Is there anything, anything at all, that Trump could do which would make you think he's a reprehensible narcissist?
Is there anything, anything at all, that Trump could do which would make you think he's a reprehensible narcissist?
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Every living thing is a narcissist. It's basic nature to care more about yourself then things that are not you.
He was still a better choice than the other narcissist
There is absolutely nothing this man could do to make me stop supporting him. Everything you think looks bad we love. We don't think like you because we're not delusional fucking morons.
the truth is were all narcissists.some have more balls to show it publicly then others
He could run for president and lose. Then write a book about what happened and blame everyone but himself.
If he wasn't I wouldn't have voted for him
Is there anything, anything at all, that could convince you that constantly demonizing Trump is a pointless exercise that convinces no one?
He's so cute when the audience make him laugh
if he nuke Israel. God I hope he would "never" so it it else I would lose all my respect for him
ayo donny lemme hold sumfin
lemme have just one brick of them old school hunnids
Narricism is the highest expression of freewill...Trump 2020!
thats baller af
He can be a reprehensible narcissist autistic unempathetic douchebag asshole for all I care, as long as he's a net benefit to the country
>in b4 globalist candidate 1,2,3,4 or 5 would have been better
i already think he's a narcissist. Why should that effect whether i support his presidency or not? I voted for him for the policies he will enact, not because i think he's a saint.
>liberals will never understand anything other than identity politics
If only this worked
Everyone is a narcissist. But everyone gets up on their high horse and pretends they're oh so humble and modest.
So when a guy like Trump comes around and says that he's rich as fuck, has a hot wife, and a 9 inch dick, I respect that because he's honest about who he is. By extension, this also makes him far more trustworthy.
If Trump campaigned and tried to play up the "I'm just a regular guy like you" card he would have been laughed at. But the fact that he embraced who he is made him more real and relatable than any "How do you do, fellow middle classers?" nonsense he might have pulled.
2 years of shilling and you morons haven't achieved shit
No, he could literally execute a leftist in the street and I would still vote to reelect him.
Where's me rake when I need it?
I feel like we stay the same and they just go insane.
Betray America.
That would guarantee I'd vote to re-elect him
Jewbots are in full force....
Good question. This is a man who gave up his life of unimaginable luxury and wealth in order to serve his country and help the working class who are being crushed by neoliberalism and globalism. In order to achieve this, he has spent the last several years being subjected to concerted attacks on his intelligence, character, business practices and sexual history by approximatly 95% of the mainstream media and the entire established political class.
And you want me to tell you what he would have to do to make me think he's a reprehensible narcissist. Let's flip the question around: what more would Trump have to do to convince you that he is a good and decent man who wants to serve his country? I mean, does he literally have to donate his kidney for you to acknowledge that he's a good man?
>implying that's not why we hired him, to line them up and let them go
So far (you) haven't shown 'me' anything to suggest he's reprehensible. I don't care if he's a narcissist, all politicians are malignant narcissists - especially the president.
I didn't vote for his character, I voted for the principles he claimed to support and so far he is supporting them.
Sorry I don't want to abolish the first few amendments of the constitution, give my daughters to muslim and north african rape gangs and obliterate the concept of national security and our borders. I guess I'm a "piece of shit" by your demonic, infernal standards.
not send them back.
No matter how hard Sup Forums tries with disinfo scams like pizzagate, Democrats will never trigger real victims of sex crimes as much as Trump does.
Daily reminder of who's creating these posts.
See? You instinctively went for "your" rake. Not "A" rake, not "the" rake not anyone else's rake. Yours.
You're a narcissist. Just like everyone else.
There's no such thing as real sex crimes. Only payment.
No. He him self said he could shoot people and still won't loss any supporters.
Trump is the last hope for conservatives. They have everything bet on him and that is why his ultimate failure would be so delicious.
>They have everything bet on him and that is why his ultimate failure would be so delicious.
2020 will be so great. I can't wait.
call himself a reprehensible narcissist
>N O
>N O
>N O
>N O
>N O
>N O
>N O
>N O
>N O
Pizzagate is real you fucking shills. and Israel will be BTFO because of pizzagate. Mossad blackmail kike bullshit. Kill yourselves.
His approval rating is at 37%.
I image it will get lower when his supporters figureout that there isn't going to be a 10 feet wall, obama care is still there and DACA is still active.
Besides i don't think he will live that long.
nope. nothing at all.
>Israel will be BTFO because of pizzagate
i thought hilary was being pizzagate. now Israel is behind it too? oh man. you should totally be a journalist.
