Why did nerd culture spiral into fascism?
Why did nerd culture spiral into fascism?
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Smart people realized dumb ones need to be subjugated.
I would argue and say that nerd culture represents things like the acceptance of gaming and gaming culture and most of them are communists
both fascists and nerds have little to no social skills and suck at life.
maybe thats why
> introverts don't understand social norms
Stop the fucking presses
Is this why both are so rampant on the Left?
Same thing happens with AI, at some point it realizes that facism is the way to go.
listen to Devo and you'll see it couldn't have turned out any other way
it didn't
fascism is the lefts new boogyman
Nerd culture is full of too many libs and betas to be fascist. Gaming though? Well you shouldn't have touched my vidya you dirty kikes.
I just wanted to play video games.
Nerds are smart.
You're saying fascism is smart.
You just played yourself.
Gaming culture really hasn't been infiltrated by reds like some think. Only the companies creating games for said gamers are infected.
I just want to play video games but these faggots won't let me.
The real question is why it didn't happen sooner.
Leftist /Kike intervention in videogames and technology made me right wing
Because gamers are pissed that their games are starting to be shit up with sjw propaganda and politics. They didn't care about politics a decade ago.
They just wouldn't leave muh vidya alone. Now I can't even play vidya, so I train everyday and prepare my mind and body for the coming storm. I am ready are you?
They want to destroy any male only spaces bc that's where resistance is most likely to organize. It was the same with coffee shops during the Enlightenment.
They're forcing male only spaces to open up to women in the guise of equality, when women are around men get distracted which derails from intellectual discussion.
When it was a white male hobby nothing went wrong. Then women and SJWs started telling everyone what to do and now it's shit.
>lmao we're going to spam your beloved franchises with niggers/feminism
>'wtf why are they nazis now?'
The majority of "gamers" are centrist lolbertarian types, because video games are entirely meritocratic and about challenging yourself. Lefties, being the subhuman cocksucking animals they are, think anyone left of them is a neo-Nazi Klan member who wants to genocide all the women, trannies, and proud PoC.
Most people who have gaming as their primary hobby just want to be left the fuck alone. They don't give a shit about the world or politics or race or religion, they just want to enjoy their pitiful lives in quiet peace, not being bothered by screeching harpies.
It didn't. It's just that they think anyone who doesn't swallow their Marxist swill is a fascist.
Because SJWs wouldn't let us watch our science fiction, read our fantasy novels and play our games.
Once the fucking liberals and commies got a hold of it.
>Gaming culture really hasn't been infiltrated by reds like some think. Only the companies creating games for said gamers are infected.
Gamers are often left wing but aren't normies and don't give a shit about social issues
got overrun with normie faggots and grrrrl gamers.
Smart people realized the logical conclusion to society, duh.
We only wanted to play our videogames. They forced us into it.
they fucked with video games
If Anita Sarkeesian just kept her motherfucking mouth shut none of this would have happened.
t. the ghost of Reich
SJWs, libtards, and normalfags tried to take "nerd culture" into pop culture. Now the legitimate nerds are pissed because their hobbies were an escape from normalfag retardation.
Genuine nerd culture (so not the fake recent big bang faggot commercial stuff) is just the culture of alienated men. Men without a compelling interest in the social order will try to change it so that they have one. This isn't new, Jews just thought they could rewrite nature. Large numbers of disenfranchised men without families = revolution and/or war. Or sometimes mass migration but that isn't an option for Whites.
If anything, (((nerds))) are largely reddit atheist
>I watch comic book movies and upload pics of me playing video games on Instagram. omg I'm such a nerd lol
Because nerds are autistic and therefore lack the emotional capacity to be swayed by "muh feelings" arguments aka the only support for democracy and freedom, and depressed and therefore lack the self preservation instinct (i don't care if I get screwed over, it's for the best).
It's the other way around. Do these gentlemen look like the "smartest and strongest" to you?
>They're forcing male only spaces to open up to women in the guise of equality, when women are around men get distracted which derails from intellectual discussion.
It's crazy how fast it changes the dynamic into luggage lad school drama. Normally an idiot will be ignored, but if the idiot is a 5/10 woman she'll get all the attention.
I'm just thankful I've never had a woman on any of my work teams.
gaming from Diablo, CS, EQ and onward were all about the strong surviving, the weak dying, and the organized succeeding. You either win or you do not.
