And his family got BTFO by Trump.
Holy shit, I love our president.
And his family got BTFO by Trump.
Holy shit, I love our president.
Why the racism?
KYS leaf
Are there Nigerian millitants in Niger?
>La David
>The David
no these were nigger militants
the niger niggers were reneged due to niggardly behavior
They are militant niggers, yes.
Being in an SF unit doesn't make you SF. My condolences go to his family, and I hope he found peace, but a POG doesnt deserve to wear that title.
Over and over again. Until the stars burn out.
Nigger killed in Niger by Nigerians.
made me think
lol niggeria
Servicefag here. You dont have the right to call black servicemen niggers you basement dwelling pussy.
>special forces
That dude's a support fag, not "special forces".
kill yourself nigger enabler
there not serving me in any ways..
I don't understand what's disrespectful about telling the truth
sericemen? Is this the proper term for the "bull" so to speak?
>tfw mother cannot into romance languages
Blacks in the mil are not from the ghetto 99% of the time. Ghetto blacks couldnt get in. I have exp with the ghetto.
am I racist?
For real, show some respect. It is Sgt. Nigger.
Well you are an idiot then
army cav scout veteran. ill call him a nigger and give permission to everyone here to call him a nigger.
ghettoniggers are pushed in the military by their gangs to get expereince.
WTF kind of sheboon abomination id that on the left? That thing can't be real
>praising your president for creating more social strife and instability
Are Americans just bat shit retarded? I've never met a group of ""people"" more dumb.
So instant focus shift away from muslims onto drumpf out of context?
looking at that "womans" face it woudnt surprise me if he jumped in front of the bullets.
It may sound cold but it's true. Every soldier knows they could die. Plenty of white soldiers get shot in the back in sandnigger territory
>Are Americans just bat shit retarded?
Yes, that is pretty clear by now
Your country is afraid of knives.
Op is probably salty he failed military entrance on mental grounds, fallen hero didnt.
>take what trump says out of context
>write article about it
Nothing new to see here shills.
>...I'll hit him, and it wont be pretty...
>breaking news
>Trump threatens to hit brain cancer patients over the radio!
I hope the PTSD kicks in and your murder your mother.
It's not really offensive. It's a volunteer military.
Everyone who signed up watched Black Hawk Down and alive during the second Iraq War and Afghanistan.
You know hajis can bomb you, Africans go all Black Hawk Down on you.
Well you have to graduate HS first & most niggers are felons by 16
Sonic Totem, do we have the right to call him a nigger?
You're fucking stupid.
He said when it happens it still hurts. If Obama said it they would be praising him for telling it like it is but still recognizing the pain loss brings.
Fuck you jew
Seems to me some black people just cant win. Even when dying serving in the military they just get called nigger etc. explain yourselves Sup Forums
this is an AF pog, and has never done a single fucking thing but run his mouth from his AF dorm. Also, your daily reminder that Air Force "intelligence" units and contractors have been, and are continually being used to shill for democrats -- pro-globalist and anti-nationalist propaganda. Eglin AFB is directly responsible for a large majority of the shilling, trolling, propaganda and interference posted on places like Sup Forums and reddit.
Air Force fags are cocksucking traitors, simpering little cucks and queers, all of them. There is only a sliver of the AF population that are not losers.
>pregnant widow
Can Jews call them honorary negroids?, remember the 300 expulsions and the 6 millions before speaking your mind.
>pregnant widow
He dodge at least one bullet, just look at that thing in OPs pic
They're paraphrasing Trump and going off the word of the widow to claim what he said. It seems like bullshit and out of context regardless.
>"He knew what he signed up for -- but it hurts when it happens anyway."
Unlike some cocksuckers in this thread, I was in the Army and two years in Iraq. With the two battalions and several companies I served under there were nearly two dozen killed, some I knew personally. Let me tell you, this is the general sentiment of any real soldiers and their families -- that they knew what they signed up for, but it hurts regardless.
