Aus/pol/ Chinese Hackers Edition

>ASIO overwhelmed by foreign spying threats against Australia in past year

>Crown Casino 'tampered' with poker machines, former staff allege, as Andrew Wilkie tables claims in Parliament

>'Courageous' bystanders tried to stop boy who died at Newcastle pool from hurting himself

>'It's soul destroying': NDIS teething problems make many feel they're not worth the help

>Dave Hughes took a pay cut to give Kate Langbroek pay parity

>Ayden Devereux jailed after filming gang rape of teenage girl

>Turnbull presents a policy which helps him escape the energy “crisis” and Liberal rebels

>Government and Labor want to see Australia’s worst child molesters locked away for life

>Bega saves hundreds of Aussie jobs by acquiring Kraft peanut butter factory

>Grandmother who 'slashed grandson with meat cleaver' to undergo mental health assessments

>HSC students asked to apologise to Aboriginal poet over ‘online abuse’

Other urls found in this thread:

>got rejected from returning to uni dorm next year (lots of other people did too but it was still a good gig)
>need to find a sharehouse or some shit now
>don't know anyone else who's not already set for accommodation next year

Housing market in canberra is fucked as it is, wut do lads

here cunt

This country is going down the shitter. Where should I move to?

Switzerland maybe

back to China I guess

Fck off we're full

how is life in Medpackland?

Stay here and watch it all burn to the ground.

Fuck off it's full.

they crave my big white cock

Switzerland sounds good. Might go with Shit Korea as I speak the language, I'm white as fuck though.

>Might go with Shit Korea as I speak the language, I'm white as fuck though.


fuck off back to gookland


You're alright swissbro



>Gen Z is conservative and le based

A school has come under fire after it was revealed dozens of Year 12 students had ordered schoolies shirts branded with the phrase "the drunkest and the highest".
Unley High students in Adelaide have come home with the t-shirts featuring pictures of a bong, a goon bag and a "shoey" – beer being poured from a shoe - alongside the words "Unley Army".
A mother of an Unley student was "shocked" when her daughter brought hers home and told News Corp she was furious the shirts had been organised at the school.
She said the shirts have made her question her decision to allow her daughter to go to schoolies.
Unley High's Principal said she was "extremely disappointed" with the production of the t-shirts.
"This is totally unacceptable and senior leaders will work with Year 12s to help students understand why this is a poor decision that reflects badly on themselves, and on the school,” principal Brenda Harris said.
“While the school does not have oversight over schoolies, we encourage any students participating in any out of school celebrations to consider their personal safety and appropriate standards of behaviour.

What did you expect?

give us a hit mate, my cenno ran out and I'm only a week in

>making it a week
My austudy pays for the rest and a quarter tank of petrol (both due the day I get it) and that's it.


>>'Courageous' bystanders tried to stop boy who died at Newcastle pool from hurting himself

Now that's a mashed potato

you'll just have to sniff paint

so the abc of all places just restored my faith in women, they were talking about the gender pay gap about that tv bitch from channel 9 and there was a fucking female saying channel 9 did nothing wrong.

Alrighty lads, what's for dinner tonight?

pork chops

too hot to eat, might just have some leftover chicken

Bitch was offered 1.8 Million but wanted 2.3 since she is a cunt and then had a sook and left for the Muslim cock

>get paid 1.8m
>fuck around on other networks
>get mad when the other dude who works exclusively on the network gets double the pay

Why is no one bitching that Bickmore gets paid WAAAAAAY more than Waleed cockroach? The same argument goes both ways.
Unless it's not really about equalit-

Waleed is allowed to rape all female staff at Channel 10 as compensation

That is very progressive.


what's with the swirly shit like sausages, I've never seen those before. Pic related is my dinner tonight

is it true that the snout is the best part?

