Australia to pass more gun control following Vegas attack
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>happened in a foreign country
What a fucking nanny state.
I've never really seen a policy change from a completely different country in the aftermath of what happened in another country like this. How can they be such cucks?
>no right to free speech, hate speech laws out the ass
>downright draconian gun laws
>need a license for fucking air rifles
>need a fucking license for paintball guns
>need a license for crossbows
>airsoft is banned
>LASER pointers over 1mw are banned (effectively banning the vast majority)
>fucking YO YO WATERBALLS are banned
>novelty toy-like lighters are banned
>smokeless tobacco is banned
>toys containing beads are banned
>need a helmet to ride a fucking bicycle
>plain packaging on cigarettes
>absurdly high taxation on alcohol and cigarettes
>e-cigarettes are banned
>many violent games and movies banned or censored even after the R18 was introduced
>Be American
>Saturday morning
>Open the window blinds
>Its a beautiful day
>Have breakfast
>"Moooom i'm going down the street to play basketball with the other kids."
>"Okay sweetie have fun"
>Get shot by niggers
>They steal your ball, shoes and wallet.
>Living in America starts playing.
>Kid next to you kneels.
>Australia passes a law for all Australians to kneel in solidarity
That's the price you pay for real freedom, brainlet.
Not even Canada is this bad. What a toddler state.
Austardians are treated like toddlers by their government.
New Zealand is more conservative than Aus
canada might as well be somalia in terms of freedom compared to autistfailia
Fuck off cunt, we got to many.
Our government truly sickens me. They are too scared to go to a vote on policy so every election has to be about some FOM issue that soccer mum's and the faggots banging them won't bother opposing
And then there is your:
"National Sorry Day"
Absolutely pitiful, how did this happen? Aussies were seen as hardened people when I was growing up.
>mandatory helmet to ride a bicycle
I remember when I was 6 years old too.
During the whole gun amnesty we had i went down to the local cop shop and told the receptionist i'd to offload a weapon so i pull down my pants and flop my dick onto the counter
Fucking cunts then charge me for indecent exposure, weak pooftas cant take a joke around here
i'm all for it gents. feels good to live in a country where you don't have to worry about getting shot at a concert ;)
don't give a fuck if you think i'm getting cucked by my government
I honestly don't care but Australians keep moving here and they're always bringing their shitty massive nanny state and gun grabbing attitude with them. Wish that shitty Island is cordoned off.
Well, as long as your government isn't shooting you or allowing the smuggling of weapons to your "new Austrailians" you're probably ok. For now. But the US shares a border with THE most dangerous country in the world, which borders quite a few other dangerous countries, and they're not giving up their weapons any time soon. I think I'll keep mine just in case.
yeah. desu, all things considered, if i was an american citizen, i'd want to keep them too
I feel so much better about my country. Thanks Ausbrahs.
Can other countries fuck off on our gun laws, we like our guns.
There's nothing wrong with responsible gun control.
if you're going to ban, heavily restrict or tax the shit out of anything remotely dangerous why not just lock yourself in a padded room? that way you'll achieve true "freedom"
I understand the Aussie shitposting now , if my country were that cucked I would be livid too
Fuck off cunt, you couldn't even beat your natives, were the first country to give women the vote and legalise gay marriage.
>big tree in back yard
>want to take it down and build shed
>have to get approval from local government
>they won't let me take a tree down in my own backyard
>because it's an old gum tree
>explain the risks and dangers of having a gum tree so close to the house and plumbing system
>still say no because it's big and that somehow makes it "protected"
>can't take tree down, whatever
>want to put shed up in my backyard
>again, have to apply for approval to do stuff in my back yard
>they say no
>apparently the shed i already have is big enough for me as it is
>they tell me i don't need it and refuse my bid
>tfw i'm not allowed to make my backyard the way i want it
you'd be surprised how many people this happens to
wish they would ban snakes and spiders but instead they put the cunts on the endangered list and fine us if we kill them.
I guess they figure we need something dangerous in our lives.
Not to mention our stinking weather...! Did I tell you were fair dinkum full??
There's that word again. Ausfailian laws are downright draconian. They just recebtly banned a lever action shotgun.
Just get shot at the coffee shop.
t. Emiems
Most people on this site don't understand the misery behind the Aussie shitposting tbqh
holy shit...
An Australian super liberal got unjustly killed by a Somali immigrant cop here and the liberals didn't want to touch it with a ten foot pole
Lol then y'all'd have a law banning basketball
lol someone got shot somewhere. let's further ban guns here where it didn't happen
Find a way to kill the tree? Then it has to come down.
Nekminit fined and thrown in gaol for breaking the law.
They will unironically investigate it and see that it has been poisoned/fallen/etc, and that will incur a fine of several thousands of dollars.
Dude drill a small hole into tree, pour in some glysophate. Tree dies. You can now take it down.
Countries run by dictators aren't even this bad.
I had no idea it was that bad.
I'll be nicer to australians
She was actually a pro gun grabber and kept going on about how the nanny state in Australia was superior. As much as I hate Somali niggers that guy did a bro move.