I'm fucking sick of the media, they are seriously overdue for a mass casualty event. Every single time they run their cocksucking mouths they are spreading civil unrest - they need to be killed, yesterday. Motherfuckers.
Go be a crybaby faggot somewhere else. I said the same shit when my step brother got blown up in trashcanistan to his father. I was also thankful that his bomb dog didn't die.
although, i agree. Dude was a good one
Trump isn't a "bro" though.
He's a pampered assfuck elite.
He even skipped out of the draft because of "bone spurs".
And you actually allow him to speak like he's one of you?
Fuck that. Fuck him. Fuck (((his)) privilege.
Those are some Stevie Wonder tier shades.
He musta been wearing them when they met to not notice her mouth looks like a toilet plunger.
Permavirgins BTFO
Cav scouts are POGs too.
Theres a reason you fags get a CAB and only Infantry and SF get CIBs.
Served in the military for 8 years I think I can call him a nigger. Also show your flag pussy.
I had the best Trump idea ever today thanks to Wikipedia.
So check it out, in medieval times the ruler of Venice was called a Doge (Italian for Duke) and because the Venetians were proud of their centuries-old democracy they had a hall with paintings of all the Doges.
Except one Doge was a real asshole and tried to break the democracy streak by making himself dictator. The Venetians were so pissed they cut off his head. Then because they were still pissed they knocked down the house where he was born and made a law against saying his name. Finally they were so pissed they took his portrait down from the Hall of Doges and hired a painter to paint A BLACK SQUARE with the most expensive paint they could find. And put that up as his new portrait. They were so angry at this shitfucking Doge that they invented abstract art just to get back at him.
Now that gave me the best idea ever. How about when this is all over - the impeachment and all...
I want it so that in every textbook...
...on every website...
...from the animatronics at Disney World to the portrait gallery of the White House...
Donald J Trump will go down in history as a simple black square with the words TOTAL FUCKFACE on it.
No name, no image, no video, no sound, no historical record at all except a black square inscribed with TOTAL FUCKFACE, will pass down in history.
I want future schoolchildren to learn the order of the Presidents and between Barack Obama and Elon Musk they all gleefully yell "TOTAL FUCKFACE."
I want bank robbers to go shopping for Halloween masks and there's one missing.
I want that skyscraper in Manhattan to become a museum of democracy, with giant gold letters down the side spelling TOTAL FUCKFACE.
I want it so that historians debate what the TOTAL FUCKFACE looked like.
I want there to be tall tales seven centuries from now that the TOTAL FUCKFACE had hair like blow-dried pubes the color of a smoker's teeth
and his mouth was like a desiccated pharaoh's anus
and he filled a suit like caramel pudding fills a garbage bag on a hot sidewalk
and his favorite thing in the world was to be peed on.
And I want future historians to go on three dimensional Ken Burns hyperdocumentaries and say that this is obviously a myth and people have been making these stories crazier for centuries like Paul Bunyan or Baba Yaga
and the TOTAL FUCKFACE probably was a normal looking human after all with adult sized hands
and it's not true that he tried to turn his country club into a second White House so he could golf more
or that one time he told a war widow "Your husband knew what he signed up for"
or that he barfed so prodigiously on the Senate Majority Leader during the impeachment trial that it started the 21st-century slang "a wicked schume"
or that every man who had served in his White House found that their dicks never worked again just like the gypsy woman said
or that he forgot his own children's names on live television at least twice
or that he sat on every chair like it was a toilet
or that he literally stole the Christmas of 2018 and nobody found it ever again
or that he bragged about committing sexual assault while knowingly wearing a microphone
or that one time he tried to give himself a medal for not being black
or that his advisers had to make sure his name was on every page of a briefing otherwise he wouldn't read it
or that even before every single picture and video of the man had been destroyed people already could not remember if he had ever uttered a truly joyful laugh
or that one time he went to a pizza place to show he was a regular guy and he was given two slices on plates and he stacked the slices on one plate and scabbed the mozzarella off into a pile and ate the steam-sogged tomatobread that was left by slicing it into small pieces and putting it bite by bite into his mouth with a fork but because he was rich nobody arrested him
"Although," the 27th-century historian will warn his 3DTV audience, "Any one of these absurd tall tales could be true and we will never know thanks to the grimly determined and united efforts of 21st-Century Man. All we can truly know is that he was a total fuckface."