Check out TradeMe flatmates section.
Oh wait..

the bumhole is the best part ofc



Just don't come here.

not even memeing, the back and underside are the most tender and tasty parts

How has the poofter marriage debate affected your mental health user? :^)

>Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me hard. I'd fuck me so hard.

this shit's still going on? just fuking vote no and let's be done with it already

A lot of people are getting incredibly uppity and butthurt about it, so I'm so much more smug these days.

hey gay cunts

good day to you sir

hi nisem

god forbid you go back to your own country eh tran?

abc is so shithouse, we need to reform the ABC act ASAP

can you guys nuke Canberra please? No one will complain once all the politicians are dead and gone

Careful m8

The politicians don't live there. I do, so fuck off. Kill them when they come back to their electorates.

nah when they are all sitting in parliament, they could probably just use that huge bunker busting bomb instead but my point was they must die

You ANU? You celebrating the 100th anniversary of the jews taking over Russia and murdering millions of them?

We have many fine lamp posts in Canberra. Avenues lined with them.

Yes and yes goyim

I went to ANU in the 90s. Its totally fucking shit now, but you probably know that. Are you a commie faggot or are you going there to troll?

>please describe your gender/gender experience
Normal male
>please describe your sexuality
>do you have an intersex variation
hahahaha no

Damn, no "I'm not a faggot" option for q9

Neither, went here unironically but it's a total fucking shitfest to the point that we had pro-SSM brochures put under all our doors

>HSC students asked to apologise to Aboriginal poet over ‘online abuse’

what the fuck was with question 9
I am not a poof or allied with poofs so I didn't tick anything then it said I had to answer


>do you have an intersex variation
I unironically have no idea what this means

I mean I only know what the others mean because of Sup Forums

This is pretty good for redpill material, the students are getting really pissed because they would have criticised the bitch anyway but just because she's 1/64 abo it gets called racism

I wrote in the survey
>I have no fucking idea what this is so I will say no

I look forward to the mass triggerring of faggots associated with all my write-in answers.

Lamb and root veges in water with a couple spices

This survey is gold. I told them that if a letter upsets them they should all kill themselves.

should I go to schoolies lads?
>principle Brenda
what is with these middle aged woman highschool principals? I swear they all have the same personality, I honestly think it's a government funded conspiracy

Gonna cook some vegies and get a pizza afterwards. Gotta stay balanced.

>inb4 full
Why are your kangaroos so fucking buff m8s? What do you feed them?

well its way overpriced and you could have way more fun spending an equal amount of money but my schoolies experience is something i wont forget for a long time. its a nice way to say goodbye to people you'll never see again

i just ate some leftover kfc

Gonna bike over to Coles to stock up on /fit/ food, anything on special right now?

yeah you are your mates should lure a girl back to your room and then gang rape her

go look at their website you drongo

>plus they keep us safe from the emus

We feed them humans


getting mixed messages here

for the intersex one i just wrote is this fucking english cunt

Nope, 3 replies in 60 seconds all say Kangaroos eat people.


I wrote: "hahahahaha!"

Look in the bins. Plenty of free food in there.

intersex? is that would the kids are calling cyber sex now days

>no way to say neither
this is a shit survey

hey cunts, lately I've started getting a lot of calls on my mobile from all different area codes, different number everytime, I don't know any of the numbers, so I don't answer. Is there a mobile scam or something going on?

just wait for the next pay and click other and say that being gay is a mental illness and if the government aren't going to help them out then they should just commit suicide

put the numbers into a google search and see what comes up. I kept getting calls from a bunch of cunt's and it was some Indian scam trying to get Telstra customers details

sounds like it needs a handful of barley.

Did you recently give your number to centrelink?
They sell your phone number for profit.

I tried this but I don't know any gays so they stopped asking questions

>take a walk with your dog by the creek
>see this
what do?

Kangaroo is clearly roiding, those are not natty traps

That's ridiculous.

get out a boomerang because guns and knifes are illegal

Probably feed the dog to it before eating it.
Those are some nice shanks, I'd put them in a pot with root veges and water. Maybe a little spice and barley