Most gamers were left-lolbertarian types, usually indifferent to politics. All the feminist/SJW prattle pushed them to the right in recent years. The only hard lefties in gaming are game "journalists", indie hipsters, and millenial diversity hires at AAA dev studios; basically the snobbish industry insiders and their fans.
The average gamer ignores these people or hates them, and the waves of new, lefty politicized western AAA games tanking into bargain bins proves this.
Nerds got nothing to do with it. Clinton retards are looking for something, anything to blame except their own tone deaf retard campaign and poll-fixing amnesia.
Those aren't nerds they're normies trying to be hip and cool. Real nerds are still like revenge of the nerds stereotypes and don't have an instagram.
No one likes redditors.
>nerds just want to play games and talk about pseudo-science and philosophy
>leftists constantly attack them
>nerds fight back
>Oy vey, stop researching how things work and be a good goy who just consumes
This is the reason.
Most gamers are right libertarian today. Every game i play i see Sup Forums shit.
"""""nerd""""" culture is not nerd culture. i don't want to sound fedora-y, but watching capeshit doesn't make you a nerd.
"nerd culture" is another thing being aggressively colonized by leftists- first they enter the space, then dominate it by seizing control of the highest positions, then proclaim the original inhabitants are no longer wanted in the community and should leave
because nerds are smart and the smartest ideology of them all is Fascism.
High IQ nerds don't want to be held down by the brainlets of society
We should turn Halloween into fascism aswell
>invade foreign "culture" that society looked down upon and mocked for years
>force your LGBT SJW leftist bullshit upon it
>people reject it
Nerd culture spiralled into fascism because nerd culture was simply the external form taken in modern times by the universal impulse of young men to find spaces outside of the feminized normie mainstream, i.e., outside of the watchfulness of their mothers and kin, and form bonds with each other.
Young men are always compelled to strike out and create warrior bands with one another. Women and feminized nu-males don't understand this, because they are content to simmer eternally in the heat death of civilization like a mindless faggot lizard on a faggot rock, but men crave novelty, danger, and rites of passage.
That doesn't mean nerd culture would inevitably had become "fascism," but it always would have had the arational element of solidarity and rejection of the bourgeois normalfag order. That could have been reintegrated or accommodated, it just wasn't.
because grills co-opted it and made it normie?
There was never time for "two generations" of nerd culture. 1.5 at most.
Because you fucked with video games. You fucked over the last refuge we could take shelter in.
I've seen you in like 3 other threads today, shoo shoo you filthy Magyar shill
Social Justice Warriors are the puritans and cultists spreading their cancer in games.
>mindless faggot lizard
audible kek
Anything can be "fascism" when your group is about "fighting fascism." They have their rallying cry, so they just alter their perception of the enemy to suit it.
Not too sure about that. Every game I play people whine about racism and sexism. I changed my in-game name to Donald Trump during the election and I haven't bothered to change my nickname. The amount of triggered liberals who get mad at me for playing with that name is staggering. I don't even use the mic or talk to people in games, they get so mad they start yelling over the mic and insulting me. It's so weird.
Yesterday I was on Sup Forums talking about video games. I called the South Park creators degenerate for doing drugs and the Sup Forumsirgins got so triggered they started calling me a ''cheeto king's russian bot from Sup Forums who is a southern baptist preacher.''
Gaymer culture is so fucking gay and dull it's completely turning me off from video games. Every time I play a game it's like attending an online Antifa gathering.
Most of them are anti Political Correctness and generally pretty right leaning.
Just looking for this, yes.
yup, pretty much this desu
It's true. liberal/progressive/atheist nerds want, at the end of the day, exactly what the fascist wants.
They believe that "good" means whatever men are conditioned to approve. They believe that it is the function of their kind to condition men; to create consciences by eugenics, psychological manipulation of infants, state education and mass propaganda. Because they are confused, they do not yet fully realize that those who create conscience cannot be subject to conscience themselves. But they must awake to the logic of their position sooner or later; and when they do, what barrier remains between us and the final division of the race into a few conditioners who stand themselves outside morality and the many conditioned in whom such morality as the experts choose is produced at the experts' pleasure? If "good" means only the local ideology, how can those who invent the local ideology be guided by any idea of good themselves? The very idea of freedom presupposes some objective moral law which overarches rulers and ruled alike. Subjectivism about values is eternally incompatible with democracy. We and our rulers are of one kind only so long as we are subject to one law. But if there is no Law of Nature, the ethos of any society is the creation of its rulers, educators and conditioners; and every creator stands above and outside his creation.
you're not playing the right games but even in the good ones there are some total cucks.