Are you sure? People do this a lot, never heard of forensics ariving on the scene.
dead trees are native animal habitats
still won't let him cut it down, true story
>mandatory helmet to ride a bicycle
are you a retard or something
Drill into the roots if you want to make it less obvious, drill multiple holes around the tree and fill them immediately (within 30 seconds), fill them with dirt after you're done so nobody will notice. Consider using 2 4-D in addition to glyphosate.
Dead serious m8, several trees have fallen in storms where I live, authorities out within two days. Any trees that fall down are very quickly known about by the powers that be. Shrubs and bushes have completely different laws though.
its just been made illegal to jog without a helmet here so.....
>Shrubs and bushes have completely different laws
Ive never been more grateful to live in texas
cut to the chase and physically castrate me already
Then again with Mile Island and Fukoshima
Australians need to take their country back.
It's not ours, we just live here.
Too many what? restrictrions on your liberties?! We agree!! What are you going to do about it?
Serfs is a better word
...are they trying to make papa proud?
Larp, but funny larp. I like you Ozzies, in spite of your nanny state! Would like you more if you made those nanny-statists your bitches!
I prefer indentured civil servant
Faaaar out. What if the "independancy" of cuckstralia is just an illusion and all that happened was a few name changes to make everyone think that we're no longer a prison colony but in fact it still is and only an illusion of freedom is given.
All you can do here is work work work for the (((people))) running this place.
Once prisoner.
Always prisoner.
But the King Cuck is among you. Do not feel safe, leaf. He threatens to take Leafism to an entirely new low. . .
Tbh I don't even get the "no mass murders since the ban" meme. There were multiple mass murders done with arson and even some mass shootings like:
IIRC the mass shooting definition in Australia is five or more shot DEAD. While in America it's four or more shot (even in incidents where nobody died or it's gangbangers in chicago or baltimore.)
So the aussie definition is much stricter than the american one. Anyway all of these doesn't matter bevause since 1996, the US homicide rate has declined faster than the Aussie one. Also New Zealand which has laxer gun laws by still allowing semi automatic centerfire and pump action shotguns on a regular license and didn't do a mandatory gun confiscations has had less mass murders by any means (gun and non-gun related).
I pointed this out to some guy who posted that shitty jim jefferies videos which falsely claimed no mass murdera since the ban and I got blocked.
>were the first country to give women the vote and legalise gay marriage
Said with pride. Are you kidding me?! We have problems, WHY?!
Actually Canada is worse, you are not allowed to carry ANYTHING for self defense, not even a pen. Any object carried with the intention of self defense is automatically considered illegal.
You're also not allowed to exert too much force when defending yourself, otherwise you might be jailed.
he's talking about new zealand you dumb fgt
An old neighbor of mine deliberately ran over a small (2m) tree so he could park his truck on the nature strip. He was fined 600AUD
I don't, but I hope it gets better. Behind all the shitposting, I hope it eventually gets better for all of us, mate.
That's the same as here.
The problem with democracy is that most people who want to run do so out of self interest. I guarantee if some people from Sup Forums were on politics the world wouldn't be such a shitty place.
Are Australian politicians endangered?
Hope keeps us alive, user. Never lose hope.
You can't carry anything in Australia or the UK either. Canada is still way less nanny than Australia (the gun laws are much laxer, cigarettes and alcohol are taxed less, no mandatory helmets to ride a bicycle, etc)
no but they will be if they keep giving us the dick
The reason why you have the second ammendment is the reason we don't.
Americans should go on safari in Straya. Bag some commies.
with an OZ flag, you dumb faggot?!
You're not allowed to carry a pen for self defense? You get jailed if you hurt your assaulter in self defense?
Also I'm noticing a trend, both UK, Canada and AUS, seem to be similar in that they seem almost irreversibly cucked.
I want to be American and shoot guns :(
We don't have gay marriage here cunt.
>replying to a new zealander flag
>Fuck off cunt, you couldn't even beat your natives, were the first country to give women the vote and legalise gay marriage.
what is your major malfunction, private?
Yes, if you attack him without him attacking first (ie making an explicit threat to your safety) - that's a law suit and a court date. You can defend yourself once you've been stabbed.
You can be jailed here for having tools or a sports bat/stick in your car without being able to prove valid reason.
Not yet
We wouldn't let you in, cause you're probably white. Maybe try to emigrate to Mexico or Central America, then have money saved up for the Coyotes. If you live, you're in.
Fucking unbelievable. The NWO clearly doesn't even need the us as anything more than a propaganda machine.
>need a license for crossbows
Not in the NT, my dude.
Wow. I cut down the dead oak on my land not too long ago.
I have my own shooting range.
Life's good.
Woah my ID, what did Kek mean by this
Yes, not yet. Im bracing for the flood of faggotry that will follow the yes vote+our over baring state
>you can't carry anything for defence in canada
You can open carry a long rifle in the wilderness against bears, moose and wolves without any other authorisation required. I take my rifle with me whenever I go camping.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
See, in Canada if you get stabbed but break some of your assaulter bones you get jailed for using too much force.
I feel bad for you mate, I hope life treats you well.
What the fuck did we do, thanks a lot CIA.
Dude, just take a drill and put a small hole a couple of inches deep into it and then fill same hole with copper wire. It will be dead in a year.
Are you acting stupid or are you just obtuse? We're talking about self defence from human beings here, not fucking hunting