Left or Right?

Left or Right?

>good, good, shit, shit, shit, good


Team A, left.

A. How is this a question.

Left have Biribiri. Team A wins.


What kind of dumb meme is this, though? The match up makes no sense.

>A team has Biri and Momo
Do you even have to ask wich team is better?


>dumb mikotofags out in full force
Literally bottom of the toilet tier waifu.

>IP count didn't go up
Nice butthurt, OP.

Not interested in either teams to be honest

Left is easy choice. It has best girl.

>pic glitched
Damn it, moot.

I'm only picking A because of that black-haired semen demon which i don't know.

Who's moot?

So much shit taste should be banned.

You realize that means any of the current posters could've made another post?

Then again, you're both a newfag and an idiot.

Left at full force.

My Team
Katsura Hinagiku

That would be illogical, OP. Everyone picked left. Also, I like how you forgot the first reply.

My Team
Tatenashi Katana Sarashiki

Reminder that Kirei was FTL
Reminder that proto saber is faster than and better than Kirei

D stomps in terms of power & waifu material

The leader of my team and Ultimate Waifu
Yui Kotegawa

I like Ciel but agains Mobo and Biri it's no contest

I am Team Yui Hina Tatenashi

>Not new UIP
Why are you samefagging again?

OP and this image belongs to ESL-kun from TLR threads.
These samefag posts and reused images pf when he was shitposting reinforces it's that faggot.

uip? i dont care
You still be a Gringross aMoron Yankeshitty like donald

More evidence to rest my case.

I think you're losing your mind.

>3 mins in element

>These samefag posts and reused images pf when he was shitposting reinforces it's that faggot.
Stupid Hater Faggot also a Fucking homophobic shitty who not know the good taste

Gringross aMoron Yankeshitty like donald
That supports my point

>replying twice
>switches between ESL and decent English
>doesn't even try to hide it
As expected of a troll.

But Team A doesn't have A-cups

And Team D doesn't have D-cups

>replying twice
Because that's what it's you
>switches between ESL and decent English
So it's my way
>doesn't even try to hide it
I'm not a coward belligerent pusillanimous like you
>As expected of a troll.
You know at least what is trolling

And I do not think you're a guy who is acting like a troll
Because you born with that disability

>they could, depending on their methods.
That's like me saying, that I could beat a servant if I had a giant space lazor in space.


The one with no Ciel in it.

Left, easily.

Epic fail.

I don't know any of these girls.

A because of momo and cap misaka