Why do niggers complain all the time and not act like normal human beings?

Why do niggers complain all the time and not act like normal human beings?

See that white guy who came in #2?
>beat out a nigger hahaha
He's an Aussie.
See how the niggers have different hands raised?
>Aussie guy was on some olympics program
>tells story about this moment
>niggers were supposed to come 1,2 and 3.
>niggers' plan was to raise both hands in black as statement of black power
>nigger who missed out had two pairs of the gloves in his kit
Oh no! Now what will the niggers do?
>niggers gonna call whole thing off
>Aussie shitposter pipes up:
"Uh, why don't you just have one glove each?
>Niggers blown away by white man's intelligence

Because you fucks victimize and oppress them?


Choose one, and only one.

Low IQs

>enabling nigger shenanigans
Nothing to be proud of desu

Because of the jews... wait


At least when whites would burn people the faggots (bundle of sticks) would heat up fast enough to cook you faster for death here they dont know how to fucking make a fire and niggers dieing slowly...

Because they're not human

Go back to china gook cunt, we're fucking full.
>not recognising a real-life shitpost when you see one.

They are literally 40K orks.

> niggers
> normal human beings

The answer you are looking for is within your own question.


>human beings

Oh, you...

>niggers can't even light a motherfucker on fire properly
That surprises you?

If they admit their oppression isn't true, they'll have to admit their condition is their own fault. That means they'd have to accept their inherent inferiority and their inability to live normally in a white society. That's simply too hard to accept, psychologically.

They're literally too stupid to see how stupid they are. They can't tell the difference between us and them. All they see are the different results, where you and I are functional, successful, competent, and sometimes even brilliant. Since they can't understand the differences between us, they assume we're all equal. And if we're all equal, and there are different outcomes in our lives, the only solution must be some kind of 'cheating'. That's why they hate us so much. They think we're cheating. In order to understand this, you need to dumb yourself down to a very animalistic level, and think of things in terms that simpletons would think in.

Niggers value their victim status over anything.

They need to be "oppressed" so that they can keep dragging society down with no remorse. After all, anything bad that happens is the white devil's fault.

>human being

pick one, desu


White man's "oppression" is nothing compared to the cruelty black men inflict upon each other.
Black people are the human bucket of crabs.

Gee, I wonder who's behind this post

> all the time
at least admit that they've had something to complain about in the 60's you massive faggot

It's no shit post Chang, he did it because he was down with the black man

>Black people are the human bucket of crabs.

Niggers have killed over 400 niggers so far this year in Chicongo.

No they didn't. They're incompatible with white culture. They've never belonged here, and they've never been able to behave themselves to the standards required for life in a white culture. Things were BETTER in the 1960s because they never deserved to be mixed in with us to begin with.

Separate but equal was the only possible fair arrangement for niggers. They still, even then, got to enjoy quality of life far above what they'd get if they lived only among themselves.



>incompatible with white culture
because white culture at the time was shitting on niggers. You retard

>No they didn't.
kys you worthless uneducated moron

We should have been deporting them. We didn't shit on them. It was exactly the same back then as it is today. Notice how today nigger culture is just baseless complaints against whites? Yeah, well, that's what it was then too. Those complaints just got written into the history books so retards like you just assume it's all true. And today's complaints will be written into the history books, and retards like you will forget everything that actually happened and buy the rewritten history then too. Retard.

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Educate yourself, then come back when you learn how to make an argument. Not sure if I'll be here in 10 years, but I figure that's about enough time for you to learn something.

>implying this is wrong
The fuck is wrong with you fairies tonight?

That's wrong. When the Chinks moved in to California, they opened businesses that catered to Chinks, and eventually, white people started to take advantage of their businesses. Chinks never asked for shit, and they became successful, and respected, based on independent hard work.

This was the same goal of Booker T. Washington, born a slave, but his approach was shit on by wealthy northern niggers who opted to treat southern blacks as "victims" so they could "save" them and be their leaders. It was the NAACP that wanted government handouts rather than creating independent and self sufficient black communities, and that's why we're where we are today.

A vagina makes your opinion invalid.

Sorry, user

This is true. Peter Norman copped all kinds of shit for participating in their protest. You'd think they would have included him in the statue but it is only the nogs. His place on the podium was left vacant. White allies are destined for the dust bin of history.