Well whites boys, the day you've always feared has finally come. We have risen to dominate you in every way. Your colleges and businesses can't discriminate anymore, so we're quickly becoming the most educated and prosperous people in the world. Your women are free too choose what they've always lusted for but couldn't have, black men. I laugh when I walk past one of you pale chubby pinky dicks and watch your submissive body language as you cower in the presence of a real man. I fuck a different white girl every weekend when I go out, and you probably havn't gotten laid in your life. We have risen. And you are powerless to hold us down any longer.
Well whites boys, the day you've always feared has finally come. We have risen to dominate you in every way...
wrong we black are fucking up our own race.
>colleges and businesses can't discriminate anymore
uh they do discriminate in favor of you by a government order, otherwise your dumbasses wouldn't be there
Does the powerful need to tell the weak he is strong?
Nobody believes you nigger. just stop
OP is this the third post you made in the last 10 mins, stop it no one cares about this shit. you should be embarrassed of yourself and your kind. If all you do is copy pasta the same shit over and over, no one is going to listen to you. You're like the boy that cried wolf except your not a boy and you are a faggot. The only thing you have relation to the story is, no one will listen to you and everyone is calling you a faggot than needs to hand like the nigger you are.
Slide thread please sage
I lol'd
nigger literally looks like picture related
Enjoy your ban, faggot.
Good, you negros make whites powerless then the chinese master race can enslave the world without remorse
Even if we disappeared tomorrow you would still be competing with jews and asians and that's not a fight you're gonna win. You'll be fighting with the mexicans for scraps.
>Sage and report
Sage and report
>Sage and report
Sage and report
>Sage and report
Sage and report
>Sage and report
Sage and report
>Sage and report
Sage and report
>shows a man who destroyed his life, lost all his money, and underperformed in the NFL
TO played for the eagles and bills he's a retard yet has made more money than it takes to feed 100,000 chinese children
Sage in all fields. Ya'll motherfuckers postin in a larp tread
key word WUz.. or is it WUZ NUTS?
Hi cuckendorf
Pol's content is 90% bait thread like this one
Everyone knows this guy is trolling right?
>More money than it takes to feed 100,000 chink kids
So about $20 of rice?
Is that Idris Elb? He would make a great James Bond