We all now about their disgusting treatment of animals but here's one about a kid
>be teacher
>get new FOB chink student
>his parents are getting divorced
>decide they don't want him there while they get divorced
>he gets home one day and is given a plane ticket and told he's moving to australia
>does fuck all at school for obvious reasons
>keeps saying he wants ti go back to china
>the school has contacted his parents multiple times and they say no he can't come back
>he's 16 and has developed a drinking problem because he was sent away by his parents with no explanation
>comes to school drunk and passes out to the extent he can't be woken
>parents still refuse to let him come back
His attendance is so low that he's in breach of his student visa so they won't have a say shortly.
Chinks arent people
How about you stop posting about him on a malaysian basket weaving forum and go do something nice for the cunt
>gook pretending to be canadian
Can't do much when he's left for the day, leaf.
I'm white Tyrone. Well, half-Persian. But I guess that counts as white, or something.
I'm a half Persian too .. How cool is that??
Did you inherit the big Persian CAAAWK too? Mine is eight inches in length when I am aroused.
I'll take a chink over a mudslime or "African" American any day of the week. Prefer Europeans, but chinks are low on my list at the moment. . .
I go deep, while these jews barely scratch the surface.
That's a mudslime name.
KYS! Now!
Okay, Im not a mudslime. Zoroastrian family.
Persian mom and European dad. Do you know Persian?
so you oppose mudslimes? only vaguely aware of zoroastrians (too few in number, and not bloodthirsty enough to bother learning in depth)
I'll be the Iranian faction leader on Rope Day.
I know Zoroastrians are from Persia/Iran, not much more. Know many were slaughtered by the mudslimes in history.
I know Chinese parents are strict, but goddamn..
No, they're not human. They're insectoids.
Sounds good so far. . .
Never too many of these, are there?
Hope you mean Persian though
I have respect for Muslims who combat jews, but other than that, I don't have affinity for them or anybody else with a religious identity, for that matter. If you have a problematic experience with Muslims, it's the jews that are responsible because the jews bring in the Muslims to your country.
be his friend, dingofag
What the fuck? This Denmark, or are you shitting on the britbongs with this?
Yes, Persian, like the cat, meeoww.
So Muslims are innocent in your mind? And I was starting to like you, Zoro. . .
you're right
We're superhuman
I never said innocent. I don't think that I believe in innocence.
Muslims and Jews are no different in my mind, historically. Muslims currently shed blood everywhere they go, Jews just Jew. They're both evil in their own way, but Muslims top my list at the moment. If they or you want to blame Jews, fine. We'll take care of them after we wipe out the Satanic Muslims.
You sound like a shill. Jews are way more powerful than muslims. Jews are the leaders of the subhumans that bring in the jungle monkeys to fuck with the civilized peoples. Please remember this, people. Also, which is your faction on Rope Day?
Fair enough. I understand Jews are largely resonsible for the situation, but Muslims are still Muslims. Only good ones are ex-Muslims or dead Muslims. I pity those brought up in the religion that won't have a choice outside duress during the day of the rope, but that's the nature of the cult.
My faction on Rope Day is family and community. Christian fundamentals, even if we may all not be admitted Christians. I'm outside the cities, so we're not as "encultured" as they are, or as (((they))) want us to be.
So what's a Persian Zoroastrian to do on the glorious day?
Where did you get that pic?
>So what's a Persian Zoroastrian to do on the glorious day?
I don't think we're allowed to talk about the specifics on the Internet, now are we?? ;)
I see Zoroastianism teaches the value of wisdom.
Stay safe, but most importantly, keep your family and loved ones safe. Wouldn't want you to be confused as the enemy.
Hopefully the day won't come, but we really need some higher officials to do their jobs to make sure of that.
Yeah, I doubt that 'it' will really happen, a dooms-day scenario. I think we will witness a gradual decline, I imagine that we are entering a new dark ages.
But we like to larp on this website at least, don't we??
>I see Zoroastianism teaches the value of wisdom.
Ancient Zoroastrianism also teaches hundreds of explosive sex positions.
Don't we, though?
Honestly though, stay safe my friend.
Thank (You). And you stay safe too, my friend.
Just when I was about to exit. . .
So did you steal them from the Indians, or did they steal them from you? Damn it, gotta stay to hear this out. . .
Oh, that was just a joke, my friend. No sex positions that I know of, of course I'm not an expert on the religion, it was never taught to me.
>do something nice for the cunt
Yes OP you should pick flowers for him im sure it helps.
Good story, nonetheless. I waiting to hear of the great Persian counter to the Kama Sutra, or how the KS was based on Zoro or Persian learning.
Good of ya!
Larp or no, been entertaining. Have a good night.
Have a good one.
When Chinese parents set Australian immigration policy, you know there's a problem
save me from this a abyss in year 7 my highschool was like 80% white now in year 12 its like 40%