His girlfriend's nose is like 6 inches wide. It doesn't even look human.
>being this mad
If you're an American, you don't have the right to "not" be offended.
If you're an American soldier at that, you need to fucking resign, you're supposed to protect our freedom not police them on the internet ya dumb cunt.
Even though he's a darkspawn, he's SF so F to pay respect desu
A black guy with a black girl dying for Jews. Shame, guy seems kinda based, for a nog. Oh, and you can't say Niger, it's racist. The whole country is. You have to say 'African-American of African origin', or some kike shit
Is hillary going to get locked up?
Oh come on, in the context it didnt' sound harsh.
Yeah, he's an airborne pog attached to group.
Not sf.
t. Airborne pog on group assignment
Wew. What a POSED pic..
I thought casket shots got banned by Bush back in Iraq debacle ???
So who gave her permission to weep over a returning casket?
How about I celebrate the fact that there is one less nigger on the planet?
This faggots about to lose his freedom of expression so gays can get married.
This faggot is probably going to be facing jail for using non government approved websites with in the next year.
Let them be salty... It's all they have left.
You will hang right next to the niggers on the Day of the Rope, race traitor.
>dying for Israel
>who gave a grieving widow permission to weep over her dead husband's corpse
I guess everyone who isn't a rare combination of sociopath and retarded. Sorry you don't qualify.
But every grieving widow wants the chance to upload this pic to their FB.
Casket pics are banned.
Why the exception here ?
Muh cerxix muh based nig nog killing nogs in nogeria.
Someone explain to me how the fuck this is insensitive.
It's basically an aknowledgment of bravery! It's a compliment!
I actually think Trump has autism.
Anyways, sorry for your loss America.
What the fuck are we doing in Niger?
He literally does. It's the first amendment
>only infantry get the Combat Infantryman Badge
Is the most pertinent question.
>What the fuck ARE US SP doing in Niger?
Killing civilians ?
Instigating civil unrest ?
Or cuddling puppies and curing blindness?
- cause the latter for sure will get US SP killed, correct ?
Haha noice
>La David
Just.... Just WHY?
They have meme names
It's a country, dumbfuck
How much did command screw up to get him killed by Nigerians? Srsly you van kill a 100 of them while they are in a drunken stupor before anybody has the presence of mind to fire back at you.
Did you get deported or something, cause thats next level mad
Nice reading comprehension. Special Forces get it too.
tldr; all real soldiers get a CIB.
Cowards get a CAB
You see the "..." in there, you dumb faggot shill?
That means "WORDS OMITTED"
Fuck off back to your sharejew
Given the US has not adequately explained how Ambassador Stevens was killed in Libya, do to expect there to be too much detail on
>why was he there
>what was he doing
>what where the circumstances contributing to his death ?
Trump, once again, masters the misdirect...while US media and their quisling followers focus on the "insult"... Questions along the lines of
What. The. Fuck.
Are conveniently overlooked.
>dies in niger
What Trump said:
>"Your husband was a hero. He knew the risks when he joined the military but he signed up anyway. He's an inspiration and our country is worse for his loss."
What the media reports:
>"He knew the risks."
LOL go die for Israel you niggerlover
>La David
>not El David
this is some serious cultural appropriation here
I think you're half right except I don't even think there's a story with Trump's comments. They took what he said out of context and made a news story out of it.
Instead of asking "wait, why is the US military active in Niger and why are American service members being attacked there?" They would rather get all pissed off about literally nothing.
It really is a huge problem. There is actual news in this story but nobody fucking bothers. This is why Trump can get away with calling them fake news and why nobody takes them seriously anymore.
The issues are handed to them on a silver platter and they'd rather waste their time on stupid shit.
I knew someone would post this