Fascism is the union of government and business. Every single corporation... Who/what do they support? Trumpism yes?
"Nerd culture" isn't a thing.
I'm a nerd, ask me anything.
Just because it's hip. We should keep making it look like it's a fashionable position
Yes it is natural for men to form mannerbunds. Most mens clubs would get shoa'd pretty quick when screeching harpies found them. This is espcially the case with beta male culture as they cuck out and are too accomadating. You wanna know why numales are so prelevent apart from chemical warfare? Because they dont have brotherhoods to mould them from boys into men.
As for OP, nerds come from burgeioise families and we have had a crisis of capitalism and liberal republicanism/democracy universally so you do the math ;)
Seems like every CEO cant wait to virtue signal about how awful blumpf is. Especially in gaming and entertainment.
What are ''the right games?''
Now that I am getting older I am not that into super serious autism simulators with loads of depth. Maybe something like EVE online has a somewhat intelligent playerbase, but I only play casual shit like Overwatch or TF2. I tried the 1 month free trial of WoW and it was extremely dull because after interacting with a few people I started avoiding everyone like the plague.
Maybe I am just out of the loop, but I don't see any online games that are worth playing.
It actually means boy culture.
Rust is pretty good if you can get a few lads together
because nerd culture was never for your stupid political ideology
it really hasn't. nerd culture has always been full of bitter, angry aging white men. that's what used to be so charming about it. it's not even that they're actual legitimate "fascists." but it's a kind of phenomenon that you simply wouldn't understand if you were a nigger or a woman. it's an angry white male thing that comes from a crushing existence, and i for one loved it. i'm sad to see that now it has been appropriated by blue haired holes, but it has also lead to me finding interest in different things, so whatever.
>acceptance of gaming and gaming culture and most of them are communists
I especially like the fair re-disribution of exp in games. All games are inherently marxist.
Coul you imagine a meritocratic vidya game? it would be utter trash.
vicky 2 and hoi are the only acceptable Sup Forums games
There are "real nerds" and "fake nerds". A real nerd has a genuine deep interest in something and doesn't care whether it's popular or not (doesn't care how the society views him and if he ends up as a social outcast). A fake nerd just follows trends (nerdiness is just a means how to be popular for him). Real nerds brought us to the Moon, fake nerds brought us The Big Bang Theory.
That sounds more right, to be honest.
forgot this, also warband
Yes, and it's beautiful
> can you imagine a video game that relied on the users skill
> it would be utter trash
Rust and games like that seem to be games where you need to communicate a lot with other people. I am just not into that. I hate sitting alone in a basement talking to a computer. I like the competitiveness and climbing in matchmaking, or trying to beat my high scores.
>what are the right games?
Deus Ex youtu.be
It wasn't inherently unstable, but in a multicultural environment it necessarily becomes so. Nerd culture is about the veneration and construction of identity around little things, fundamentally trifles, and this is untenable outside a homogenous society. Nerd culture is a dust cloud, and is being torn apart by the gravitational attraction of solid identities, like ethnicity, race, nationalism and religion.
the eternal potato nigger
you know with the first part you still had the "vidja journalists" on our side but now they rather play in self punishment as to show they are not the typical vdja fans... instead of just you know explaining how this is just wrong... they play along out of fear and stupidity "no i am not a gamer i just write about it i belong to you crazies no really pls dont attack me in public"
Spineless cowards.
I would say loser culture and not nerd, nerd culture eg rick morty and all that fag shit they try to sell us is not what autist beta bois are into.
We escaped reality because we knew how shitty it was so we played video games, it was the only thing we could do because we didnt wanna do normie bullshit that only normies think is fun and worthwhile.
Instead we raised our powerlevels through the internet, we red about men like hitler we saw in a video game, or napoleon and caesar. We came to understandings other people couldnt and cant.
>it aint even fascism really, we just hate normies and celebrate success
don't forget table top games. there was nothing better than gathering around a table with a bunch of other fat fucking losers, and cracking "misogynistic" and "racist" jokes with your buddies while you play war games. amusing that the slits had to even corrupt our corner of the earth. i can't even go into a game store anymore without wanting to puke.
>humans across the board all vilify video games and the degenerates who play them
You'd think this would be a sign that they shouldn't be fucking playing video games but instead "gamers" just use it as an excuse to further reinforce their victim complex.
Because feminists and SJWs tried to shit it up when they had nothing to do with it
i was pretty much all-in after the original wolfenstein 3d