Favorite anime reaction pics? go

favorite anime reaction pics? go.


You first.



when someone compliments me

No wonder that face is impossible to make.

this could be a good thread. i'll be watching




This is Aoba doing the Anko "no thanks"



why did that picture have to be ruined with a normalfag meme caption





smug anime faces? i think yes






anything from Devilman really







>outing phonefags.jpg

Сука Блять!









oh, and this was in the same page
this manga has a lot of good reactions

Nanashi master race

Karen has some good ones.







shit you got me there





too soon man, too soon


>file name not sixtyniggers

come on brah

Brutal user.

>pleb taste in smug anime faces




Who the fuck draws these shitty looking faces? Her eyes look so fucked up!


What the fuck is up with that forehead and eyes, did this bitch get lobotomized or something?



Post mugs

You mean iPhonefags. They're the only ones with image.jpg as their filenames. Android friends get the original filenames.


Seriously I can't pay attention to that smug face with that Jimmy-Neutron ass looking forehead!

What manga was this girl from?

'Sup bitches?


Mugs hijack

Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san






wait... that doesn't... Oh, OH! I get it! haha nice meme my friendo



Not the mug I was expecting, but digits.






18 pages in, and I already love this girl



Good taste user


>Sup Forums liking moe-blobs
>what a surprise


The only one you'll ever need