Austrians are just a little state in the EU. There is nothing they can do against the EU. Millions of third world illiterate migrants will come to Austria in the next years in line with EU population change doctrines.
Austria ordered to form EU puppet gov by Supreme Leader
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Can he tell him to bite his Wienerschnitzel ?
well he can tell whatever he wants, it's up to Sebastian Kurz if he will do it or not
of course he will form a "pro-european" government. I'm not sure why Juncker said this. I mean the Austrian People's Party is PRO EUROPEAN...
Austrians are cucks sadly.
They will never be as cool and based as Hungarians.
Don't do it Austria.
Talk to Orban, he's your bud.
So how long are negotiations to form a government going to take?
>I'm not sure why Juncker said this. I mean the Austrian People's Party is PRO EUROPEAN...
In all of Europe the papers titled “Nazis won in Austria”. Nazis are not pro-EU?
>I'm not sure why Juncker said this
He sees a young person and wants to scare him into submission.
I don't know why people still conflate pro-European and pro-EU.
At this point the EU is anti-European, as they're perfectly fine with replacing European nations and cultures with hordes of unwashed 3rd Worlders.
Of course ÖVP-FPÖ are going to form a pro-European government. That doesn't mean they're not going to be at loggerheads with the traitors in Brussels.
Will he bend the knee?
Yeah newspapers like to call the FPÖ a nazi party but the Conservatives won. Many EU governments are more likely nazi than ours will ever be
i guess you must get fucked twice before you can get like Hungary
knowing that cuck Kurz he probably will cave in like a wet noodle.
>Juncker: umm sweetie, Catalonia is a domestic issue
>Juncker two weeks later: Umm, sweetie, you have to form a PRO-EU government
Exactly the problen is, they cant do what they want to do because they are acting like a business and not like a government. So they take drastically steps like these to make things happen. but that won't work either
The EU unironically elected two "technical" governments here in Italy without ever letting us vote. I can't say I'm surprised
when do we start stabbing (((their))) politicians in the street?
I'd gladly kill Merkel if we were to cross paths desu
would it kill you faggots to actually post the sauce, ffs
Juncker's "pro-European" means pro-EU, cuck government that will pay other countries debts.
Learn junckerese, goys!
Title is total click-bait trash, reading the article it says Juncker put a lot of weight on him being pro-EU and not joining the right-wingers, but stopped short of denouncing that party (probably fearing backlash). He just lays it on thick about how important Austria will be in the EU blah blah blah be one of our goys blah blah, nowhere does he "order" it.
Editor should be fired. And of course OP is baiting just as hard.
>Defending the EU
Right on time sweetie x
Fuck off, the EU is a cuck entity and needs to be nuked. You can either get nuked or you can join our side. But I swear as Allah is my fucking witness the EU will be obliterated in your lifetime.
>brexit cuck
>complaining about EU
yeah we got it alread that you guys are leaving. Just because you are leaving you won't get any big advantages
The EU is necessary but unfortunatly their governmental style is crap. They still act like an econommic community
>EU cuck
>Defending submission to mutti merkel and imam juncker
The EU will be destroyed I promise you that, hand on heart promise my little baby boy. Its fate has already been sealed, now you can pick the good and winning side (my side) or you can die with the rest of them. But I would decide quickly, you've got 5 years maximum left.
>Letting us vote
Have you ever wondered how it works?
I know that our system isn't the best, but the prime minister is chosen by the president.
I am all for the direct election of the prime minister/executive power, but actual system is picrelated.
Junker has no power.
And in a year no heart beat.
PRO EUROPEAN or PRO EU? Totally different things, if not opposite.
EU is undemocratic tyranny.
Don't bully hungary
It baffles me how libshits do not realise they will be mass purged if europeans survive the existential crysis they started. They will be left to live as castrated worker drones at best. The thought that they will die for this never seems to cross their propaganda addled minds - scratch that - the mere THOUGHT of suffering any sort of consequences doesn't seem to occur to them.