Narcists hate succesful and happy people, so he'd have to consistently try to destroy their lives. Butthurt Lefties don't count because they are neither.
Mossad blackmail.
>Lefties aren't successful
Fun fact:
california (the most lefties state) has the largest state GDP is the US. meanwhile states with conservative leaders have failed economies.
google alone is worth more then the entire russian stock market.
There's nothing inherently wrong with a president being narcissistic.
No shit, jew money talks.
slide thread: indentified.
>Lefties aren't successful
another fun fact: 8 of the top 10 richest people are lefties. the 2 are Koch brothers.
However all 10 are anti-trump.
He's a narcissist, that should be clear to everyone. I'm one as well, so I'm not judging him for that. And he certainly has reprehensible qualities. I have a bunch of those as well. Everyone does. So, the answer to your question: yes.
I already think he's a reprehensible narcissist. And yeah, I voted for him while thinking that. Your point being?
I already think he's a narcissist. I don't really care because he backs it up and is single handedly winning the culture war
Huh, funny. You have no idea how corrupt the political system is, do you? Read about the Franklin scandal, which primarily focuses on a republican pedo ring in the 80s and 90s. And yes Democrats have them too.
Human compromise, or blackmail, is the grease that keeps our corrupt system going. Ever hear that newly recycled progressive buzzword "kompromat"? The Russians are masters, and the only ones better are Jewish and anglosphere intelligence agencies.
Wake the hell up man, and stop sucking the corporate cock of the neocons and neolibs.
Fuck you goat fucker and one more thing allah used to suck pig dick
pol would rather drown in their own piss than say a bad word of this obnoxious cunt
you should knoe better
thats just way too much projection cuck.
Wanna bet (((most))) of them are leftists only for the $$$ it brings?
But even if they are True Leftist Believers, it still doesn't invalidate my claim that Trump doesn't consistently attack people because of their happiness & success. He seems to surround himself with them, thus invalidating the claim.
>trusting pols
is there anything Hillary could do that would make you think she should be in jail?
Sorry snowflake leaf but you're completely wrong.
hes a politician now. by default he goes to the 4th malebolge minimum. if he isnt lucky he ends up where hillary will end up
which is a elevator in the sub basement which goes no where but nobody ever realizes that and they have to take a shit really bad and if you finally decide to pop a squat the doors open and the second you pull them up they close and if you shit your self the doors open and people rush in then all stare at you and when you get off to avoid the shame you realize your on the wrong floor and you will leave a trail of shit every where you go and the floor you have to get on another elevator
Hahhahahahahhahahaha California??
I wouldn't step in there to get AIDS and Hepatitis A even for "a small loan of million dollars". California should leave the US.
there was not a single poll that said hilary was at 98%.
she neck-a-neck with trump through out the race, even got behind him a couple of times.
the bullshit you are mentioning were opinion pieces written by news pundits.
A baby starts out completely egotistical and self-centered. As he grows up, this self-centeredness lessens more and more, up to the point he becomes selfless enough to get children himself.
>leftist does not understand math
I am not surprised.
Help us win the meme war lads!
the fuck does that even has anything to do with maths?
do you even know what maths is you poorly educated cuck
Dang, that pic is so crazy.
how does math work?
>I wouldn't step in there
shit i didn't knew they were handing out invitations in serbia.
>California should leave the US
the red states will stave if that happened. they live on state welfare.
again: you are confusing opinion pieces with maths.
let me make it simple to understand:
opinion pieces: opinion of one guy who is paid by a news organization.
maths: 1 + 1=2
that happens when your school teach you that the earth is 6000 years old.
>poll-model prediction
its right there user. if you can't read, just ask someone to read it for you.
You think having children is selfless?
You have children to both take care of you when you get so old you can't do it yourself, and to continue your linage after you die. Not everyone can conquer a nation, or change the world. Children are the easiest way to make yourself immortal.
I can't think of a more narcissistic thing to do then taking actions to ensure that people will sill be talking and thinking about you even after you're long dead and buried.
don't you mean irreprehensible? where did you fucking shill faggots learn the american language? in england or canada? fuck off
Self awareness and self love is healthy, but narcissism is literally the definition of when this becomes dysfunctional and impacts you severely in multiple areas of your life.
the madman would be going too far then
Neck yourself pedo.
Sure Ahmed, go ahead and read it out for me. How does a "poll-model prediction" differ from a real poll(tm) that you have in mind? A real poll doesn't extrapolate data from its sample size using some model? That output would be quite useless.
