJ talking, you don't get to hear much of the same classic rock you have heard for 40 years.
California not Canada stupid autocorrect
>Oh, fashy neckbeards care about homeless people now? Since when the fuck did that happen?
When they culturally appropriated the "homeless look" of course. Naturally in the next few years they'll claim in was "their look" and try and take credit just like the faggot in the grunge days. Both hopeless, both pathetic.
t. 80s kid
This is actually the correct answer. San Francisco literally spends over 250 million on homeless services every year. That's more the the GDP of most countries, and it goes toward less than 10k people
The truth is almost every fucking star who see virtue signaling on TV are anti-union, anti-worker, most don't give a shit about worker rights and they'll do everything in their power to screw over their employees if makes them another dollar.
Good on you m8. I agree with the lefties in this state, that it was a huge mistake of Reagan to de-fund asylums in CA. Our total lack of mental institutions is a part of the problem here and they need to come back.
Most of us ironic fascists are clean shaven and have jobs btw. Ever hear of a "skinhead"?
> irrelevant greentext that doesn't address anything I said
So CA doesn't have one of the best economies in the entire country?
> Wake up bud.
Learn to form a coherent argument, bud.
John and Ken are great, so is Tim Conway Jr., the rest of the station can suck it
Those beaners actively suck up tons of tax resources by being here that many of the homeless and effected cities could use, you fucktard crybaby. And if they live outside your "doorstep", you probably are a fucking beaner. So shut the fuck up - you have NO say in the matter.
Shut up faggot, you're part of the problem.
This stinks of corruption. Certainly some fat cat is profiting off of this?
Conway jr is good
There are an abundance of homeless shelters in SF for example, but they have rules like no drugs so they go empty except during bad weather. There is plenty of empathy going around from ignorant bleeding heart liberals but they're the problem. They hand out $20 bills thinking it'll get their life back on track, but it's just going to drugs.
There are a handful which I feel sorry about and occasionally talk to.
Yea no, I actually live in coastal California and it's pretty great. It never gets below freezing, period
Homeless don't do gardening or clean toilets
Yes, the closure of mental health institutions is a significant catalyst down here as well. Most homeless people I have interacted with have suffered from some form of mental illness - much of it goes untreated.
>you’re better than them because you have paperwork and they don’t
Liberals are cancer, I live in CA and if my life goes to shit (ie my entire family dies in an accident or something) I’m taking liberals out with me.
You can’t reason or debate with these far left pieces of shit, and they effectively control the politics of the entire state. I hate it here so fucking much
It's pronounced "San BeanerNegro", friend. And don't pretend you don't live nearby. ;)
Cure it with fire
Live in the suburbs in Central Florida. Bums hang out in the woods and by has stations all the time
> caring about homeless
> wanting to fund mental institutions
Man, we've got some bleeding heart alt-righters in here. If you put a Star of David in your doorway on Nov. 5th I'll make sure Antifa spares you.
It's a shame, we suffer from this in Canada as well. We shut down all of our mental health facilities and push the poor bastards into the streets, meanwhile we beg for unqualified brown people from overseas. We don't take care of our own like we should, we look for a pat on the back from the international community, only exasperated by trudeau
It's the entire countries homeless population they migrage here and never leave. We also get every looser fly over state min wager thinking they will get rich off our $10 per hour min wage.
909 anons please kys, literally the worst part of the state
SoCal reporting
Leftists here just ignore anything that goes against goodthink.
Considering white male homeless is double plus ungood so they just don't have a position on it
do it, and post them online
maybe people will finally do something about it
never said I didnt, pal
If you're a skinhead you a lame faggot - you're not working class, being a drive-thru worker doesn't count either, faggot. Clean cut should include your overweight fat asses. A real skin takes care of themselves and wouldn't waste time on a lame ass board like this, dumb fuck.
LARPing faggot ass.
Not to the insane degree of South Florida. We've got some hanging around Brevard, but they're mostly local heroin addicts. The ones in SoFlo come from out of state.
>People don't even know how high our gax prices are unless they just drove through another state.
East bay represent
Skinheads are gay lol become a based centrist you gay ass bitch
let me guess, user is faggot from LA
One of them tried to mug me and my friend in front of the bank once, right on an intersection on 436. After working at a gas station for a year I lost all empathy for the homeless
How does this address none of what you said?
This state is fucking poor, you're poor(and getting poorer), get over yourself, your political biases and look around for once.
California's middle class is effectively gone, what little remains is taxed as much as Tesla (13 percent, that is if Tesla ever turns a profit).