Juncker can go fuck himself
He has no business telling an autonomous state what gov they should form
No, I meant the pre-Renzi EU-backed technical governments
Rumors say Kurz wants to be quick about it and have a working government around our national holiday, which is October 26th, the far right party already said they want the ministry of the interior and are open for negotiations with everybody. The leftist decided to negotiate with everyone too, but a left - far right coalition is unlikely, since it would probably tear apart the left party if they would have to make concessions and form a government with the far right. So probably center-right - far right coalition with a bunch of concessions towards the far right, if the rumor holds true.
They do this to put pressure onto the parties to prove they aren't nazis. It's simple conditioning. Like t_D constantly tries to prove they aren't racist or sexist and celebrate whenever a black guy or a woman gets appointed or Ivanka spouts her feminist bullshit. "Narrative BTFO!" They don't realize that exactly that attitude is what allowed the left to dominate culture. Same here in Germany with the AfD and Petry and others trying to distance themselves from "the nazis".
Kurz is being put under pressure to prove he is not a nazi. That's all. And now comes the point where he either stands up to the brainwashing or falls for it. Sadly, our enemies are "the elites" and have nearly unlimited funds to sweeten the deal.
OH, that's the country that has Junker?!
Holy Crap, that victory is way better than I thought. Farage must be laughing his butt off.
>Will he bend the knee?
He will. He bends the knee, maybe even both knees.
>He has no business telling an autonomous state what gov they should form
He is the president. He can say whatever he wants and has the power to get his demands through. Even more so, once the EU army is in place, he can just send troops into Austria like Spain is doing with Catalonia.
EU can suck on big bag of black cocks like neocuckkists they are
>once the EU army is in place
so never?
there will be no EU army kraut, not after 2 world wars you started (inb4 dindu nuffin)
you cannot have army, never ever, moreover, there is no need, NATO is in place
Junker will go down in history as one of the worst mass murderers of all time.
meh, he cannot even do that right
he will be remembered as incompetent drunkard bufoon
EU has already stated before they won't allow "far-right" politicians to take hold.
Wake up, Euros. You're about to be driven off a cliff.
There won't be an EU Army in the next few years and especially not EU Army with Austrian troops.
Also he won't do this. Then they would go into Switzerland too lol
Please give us sanctions again. We don't give a fuck.
we will veto those sanctions just to fuck with Brussels
Liberals have this belief that they will be in power forever. That's why, here in America, they advocate for disarmament and things like hate speech laws. Because they intend to use these against everyone else.
They are so blinded by the propaganda and so confident of their majority by their echo chamber that they won't see the axe coming for their neck.
The EU's a real shitshow these days, isn't it? To think, all they had to do was not shove niggers and sadniggers down everyone's throats.
actual democratic process and people control over EU institutions would be nice too
instead we got kalergi and that other italian plan in plays
gg eurocrats, 0/10. would not join again
The politcal system of the EU is so fucked up. All we can do is voting an parliament with 750 seats! Instead of so many fucking seats they should reduce it. I mean the sense of a parliament is to concentrate the people's votes on a few people and not on nearly thousand.
Second the EU should have direct democracy, like Switzerland has. The EU must NOT work on it's own. It has to be controlled by the people of the EU countries.
Third: The EU must stop thinking it's a big business. It's an organization of countries and NOT a business or even a COUNTRY itself!
>would not join again
Redpilled persons voted against joining EU from the start.
I disagree, direct democracy would favour countries with more people -> germany will grant citizenship to turks just to outvote anybody
we must go back to trade union and maybe common disaster fund, like in case of drought/ fires etc
everything else is bullshit in my opinion
also, bomb brussels, nest of faggotry
so this is the power of democracy
I was too young to vote join
sorry Eesti
Sehr lel
>point out lies
>linking the article so people can read it for themselves
>defending the EU
when did I fucking defend the EU? I hope it burns down with all the technocrats trapped inside. but lies are lies, if we are going to have a discussion it needs to be based on the truth.
get fucked.
