Implying you wouldn't bang this

>implying you wouldn't bang this

Kon is small stuffed lion. I have no reason to want the sex with that.

Last guy who did that did it only maybe once and then left for 13(?) years.

still the least sexy character in the series

I'm a Bleachfag, is that true?

Yeah. Sorry.

She's losing to a brown tubby

I'd bang her right out of her shit series.

I thought Naruto ended?

I mean in attractiveness

Well, I don't know how pleasant the acoustics of that barrel would be but I'm willing to give it a shot.

But she is part of the reason why the series was bad.

Sakura has the same shit on her forehead as Tsunade. Its safe to asume that she will use the same justu that makes her look younger. So she can look 20 even when she is 50. Sasuke is one lucky motherfucker adn he is wasting it.


Ino ponytail best girl

>not wanting to fuck the King of New York

Sasuke is hot as fuck though?? She's the lucky one

Yeah but Sakura doesn't have the same assets as Tsunade. She doesn't have the winning personality or the winning pair. She's just a five head with a bad attitude.


To be fair, I'd bang any girl that Murata draws.


fuck off narutards

you first

you're thinking of kony

Sadly, Boruto is a thing

Eh, maybe MILF Sakura as drawn by Kishimoto

Boruto ain't Kishi so I don't give a shit really

I'd rather bang Yako

Milf/THE LAST Sakura>=PTS Sakura>>>>>>Shit>>>>>>>Shippuden Sakura

She has a nice ass, give me some of that ass.

No one's implying that. 99% of the people here would bang anything with a fucking pulse that's at least somewhat feminine.
Even the people who hate her would still stick their dick inside her.

Dr. Snakes is a closet fag, user.
Pink Shit almost certainly spermjacked him, then he ran off to sulk for another decade.

Are you talking about fuck Kon? please no

>sakurafags have to post pics of her drawn by someone else than her creator because they know she looks like a dog in canon

Pump and dump.
Just like Sasuke did.

Sakura is said to be a superhuman beauty.

Guess what's out

I don't think there is an anime girl i don't want to bang.

I'd bang young Sakura.
But fuck after-timeskip Sakura and fuck milf Sakura.
Her only saving grace was gicing us delicious salad

I would definitely fuck all these children.

Let's be honest OP, we would bang anything to suffice our virgin dicks.


her nipple?

Sahara Wataru is the only good naruto doujin artist

This is fact

Only girl I found hot.
She die?

Sasuke and Sakura are both canon the hottest male and female. They get hit on constantly wherever they go and Sakura was said to have surpassed Tsunade and Tsunade was already established as the most beautiful woman in the world in part one.

that is a pretty nice barrel

Milf Sakura is best

>Sahara Wataru is garbage

Fixed that for you

nah, Karin is best.

hey! what me, a stuffed bear, and a barrel do behind closed doors is our own business!!!

Why are manga artists such Street Fighter fags?

Nope, she is still seen as Mizukage in the Last.

Pick one

>Why are manga artists such Street Fighter fags?
I don't understand

I don't know user.

Why didn't sasuke bang her? Is he gay?

honestly I'm not following.

He did though. They just didn't say it.

>She die?
Worse, she ends up forever alone.

He is asexual and only willing to spread his ass for Naruto.

Sakura's greatest features are her hips. legs and ass yet nobody ever focuses on them not even the doujins. They just slap cowtits on her can call it a day.

But she never had a ship if I remember correctly

>most of her powers is wasted on naruto and sai
sakura does a better job hurting comrades than enemies.

Probably because she's the town bicycle and likely has aids. Everyone and their dog has taken a bite out of Karin.

>no ass
>no tits
>hair looks like she got into a fight with the scissors
>looks like a male rapist half the time

Yea, Sasuke understandably wasn't putting his dick anywhere near that.


>literally best girl
>best ass
>ruined by pink shit's cringy catchphrase.
i swear if she doesn't grow out of that

when is Bort supposed to start anyways?

next year if we're lucky


Mei was definitely into /ss/. Makes no sense she didn't end up with shark boy or anyone at all.

Hopefully never

>Implying certain implications that i would bang this


This is my shit
Im strangly addicted to these doujins

They're named Sakura (one on the left) and karin (on the right) user

I'd fuck just about any woman Murata drew.

Sadly, it was a disappointing doujin. Both, Hinata and Sakura were borderline vanilla garbage. Such a fucking shame, I waited a whole year for more incest/ntr/qualityahegao and got FUCKING VANILLA SEX.

I'll cry myself to sleep.

What changed? He's had her be nothing but a brainless slut for years, it's practically his calling card.

Okay? Are you somehow assuming someone stole those names from Street Fighter? You know how many animes use those names?

Which makes me think. Usually anyone named Karin in a anime is best girl. Weird coincidence.

The drawing was simpler, it was just... one scene of fucking, nothing less or more. No brainless slut doing humiliating stuff (that I love) just... fucking in the middle of a boring Friday.

More than anything what bugs me is that it looks cheap. He can do a lot better than this. It was generic at best. It literally looks like he did it just for people to know that he is still alive. There is no inspiration on both doujins.

If you don't trust me, go ahead, they are on sadpanda already.

That's a real bummer, he's always been one of my favorites for degrading stuff.

Yeah I know man, tekken is a lot better.

Sasuke is the best character of all time in nardo

No ino is

I'd believe Sasuke is attractive, in a way that attracts both males and females. Never found Sakura attractive at all. Literally every other girl is drawn more attractive than her.

Sasuke doesn't seem to have a sex drive at all.

To be honest I'd still believe that Sarada is a tube baby with the DNA of Karin and Sasuke, and Sakura is one of those crazy infertile ladies who kidnap others babies and pretend they are their own.

>What is Tenten.

But she is not even best female character although she did save alot people when controlling obito

Ino was beautiful and had the best body of all the female characters. Shame she was neglected by Kishi.

Tbh it is mostly the anime that drew sakura wrong. In the manga she had bigger boobs and more of a hourglass body type especially when she lost her body armor with kaguya.

I swear sakura as adult by kishi destroys hinata Ino etc easily.

I think what makes sakura good looking is shoulder length hair instead of short.
Tenten in the last was pretty sexy imo

>I think what makes sakura good looking is shoulder length hair instead of short.

She was at her best with her Itachi ponytail

Personally that wasn't my favorite sakura hairstyle maybe because of the few panels but she looked like tsunade way too much. Someone could have shown it to me before it came out (look it is tsunade without big boobs)

But everyone got their preferences. It does look cute

It's illegal in my country user. You can't pork tard girls.


This guy is honestly boring as shit
His early Sakura doujins were good but then they got really repetitive

He should change it up a bit and make a Sakura/Boruto ss doujin...maybe it'd be good

I know that feel
Long hair Sakura was pretty hot

She could be cute with short hair too

didn't mean to spoiler

>Shippuden Sakura

She was hot when she was a generic bratty slut
When she got the "haircut development" she became boring

It scratches a certain itch.