Any idea boys?
How do we make Christianity great again?
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Find a good church? Speak out publicly against evil?
by abandoning it and becoming pagan
Most of all, live a blessed and Godly life, and share it.
By converting them to European religion for the European clergy of our faith and truths.
Militant denomination.
No, but if that's your choice, so be it. I would wish you to accept the sacrifice of Jesus, but I will not push it on anyone. Just don't try to change your mind on judgement day. Don't need any stinking immigrants from Hell in Heaven!
Another reconquista of course
Ate you European?
By modernizing its language without changing its values.
Street preaching.
I'm not talking about "God hates fags" tier provocation.
We need to get out of our comfort zone and start preaching against degeneracy like God intended. Preach the Word directly from the Bible.
Might makes right
Read the offices from the 1928 Book of Common Prayer twice a day. There's a version that comes in the same binding with the King James Bible, conveniently.
Kick judeo out of judeo-christianity
That's a beautiful painting. I contemplate the Agony in the Garden often.
I honestly think that images like this, and media on par with The Passion of the Christ, is the best way to get people interested in Christianity again. Obviously the movie would be much more successful at getting people interested - but the rich history of Christian art needs to be taught again, modernism and post-modernism has absolutely destroyed people's appreciation of beauty.
Become Morman.
They hold family values, and have children. Their growth rate is huge. They believe that people with whiter skin are more holy.
elect another Polish Pope or just move seat of Peter to Poland
pic related World Youths Day 2016
Christianity does not need to be popular to be great. It is the one true faith in the one true God and the one true messiah Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Selling Christianity like many churches do is a sin, God is not a product, he is not an item to be auctioned off at the price of a pretty church or a skatepark for kids in the hope of converting them through their use of the unnecessary things you have built for them. The faith was once a tiny collection of men and women who were executed if caught in tremendously cruel ways, it survived then, it survived Islamic invasion after Islamic invasion, reformation after reformation. All that needs to be known is Jesus Christ is the son of God who died for the sins of man so that he may enter paradise.
Make "christphobia" a thing like islamophobia. The left wont know what to do
destroy it
Men need to go to Church more. All the pozzed churches affirming transgender shit are all heavily run and patronized by women.
Great picture
>Utah and Idaho are practically white ethnostates
>1911 pistol and Browning machine gun invented by Mormon
>one of the world's best known humanitarian aid
>missionary work like what user mentions here
they're a bunch of weirdos with strange beliefs but good in my book
That might work. There seems to be a lot of old people high up in the Christian media now, lad, and they don't want to learn new tricks. But I would watch any YouTube channel that was smart enough to try tactics like that.
Destroy what?
>a religion hinging on the idea of a bearded man in the sky is falling out of favor in modern times
>a religion hinging on the idea that allowing jews to define your spiritual life as big void, and total carnal immorality is the best way for the world to be
It's easy, really. Burn down the Mega Churches. Outlaw prosperity gospel. Execute child-diddling priests and clergy. Outlaw homosexual leadership in the church. Outlaw feminine leadership of the church. Sell treasures of the church and use the money in the communities. Restore the god fearing leaders of the church to prominent positions in their communities, so that what they say will be listened to by the local populace. Only elect true believers as leaders.
Mormons aren't Christian
It's always been Great. It is we as people that have failed.
you wont
either jesus the mexican messiah returns or christianity fades away into mythology like every other long forgotten religion.
By renouncing heresy protestantism and schism and subjecting ourselves to the seat of Peter
Stop priests fucking boys
why you no like kike on a stick?
Its simple, burn down churches and embrace Paganism
make them fuck girls
Cramming religion down people's throat was never great. :/
Found the African
execute the pedos
that they didn't do this ruins the Catholic Church for all time, it is an organisation that condones child rape.
Yep I keep seeing articles saying "we need to remove crosses so Muslims can pray in a church" and there is always a fat grinning female vicar accompanying the article
Remove protestants.
Kick Judeo out of Judeo-Christianity.
Is there a Polish cardinal that is on the level of JPII?
Greco-Christianity is a more accurate term than Judeo-Christianity anyway. The pagan Greek philosophers (mostly Aristotle) had more influence on Christianity than any Jewish thinker ever did
Remove Zionist "Judeo-Christian values" types.
Credit to user poster from a few days ago:
Make people understand that the Catholic faith was subverted when they redefined agape with the 60s definition of love.
You don't go defending Christianity with the left's definite of love; you can slaughter those threatening your existence and go on crusades in recognition of "agape", though.
Fuck off Kike worshiper.