>direct democracy
Estonia has 0 (zero) say in current EU and will have 0 (zero) say in direct democracy EU.
> He is the president. He can say whatever he wants and has the power to get his demands through.
What power? Try to sanction Austria?
You said
>would not join again
You never joined then, you were dragged into.
>Try to sanction Austria?
Well they did that once already
I still can't believe that so many retards voted for Kurz and the SPÖ too
Fucking nuke this country.
They did, but I think people are more woke today.
well, I guess it is correct
therefore, I would not join
not having a pro-eu government doesn't make anything better for you, stop acting like you're the uk. you are better off with the eu, just like us
No, user.
This EU project should be euthanized. It has terminal cancer. No need for it to die in agonizing pain.
We must let it reborn without cancer.
yes I just love handing over my sovereignty to a non-democratic entity, we need them for the economy! Diregard we've been a mechant nation for centuries before the EU ever appeared.
Without the EU we'd all be poor and constantly at war!
Gr Choco-Jew angree.
Choco-Jew wants everyone to listen to him.
we are one of few places that pay more into the EU than take out lol EU can fuck off.
if we get the right leaders in europe is a perfect idea.
> "hurr durr i repate shit the FPÖ already said two years ago hurr"
>Hmm seems genuen lets vote lololl
Yeah fucking idiots, but with all the shit that could have gone wrong its at least ..ok especially considering that the greens are fucking dead lol
Netherbro, the EU is an Undemocratic congregation of world leaders who've been elected and not elected, they do not act in your will, they act in the will of corporations and wealth, not in the will of people. they'd exchange your freedom if it means they make a sheckel off from it. Migrating Countries dead by insufferable amounts to every third is an achmed or some other ethnicity will cause the country's policies and face to change, your stores will have kosher and halal foods, your politicians will pander to islam and certain behavior will be deemed normal what it once wasn't.
This isn't "progress" it's destruction of cultural, ethnic individuality and loss of sovereignity of every nation.
If you think subversion is the key to winning the war of our demise then you're the kind of guy who dies on his knees than even attempt to die on his feet.
Looks like that new leader won't be seeing Austrians again for a very very long time...
Always happens. Most people are completely averse to changing their behavior unless it is absolutely necessary. Even for something as small (on the scale of the individual's effort) as putting their cross somewhere else on the ballot.
So they'd rather vote for the copy that has a more than questionable past when it comes to keeping their promises over just picking the original.
>implying EU members are sovereign
Hard to be sovereign when you have no borders and have EU law override your own
It was Juncker who said it, and he sees both of those as identical. So not really relevant which word exactly he used.
On Greece's economic meltdown in 2011
"When it becomes serious, you have to lie.
On EU monetary policy
"I'm ready to be insulted as being insufficiently democratic, but I want to be serious ... I am for secret, dark debates"
On British calls for a referendum over Lisbon Treaty
“Of course there will be transfers of sovereignty. But would I be intelligent to draw the attention of public opinion to this fact?,”
On French referendum over EU constitution
“If it's a Yes, we will say 'on we go', and if it's a No we will say 'we continue’,”
On the introduction of the euro
"We decide on something, leave it lying around, and wait and see what happens. If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don't understand what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no turning back."
On eurozone economic policy and democracy
“We all know what to do, we just don't know how to get re-elected after we've done it”
Serious question from someone who doesn't know much about the EU. Who elects these globalist clowns at the top? The whole thing seems undemocratic and largely unaccountable. I know there's an elected EU parliament but it doesn't seem like they do much of anything
EU elections get less than 50 % turnout. If they would be even nearly as democratic as they claim to be every election of the EU parliament would be invalid because of low turnout. People at the top get nominated and elected by the EU bureaucracy.
juncker cant do fkn jackshit about it and im pretty sure that in the next few years the (((EU))) is going to break up and i´m just waiting for it to happen.
