The Scum Manifesto

Has anyone on Sup Forums read Valerie Solanas' The Scum Manifesto?

If so, your thoughts? She's gaining relevance again in 2016 + Trump.


Imagine being so butthurt you write a book about it.

More like Jew: corrupting the goyim women manifesto

She tried to kill a gay man. I thought Sup Forums would be interested.

Feminists talk tough but they never do anything lmao.

Women wait until I am unflatteringly drunk to make sexual advances all the time. It's gross.

T. Aesthetic cishet white male

That bitch shot me.
I was never the same.

Right or wrong, you were a symbol of the Patriarchy. And you treated women like shit.

Do you bitches know what S.C.U.M. stands for?
It's going to make you have women.
You're going to be fucking redpilled in a second

White women must be controlled.
They are violent and irrational.
They destroy any fathers that try to nurture.
Including the state.

Liberally who?

That's proprietary shill language. You don't prompt me to respond, boy.
>Solanas gaining relevance
So there's a completely artificial plan to try to push her? Because she was never relevant and is not now.
Solanas was a tragic figure. She was abused by male relatives and was plainly mentally ill, but was exploited by degenerate artists. She is a basis for nothing and made no lasting contribution or commentary.

She is the basis for understanding that women are twice as violent as men and have twice the capacity for destruction.

The Atomic Bomb would not be possible without Marie Curie... Women want to crack the planet.

Will anyone mention how she was sexually abused and a huge slut like most feminists are

Bet she loved anal

>Valerie Solanas
That name just reminds me of the frightening, twisted, labyrinthe transformation I had to undergo to be redpilled. I've almost completely blacked out the process that got me here. I struggle to recall the steps despite how recently it took place. All that's left is an angry man who wants to kill people he perceives as the enemy. Does that just make me the male version of Valerie? Is death the only escape from such soul-piercing hatred?

"The Hungarian Countess Elizabeth (Erzsébet) Báthory went down as one of the most ruthless killers in European history. Between 1585 and 1610, Báthory is believed to have tortured and killed nearly 650 girls–mostly teenage peasants. Though she used her family’s influence to avoid execution after being caught, the countess was forced to remain in her castle, in solitary confinement, for the rest of her life."

"At the end of World War II in 1940s Japan, a midwife carried out a truly disturbing infanticide. Along with accomplices, Miyuki Ishikawa murdered about 103 children. As she saw it, the children of poor people had no chance in this world; she was simply putting them out of future misery. Even though she only received a four-year sentence for her crimes, her killing spree remains the bloodiest in Japanese history."

Women have been killing babies since they started coming out of them. Being occupied by another person is psychologically disturbing to women. Especially if the women has been traumatized by a man or men, the child is a surrogate penis (according to the Jew Freud). The woman cannot help but desire to cut off the other woman's surrogate penis when she will never have one.

Great band too.


Plenty of women look the other way as to how their boyfriends and husbands make their money. They are by no means innocent, and go where the money is. There are bad men, but it is not solely men that are the problem.

To bad that dyke cunt didnt finish the Job Warhol helped immensely to turn western art into the degenerate money laundering scheme it is now

Hopefully the artificial wombs is not just a meme. We need to end females for good.

Warhol was awesome you dumb pleb. He was a traditional Christian trolling soulless kikes and rootless liberals