College sjws BTFO
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muh dick
I'd eat a twizzler out of her ass
these kids are literally retarded
she's looking whiter everyday
Stop spamming your own thread BR retard
fuck off leaf
yeah, that's right, we all know you're a fucking leaf
Roaming Millennial beta orbiters BTFO
very poor photoshop
>tells her victim-hero tale
buy my merch baby
She's pretty cute for a half-insect.
Really? because that was the only time she wasn't piling on makeup and filters.
How is she getting whiter and hotter?
>SJWs baby!
>le aiss jay double (you)
low hanging fruit, 2014 tier garbage
was she using filters live on Lafayette when she was still perfect?
This, I noticed this too
I only give money to Jordan B. Peterson
One of the best episodes they've made
>BASED Australopithecus
ugly chink
Holy shit lmao the worst most disgusting SJW faggots show up to these things.
They are ALWAYS #woke blacks who you see posting stupid shit on Twitter, or these really...physically gross latinos with bad posture and an annoying voice.
Also, it was funny when she said "I thought the crazy type of people you see at Berkeley were just outliers...but I guess I maybe wrong?"
>How is she getting whiter and hotter?
I hate SJWs, baby. Donate to my patreon, baby.
they didn't even make an argument, it was just retarded math skills and muh feelz
If they were attractive they'd be out living the college life
It’s videos like these are why I proudly send her money every month.
Wait I'm confused. I thought that she WAS white, but grew up in Asia, and that influenced her makeup/hair/fashion choices, so she just looks Asian.
ohh and it's something called gamma correction in media editing.
she's half chink, both parents are canadian citizens (one native born one naturalized) and she grew up in Hong Kong
she's hafu, chinese dad, white mum
Nah, her dad is from HK.
>Talk until my voice gets high from losing air
>Next scene,new point talk until out of breath, again
>Repeat steps.
>Remember to L/S/S and buy my dank merch
top kek
Nah it's still important to attack these SJWs. They are not out of power yet and they still have a presence on campuses.
Normies will hardly even make fun of them
Oh that makes much more sense. Thanks anons!
Why do the AMWF kids always turn out better?
>muh sjws
when will they mention jews?!
>paying attention to these chicks who just want attention
they don't give two flying fucks what they are saying buds
better?! ..kys
Better than the WMAF kids specifically
would do everything to roaming millennials body
How were the lefty women not outraged when this nigger was standing over a tiny woman to try to intimidate her?
An Asian man has to be pretty alpha to get with white women, so their kids have decent genes
Because they all think violence against non-progressives is a good thing
its only bad it its a non leftist white man
she's a hateful bigot TM so it's ok
they didnt even think she was worthy of being a "POC"
I make u rear happy boy, you give money, you give money NHOW
Hmmm I think you're onto something. Generally, the white guys who pair up with Asian girls are pretty autismo, and the Asian girls who go after white guys tend to be the rebellious and slutty ones. Like an Asian version of a coalburner.
>caring about women's political opinions
This is a disease we need to stamp out
why is she shilling tea now
Honestly this meme is mostly based on a few celebrities being hapas but having asian dads.
I've only known 2 hapas my whole life. Korean dad, white mom. Girl was batshit crazy and a slut. Brother is a dweeby weeb that plays PS4 all day every day and will never get married
That was poorly worded, the two hapas were brother/sister, their parents were a korean dad and white mom
I don't trust White Women.
They only go where the strength resides.
Trump is in, machismo is somewhat sexy again.
She's only responding to Alpha.
If she says anything you like, it's only because she fears you and wants to lower your guard so she can control you.
It's not so much caring, but laughing at the audience who can't whip out their usual privileged white male arguments against a non-white female (though they did try to question her color and got shut down in the vid). She makes a decent proxy for white male opinions.
Only nogs are aloud to act masculine with no repercussions
>asking why a Chink is shilling tea
They could probably hurt a poor, disabled, black, gay, trans-woman and feel completely justified. They have no actual principles.
It's the Korean blood user. All Koreans are crazy.
Southern Han Chinese scamming genes leaking out. No joke. Southern Han are the greatest scammers in the world. It's like a genetic thing with them and they can't help it.
t. Manchurian
I did see later in the vid where the host chastises the uppity one for stealing one of the 4 mics and a chair on the stage without asking.
It's weird how I can't see hapas as anything other than objects for facial abuse.
Didn't the Japanese PM literally say this in a speech?
>I don't trust White Women
Then you shouldn't have a problem with Roaming Millennial.
I'd put the white back into her.
>takin one for the team
thanks guys np.
she looks like a Kazakh
>being proud of being Manchu.
Yeah, no.
I dunno if he did say this, but if he did, fuck it, he's not wrong.
Yeah, you're right. What were those faggots thinking? A "macho" Asian man? Top kek.
>arent those SJWs retarded user right xD
Don't forget to donate to me on Patreon!
Wait maybe it was the former Tokyo governor. I wish that I could find it. He was addressing the problem of the Chinese immigrant population scamming, saying that it's in their blood and they can't help being "crafty" and "industrious" or something like that.
不要生气! 老子没说骗人是坏事!
Are niggers the most lucky minority on earth? They are the most ungrateful pieces of shit on the planet and a net burden on the world. Why can't you Americans just fucking genocide them all?
I gave $50 to her Patreon. Who will match me?
It really is true though. And it's not like I even really mind it. It's just something you have to accept. It's not even like they're doing it out of maliciousness or anything. They just... sort of do it.
>giving money to a woman
>not in exchange for sexual services
>only $50
You obviously don't care about her at all.
>not understanding sarcasm
Autism or Asperger's?
I knew a lot of WMAF kids who were mostly weird, and one AMWF hapa who was a turbo Chad
She'd be cute if she didn't have that stupid american face.
stop shilling yourself you vapid whore
but where's the original video of that conference?
i wanna see the source
nvm lol it was right there
>jewish lauren
>discount boxxy
>octoni venti
>whori lauren
Wew lad
Linked in the vid
It's also on her channel, posted in the last week. Normally I'd spoonfeed but I'm too fucking lazy right now. You'll have to make do.
How often do you think she fantasizes about white dick?
God no. Give to stoping genocide in South Africa or defending Europe from migrants. I gave Lauren a tiny amount when patreon banned her and now I regret it. Women have no place in leadership roles. Promote men.
>she believes in the holocaust
defend this Sup Forums
almost as much as Swedish woman fantasize about non-swedish dick
they all do
Glad to see you came to your senses user
probably for the same reason they cheered at Caucasian rape statistics
Good man. I send Fash The Nation money.
>ads every 5 minutes
Lol she knows pandering to you tards will bring in the shekels
>kek'd & saved
keep up the good work, m8
What kind of mongoloid do you have to be to not use adblock. You deserve ads good goy.
Odd you say nigger? I thought that's what they were made for.
is this real animal