The USA Liberty Act must be stopped.
Please tell everyone you know to make a stand against this bill. It will allow police to raid peoples homes without any warrant.
The USA Liberty Act must be stopped.
Please tell everyone you know to make a stand against this bill. It will allow police to raid peoples homes without any warrant.
fuck off shill its 4 d chess
i just read it, it doesnt relate to that. it deals with people outside the us.
your not reading it carefully enough. it says that if people are in "danger" they can raid anything they want without any warrant.
Too bad Ron Paul isnt still in Congress to fight against it for us.
Excellent picture. Trump fags will not defend this
It sickens me that they defend this
We are about to start more wars for Israel next year just wait and see
>It will allow police to raid peoples homes without any warrant.
>not having your doorways mined
Plebeians I swear...
Drump has been cucked
Anytime a law with a positive name come to pass it almost always a bad thing, keep us posted. I bet my left nut that this law has nothing to do with liberty.
If you make all your fingers touch like that. It calms you down. Try it, make it a habit. It really calms you down.
They wont be voting till next year we still have some time
Isn't not having this a good thing?
>damaging your property
>not owning your entire street and putting tripwire there instead
Better version here:
>"Patriot" act
>"Liberty" act
They sure do love mocking the Goyim.
He's an antichrist if not THE antichrist. Any second now, rocketman is probably going to tweek
>switch tactics because the goyim wake up
>SATAN, RAPE, MUTILATE Acts etc. pass with no public knowlege
>during a terror attack police can kick in the doors and search all nearby residences.
sucks, but seems fair.
Only White and Blue lives matter
Trump does alot of masonic handsigns. Very likely a mason considering hes from Jewyork and to get ahead in Jewyork you need to bend to the Jewish will.
Can somebody please cite relevant quotes I have the attention span of a fucking fly
Kushner seems like more of a anti-Christ type. Owns that 666 building in Jewyork for one
Fuck the lying cuck Donald Trump. Literally got elected for 2 main campaign promises, locking up Hillary Clinton and building the wall.
Those things seem to have gone entirely down the drain. He admitted he was dropping his threat to investigate Hillary first thing after he got elected before he even took oath!
Blessed trips speak truth.
Why shift onto "jew"y Kushner? Gornald is atop the "jew"y pyramid and gave his daughter to him. Jewnald is above any symbolism about the 666ness of Jewred Jewner. Jewmpf has an apollo painting on his ceiling and his own 666ness
The Free Eagle Defense of Liberty and Children Marshall Law Act
You mean Martial Law
But it's got liberty right there in the name.