>You think having children is selfless?
Yes. It's a self sacrifice for another. A child is another being with its own consciousness and fate apart from the parents. It is close to yourself, closer than other family members, but it is not yourself. It is actually the baby who lives in the illusion that his parents are an extension of himself, but that gradually needs to wane as he recognizes himself as an individual with his own personality.
I shit I'm a Cruz missile now.
You're all lying to me, lying to yourselves, or you've never had to chose between what you want and what someone else wants, which is doubtful.
You're doing X, someone comes and says "You need to do Y". Everyone's first thought is always "But I want to keep doing X". Then people think what they would gain by doing Y instead, and either keep doing X, or convince themselves that they would gain more in the long run if they did Y.
Every action in a human's life, just like every action in the life of every living thing, is based on what will benefit the organism most.
Short term pain, for long term gain is not self-sacrifice. Becoming immortal is not a self-sacrifice.
>How does a "poll-model prediction" differ from a real poll
poll-model prediction or opinion pieces are the opinion and/or the calculations of an individual or very few people.
approval ratings or real poll(tm) are the number that reflect the opinion of actual people. meaning that they go out and actually ask random people about their opinion.
if you were to stop sucking the 71 year old orange circumcised penis for 5 minutes, it will makes sense.
I know he's a narcissist. I also know in some ways he's rather reprehensible.
He was a better choice than Hillary Clinton and short of unwarranted WW3 (war with North Korea is warranted and the only reason we wouldn't if Hillary was in power is because she'd kick the can down the road for someone else to deal with the way Clinton, Obama and Bush Jr. did), an Iraq war style boondoggle, economic catastrophe due to his actions, or he becomes truly dictatorial or a RINO/NINO I will be fine with my vote.
And Carter was a nice guy. Honest, hardworking, humble, someone I'd want to have as a friend. Someone I'd feel closer to in terms of personality and thinking than Trump. And I wouldn't want someone like me to be president. This is a world of jackals and even the faux nice European leaders are secretly self-serving predators who would throw Greece under the bus (or Poland or Hungary) if it meant German/Merkel success. I don't want a nice guy as president, I want a tough hard-hearted son of a bitch. Of course there's some things of Trump I'd change, but Krispy Kream Christie said wisdom with the comment "You want a perfect candidate? Look in the mirror".
Unless, you know, all em lefties who voted for Hillary are in favor of big corporations, of restricting the 1st amendment, of supporting dictatorships and misogynistic regimes, of warrantless wars, of not giving a damn about people until it's politically expedient, of 'superpredators', of goldman sachs. If I am guilty for all of trumps views because I voted for him those faggots are guilty for all of Hillary's for voting for her.
Everyone knows your type doesn't care about victims of sex crimes.
You made 'triggered' into an insult to protect rape culture, so you're dead men walking desu.
Happy Trump is best Trump
Whataboutism is cancer.
Trump triggers sex crime victims because he's narcissistic and dictatorial like Harvey Weinerstein.
If you'd been helping real sex abuse survivers tell the truth, you'd know.
This is how the huffpo got to their results. Is that similar to what you are describing as:
> the opinion and/or the calculations of an individual or very few people
? It doesn't look like that to me.
>if you were to stop sucking the 71 year old orange circumcised penis for 5 minutes, it will makes sense.
If you would stop projecting and focus on the matter at hand that would be great.
NO. He's still better than Hillary. God + us made sure that bitch will never be president
>what more would Trump have to do to convince you that he is a good and decent man who wants to serve his country?
Reveal his tax returns and stop deporting anchor babies, they're as American as he is.
>we average recent polls and follow the trends to Election Day to find the most likely outcomes
>average recent polls
>follow the trends
>most likely outcomes
the first fucking line. its right there. you blind fucking moron.
>It's the most nihilistic fanbase I've ever seen in my life. Imagine there was a heavy-metal band and all they did was piss on their fans and call them fucking assholes, but also did lyrics that pissed off music critics and people who would make fun of these fans. And they love that band even more, even though they're openly abusive. Trump is so abusive to his followers; he all but mocks them at rallies. But they see him pissing off these elites, even though he is a Hollywood elite, and they love it. It's so fucking tragic.
We know dude. You're not fooling anybody.
Enjoy poverty.
>If you would stop projecting
you are bending over backwards to defend a proven failure of a human being and I'm the one projecting?
Day of the rake draws closer