The Commission operates as a cabinet government, with 28 members of the Commission (informally known as "commissioners").[4] There is one member per member state, but members are bound by their oath of office to represent the general interest of the EU as a whole rather than their home state.[3] One of the 28 is the Commission President (currently Jean-Claude Juncker) proposed by the European Council[5] and elected by the European Parliament.[6] The Council of the European Union then nominates the other 27 members of the Commission in agreement with the nominated President
>The Council of the European Union
The Council meets in 10 different configurations of 28 national ministers (one per state)
How are they picked by the (((nation state)))??
The EU parliament is a joke because it is made up of ~200 political parties. The average voter has no idea what is going on in the EU parliament. In EU elections he just votes for the same party he would vote for in his national elections.
Basically the Members of the EU parliament gets elected no matter what they do and the the EU Commission doesn't get elected in the first place.
>I don't know why people still conflate pro-European and pro-EU.
It's done intentionally to conflate different concepts with each other. No one would say that they aren't part of Europe anymore. That's stupid, this concept has existed for a long time and is well established.
The EU on the other hand is some fairly young political institution that has fucked up more often than it did right, it is absolutely not as crucial as EU politicians like to pretend.
By constantly conflating the two they ensure that the same is happening within the mind of most people listening to them, and since most people aren't very logical they'll keep mixing up the associations for the two constantly.
>they cant do what they want to do because they are acting like a business and not like a government.
just heard another perfect example for that in the radio this morning.
in the 70s, the EU provided financial incentive for owners of "wild" fruit orchards in Germany to chop down all their trees. those orchards were left more or less untended until the time of the harvest, when people from the nearby town would harvest and process them to make them less perishable. led to an oversupply of fruits every now and then in those areas (since they were untended, the yield could vary quite a bit), which obviously fucked with the markets. for the population that was no problem, because why should they care if a bunch of fruits end up being composted? they had enough fruits.
but the EU doesn't act in the interest of the population but rather in that of companies. so those trees had to go to ensure that the supply was more stable and it was easier for companies to gauge the market and make a profit.
it's basically collapsing under Merkel's mental defects. she is completely incapable of admitting any failure on her side, which is why she is strictly sticking to her current course, even if it is killing her party at an insane speed (they got their worst result since '46 in the last federal election).
and the EU is kind of fucked because Germany is the most influential country in the EU. Merkel is dragging both Germany and the EU into death and none of them has the spine to tell her to fuck off.
and that's despite smaller countries already getting a completely disproportional say in relation to their population.
the EU as political institution just doesn't work because the European countries are too diverse.
>The EU parliament is a joke because it is made up of ~200 political parties. The average voter has no idea what is going on in the EU parliament
"We decide on something, leave it lying around, and wait and see what happens. If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don't understand what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no turning back."
>BPS "Austria Defiant" video coming
Day of the rope is mostly about white traitors
thanks user, that actually makes sense
The system is fucked regardless of leaders.
>Who elects these globalist clowns at the top?
The people.
The system is pretty much an exact copy of the US system and the turnout is about the same as in US mid-term election.
Only difference is that the states retain the right to allocate the states' representatives based on whatever system they choose. Most states choose to use a proportional voting system and not a district based first-past-the-post system. Even the UK uses a proportional voting system. As a result of that, nobody knows anyone in the EU parliament and has no personal rep there.
The EU parliament is less powerful than the US house of representatives, but in many ways it has the same legislative rights as the US house.
>Well they did that once already
And until this day, Austrians fear those sanctions. You have people brining the EU sanctions from 2000 up again and again. Seems it was quite a shock.
it is still a fairly bad idea because the countries are too different to have the same rules everywhere.
it works great as an economic union, because that allows us to stand up to much larger nations like China or the US when it comes to trade agreements or hostile takeovers.
it does not work at all for the social engineering shit.
>completely disproportional say
Nobody listens, user.
Every nation in EU should have EQUAL say, and only things that get 100% of member support should be done.
European Union should serve the interests of ethnic European nations. Otherwise it is European only because of name - formally.
Also, everybody serving in European Commission should be removed permanently and commission as an institution liquidated.