Enjoy hell faggot even if you don’t believe it, it still exists
Religious experiences should be beautiful and sincere. My children actually enjoy going to cathedrals with pipe organs and choirs. Ideally high mass with incense and communion.
Christian radio stations should play choirs, chants and traditional church music. Something you might hear ina good church, not that terrible Christian Rock, which is just a poser genre.
if you dont lose a wink of sleep over the equal possibility of ending u in sand nigger hell, catholic hell or mormon hell then dont expect other nonbelievers to think theyll burn in yours.
Cut the church tax.thats a fucking scam.
>Remove the black pope
>repeal all heretical changes to doctrine
>offer protestant sects the opportunity to reform or get disbanded for spreading heresy
>yellow text on white shield
As usual, by the sword.
By reminding people who's behind Templar flags.
>one of the world's best known humanitarian aid
Christcucks see this as a positive and that's why they need to go.
I already planned it out
Step 1: expose pizzagate
Step 2: kill the msm
Step 3: redpill the normies on both goyim and taquiya
Step 4: Use 1st ammendnent and freedom of religion to cast scorn on the LGBTQ community.
Stel 5: Undo the last 40 years of commie kike brainwashing damage
Step 6: Lead a million man army to take over the vatican from the pope and all the pedos.
Step 7:?????
Step 8: Literally build heaven on earth using todays technologies
Take the kikes out from the Vatican, tell people to go to church no Sunday.
why dont you show your flag you pagan shitskin
>Muh Stronk Pagans
>Get BTFO'd by followers of "Kike on a Stick"
P.S. Odin drank sperm, and get's killed by a mutt.
>He thinks Mormons are Christians
Omg your Jewish desert speak is making me puke, speak normally larper
>>a religion hinging on the idea that allowing jews to define your spiritual life
Isnt that what christianity is about?
Stop atheists and agnostics from taking influential positions in Christianity. Argue in favor of things the bible specifically mentions, for instance, same-sex sexual Intercourse is forbidden, and this is indisputable. Start with the scriptures that are very specific, although other ones might be more broad and open for interpretation. I would not bring politics into Christianity, so discourage a church leader from being pro or anti anything.
Brits are scared of that.
I agree with this. Judeo-Christianity is no longer existant because of the fact that both religions are different and incompatible with one another (after they separated). Many Christians are unaware that Jews consider Jesus to be a false prophet.
We’d have to infiltrate it the same way the matxists did.
Catholicism isn't a part of American identity. The Bible also says nothing against praising God with different genres of music.
ITT Pagan faggots getting uppity despite doing jack shit for 2,000 years.
"Become a Pagan white man! Embrace your true heritage!"
I wonder if this is what happened to European Christianity. Am I the only one on here who is bothered by the fact that Christian leaders in many European Christian churches are openly atheist?
This is why Pagans are so desperate to recruit Christians...They know that Pagan women are disgusting fat whores who get passed around more than a mead horn at the bonfire.
The greatest dream of a Pagan man is to meet and marry a pure virgin Christian woman. Pagan men have no women to desire only Christian women which is why they are so angry and pissed all the time.
Sad little Pagans can't even decide what they approve of.
Pagans are almost always beta males with low T.
Pagans have no real joy in life other than their fake phony gods who lost to Jesus 1,500 years ago.
Every time a Pagan prays to Thor he remembers how the Christians defeated his ancestors and killed his gods.
They are always and forever angry.
>What have you done in service to (((Yahweh))) today you filthy goyim
What a pathetic slave religion
>serving anything makes you a slave
lol pagans are literally snow niggers with no discipline.
"I'll never serve Yahweh I'm a Pagan forever hail thor hail odin yeah!!!"
*crawls into mud hut and slices a sheep's throat as a sacrifice to frifjjgdjrj the god of semen drinking.*
Christianity is a missionary religion. You can't make it great again.
By becoming a modern Luther.
Another reformation is needed.
kick out all marxists and lefties out of the churches is a good start.
Oh we can do whatever we want, bitch, and we will too. God can only tolerate so much from the kikes, soon He will intervene.
It's been a front for molesting kids for 2000 years.
Give it up.
I find that interesting since pagans were THE original faggots and got utterly destroyed by the church.
protestantism was a mistake but yes a Catholic reformation is needed to get rid of the marxists and jews within the church.
Jews have subverted Christianity. Redpill normies about jews.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
White Genocide is real - In their own words
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
>Le deus gevalt
Christianity was never great.
Good post but Christianity can and will come back.
good goy
No problem.
Always hilarious coming from an American.
Does he actually believe the Stonehenge thing? The Germanic People didn't even build Stonehenge, that was the Celts.