I have a question for Germans, Swedes and the French

I have a question for Germans, Swedes and the French.

If you have ever spoken to a migrant or happen to be one, could you tell me their viewpoint on the jewish question?


I'm no cucked country, but I'd assume (because most immigrants come from Arab/neighbouring Arab states) their opinion of the Jews/Zionists is going to be very negative. Niggers are too low IQ to even know anything about the Jew, no point even trying to get an opinion from them.

Words from a "maghrebin" (algerian in france) after i made an antisemitic comment:

"Very good that some euros know about the jews".

Negative viewpoints from the few I've asked

Maghrébin = from the Maghreb = from Morocco, Algeria or Tunisia

Wtf is a migrant for you ? The migrants that came during the so called refugee crisis don't speak French, and they're very few in France

Had an arab girlfriend a few years ago. She was a staunch antisemite and hated jews and Israel.

Also talking about God and Religion, while being a total slut at the same time.

This implies you ll find someone sharing a common language with you, and that doesn t happen 95% of times

They hate Americans

was in the army with alot of sons of middle eastern immigrants. Their views on niggers and jews were 100% negative and they would never let their sisters date one

To be honest, pretty much everyone I talk to is very critcal of Israel. And because of this, it's starting to become basic antisemitism. Jews are one of the main subjects of laughter with my friends, and they're not redpilled or anything. We just love to make fun of jews, their money, their control over the world and their nose.

Why would I talk to animals?

Bump, arab/turc girls in Ger are ridiculous. 60% headscarf wearers, 90% sluts.

All Muslims I know hate Jews and believe in the zionist NWO stuff, other people don't give a fuck.

All Serbs I have spoken to so far love Jews btw.

Euromuslims are ridiculous.

>muh i do not eat haribo, the gelatine is made of pork and that's haram
>yeah hand over the joint, lets drink something and then let's go to the next gambling hall

Some hate jews and really despise Israel others don't really care

Arabs hate jews. There has been numerous accounts. Our pusiyfied press has even had reporters go out into the "no go zones" talking about it. Basically got threatened and shown the way out,.


And since the left is infiltrated by muslims the left is slowly becoming more antisemitic aswell.

it's funny

it gets annoying as shit fast, too
>trip with the sports club
>have a BBQ at the end
>need to reserve a whole part of the grill for the mudshit because "oh no, my food cannot touch any pork!"
>gets so shitfaced he throws up
if your god is real he will already condemn you anyway, so stop annoying me with it

>country is being conquered and women are being raped
>muh dick
The absolute state of Germany.

Arabs and turks hate jews more than germas in 1933, they just don't do it openly.
For them it's like a holy mantra, hating on jews is more important than praying 6 times a day.
Ill people are they. Mentally ill, every single one of them but the politicians don't care, for them they are just "misunderstood". Better arrest some moderate rightwingers because they are "nazis".

>arab girlfriend
Eat shit heinie.

pretty much, yeah. the Nazis wanted the Jews removed from Germany and maybe Europe.
the Arabs want them wiped out, everywhere.

>they just don't do it openly.

When talking about nationalsocialism we always had Muslims in class saying Hitler was a good guy etc. When teacher asked them why they simply said "because he killed jews" and it was fine.

islamic antisemitism is a big taboo, that's also a reason why we got a great split in German left:
Antiimperialisten & Antideutsche.

I meant in the way that they don't run around beating up jews on streets and destroying their property.
When I was in school many years ago, we had history lesson and someone of those muzzles said that Israel shall be wiped out completely and teacher didn't say anything against it.
But other day we went onto some german-french graveyard and a german guy wrote in the note something like "My respect for the fallen german soldiers who died in a war protecting their fatherland" and he got into serious trouble for that.
See the problem?

>I meant in the way that they don't run around beating up jews on streets and destroying their property
Lurk more, that's already happening in Germany and France.

>I meant in the way that they don't run around beating up jews on streets and destroying their property.
but they do. there's just relatively few Jews living in Germany, so you don't see it happen regularly simply for statistical reasons.

Many Arabs certainly hate jews. I had a guy talk loudly to me about the jews doing 9/11 in the cafeteria at my work, I did not enjoy that since it could get us in trouble. They are quite open about it, general.

Well then the german lefty media got me here. Of course they will hide things like that. But dare someone mention that muslims are bad, he is instantly branded as nazi and shit, just look at all that AfD bashing.

My housemate is Bengali Muslim and literally has no idea what the holocaust is. He's 35.

I asked him what he thought about Jews and the only thing he knew is that the Jews killed Jesus.

honestly, I think the AfD bashing helped the AfD a lot. if they had treated them like any other party, the AfD would have quickly been seen as semi-establishment.
but their violent opposition to them turned the AfD into an underdog that (short of tinfoil theories) stands in obvious hard opposition to the legacy parties. it gives them a much stronger pull for dissatisfied voters.
on top of that, their schulterschluss against the AfD also again sends the signal that there can be no alternative but the AfD. no matter what other party you vote for, they support the current political course, if you are unhappy with this there is only one option.

I have talked to some. They hate jews. But they don't understand anything about the details of the JQ, they're just dumb arabs who were told by their mullah that jews are the devil and oppress the nations with usury. they probably don't even know what usury is.

As opposed to dumb Jews who think they are a chosen people, that life requires different types of actors and that anybody that says anything remotely against Jews is Anti-Semitic.

>mfw your critical of most religions, but only Judaism decided to label people like that as something wrong.

Most of them are very pro-Hitler. At least those from MENA.

Judaism is the most cancerous one because it does not recruit.
All other (relevant) religions might be shitting on outsiders, but they are also always seeing them as potential brothers in faith who just haven't seen the light yet.

Jews don't do that, for them you are either born as one of the chosen or you are a goyim.

Muslims = extremly anti jew
Niggers = dont care
Slavs/balkan rats = rampant antisemitism

It really bothers me that there is no separation of race and religion with Jews.

It's on par with the narrative of how Nazi Germany viewed certain races as "untermench" and viewed Aryans as superior.

Judaism teaches exactly the same ideals as fascist Germany, yet no one talks about that.

A lot of Jewish people are quite liberal though. American Jews in particular and believing the old Jewish doctrine to the point of seeing goyim as "untermench" is reserved for the few Jewish radicalists (on par with neo-nazis).

>most religions are retarded in some way