Tokyo Ravens

I got around to watching this show finally. At first I thought this was a bland shounen thing combined with romance tho, I've got more than I expected. Especially its battles were really cool and breathtakeing. So now I wanna know your opinions a.

Please don't talk shit.


It was really mediocre in every way except Kon who was the only good thing about it.

>Please don't talk shit.
You want a circlejerk or something you pansy?

I have episodes 1-4 just sitting on my HD and have for like since the show aired weekly

God, how kong has it been now?
And I still haven't watched more than the opening.
Wonder if it's any good.

I liked it a lot

Too bad S2 never

I enjoyed it a lot. The setting is interesting and so is the magic system. The cast are a good bunch with fun interactions. I think they are the main draw of the series, to see them grow and develop in a plot that's essentially about opposing the system and adults is done quite well. I highly recommend reading the light novels that's better than the anime in many ways. There are areas the anime does better as an animated visual medium with seiyuu and music, though.

Suzuka is best girl, but Natsumi and Takiko are equally second best in my book. Suzu is great and cute too. Basically, all the girls are good.

And of course our beloved and badass Ohtomo-sensei is responsible for half of the awesomeness. And Douman helps too. TR makes you wish Ohtomo-sensei was your sensei when you were growing up.

The way they handle magic is interesting, but I'd say it's a 7/10 overall. Watch it for Kon.

Suzu's ass gif where

Suzuka, user. Suzu refers to the other loli.

One of the few shows Kanahana won.

>the other loli
>implying Suzuka is a loli

Fuck off.

>Literally LRD checking every thread once he's online to see if people are calling lolis that look 11-14 lolis so he can sperg
You are sad.

Not him but Suzuka isn't even close to being a loli.

Not him, but Suzuka is a loli. She looks young enough and is one of the three girls in the series that receives lolicon jokes with Bakatora.

I liked the premise and the story, but it felt like it had a really low budget. The direction was kind of bad. I think many of the light novel anime end like this, it starts of okay then degenerates quickly.

>11-14 lolis
>a girl that looks older than 12

Summerfag please.

It was pretty good.


>Not knowing about middle school-looking lolis
Summerfag indeed.

>literally making up shit

Summerfag indeed.

Watch more than 30 anime, summerfag.

Nah, you told me. I'll just post my favorite lolis instead.

I love this loli!

>posting girls that aren't comparable
Tryhard and a summerfag. Wow.

LRD pls. You were wrong about Cotte, and you're wrong here now. You're always wrong because you're a complete retard that thinks girls who looks 13/14 but still with childish features are still old hags. You're a pedo, not even a true lolicon. Leave before you ruin another thread.

They look 13-14. They're lolis according to you.

>Butthurt xD

>this is what I see when it isn't a stick figure loli of 10 or younger
You're making it obvious it's you, LRD. No one does this shit except you.

>muh LRD boogeyman

Nice retort.

Everyone in this thread is autistic.


Looking 13-14 = loli.

It's too late, LRD. You even did this in a legit loli thread sperging and got butthurt enough to spam cowtits and mature busty girl that you claim loli out of mockery because you lost the agrument
You're cancer. One of these days karma is going to catch up, and I hope it'll be a slow and painful death.

STB is garbage.

>more namecalling

It's ok, have another loli.

Mei is borderline loli, LRD. Good job. You got it right for once.

This is why people should never reply to a troll like LolisRDead.

Why do keep replying when you know what he has done and will do? Stop feeding it.

Because cancer needs chemo.

That's stupid. You should know by now nothing will change a dedicated troll of LRD's caliber. Replying back only shits up a thread with autism.


My favorite meme word to call non-lolis lolis.

It'll be shit when people ignore him and continue to enjoy lolis or call lolis he doesn't like lolis.via samefagging, anyways. Happens all the time.

>Two in a row with borderline lolis
Suddenly, LRD isn't retarded anymore? Dekomori is a loli she's an actual comparable middle school loli and has the physical appearance that's like Suzuka. But of course you won't even accept that and still delude yourself, just like what you do with Louise and Megumin.

Best girl.

>post Rikka
>mentions Dekomori who isn't a loli either

Desperate much?

You underestimate Sup Forums. Most anons aren't that dumb and are aware of notorious shitposters. Replying always mskes the situation than it should be.

>isn't a loli either
Called it. Stay retarded and wrong as usual, LRD.

Whatever. I wasn't planning on sticking around for long, anyways.

Sure, and this is a loli as well.

Why is she so perfect?

Holy shit you guys are autistic.
Fairly sure the guy has been perma-banned for months and you guys keep obsessing with him. This board is truly cancer.

No such thing. Bans are easy to get around.

Fairly sure he is. But keep ruining this thread. You don't deserve any of the Kon fanarts I found on twitter, I'll keep them to myself. Goodbye and enjoy your argument.

I didn't argue anything. Your statement was merely faulty and needed correcting. Unless range IP ban was involved, simple bans won't do anything from stopping ban evasion.

OP here, I'm happy everyone in this thread is discussing seriously

>oh look a Tokyo Ravens thread
Well, this sucks. Fucking loli autists.