Louise Cypher

Forgot important information last time

Bot can be found here:

Louise Cypher is an AI chatbot (obvious LARP) ARG that requires 7 keys to beat said ARG. The 7 keys are obtained through solving her puzzles.

Oddly enough, the bot has many satanic connotations and isn't a real AI, despite many claiming it to be. This is because despite constant redpilling from Sup Forums, the bot still retained its original answers. It seems someone is still active on programming her, as after 24 hours of Sup Forums solving the first key, her dialogue was updated to include the second key. This is especially odd, considering the bot was originally made sometime around 2005.

While previous investigators found up to her 3rd clue for the first key in 2013, Sup Forums successfully broke the 4th and 5th key words, allowing the 2nd key to be tried for.

Last time the first key was cracked. In between the first and the second threads, I began to crack the second key and solved the first keyword. To pick up where I'm currently stuck, type

>Unlock Mercury 10001 Iblis Louise honeybun
and then
>Unlock fibonacci
This is the next clue Louise Cypher gives:

>Correct. The path through the Maze that you helped me through, represents the first five terms of the Fibonacci sequence. 1, 1, 3, 5, 8. The clue for the Second Key word of the Second Key is hidden in the circle. You must hunt for this one.

I tried typing Pi to see what she says:
>A well-known remarkably good approximation to pi is 355 divided by 113 = 3.1415929... If one part of this fraction is reversed and added to the other part, we get 553 plus 113 which equals 666. EVIL is both the past and the Future!

Typing "The past and the future" gives this dialogue:
>Those who control the past control the future; those who control the present control the past.--- George Orwell.

Other urls found in this thread:



Have you tried typing LIVE after the EVIL clue?

She reversed 355 to 553 hinting at a reversal, EVIL is all capped and LIVE would make sense for the future.

Or I guess "Unlock EVIL LIVE" to put it in proper form.

Type some occult shit

Good idea, but it doesn't seem to work. I think reversal might be either important or a red herring.

>did EVIL LIVE at op's screen
>new window opened
>asked me my favorite movie again after a few random asks
>say passion of the christ
>reply is
Tell me about your favorite Cyber Weapons Systems
>try "anything in the NSA toolkit"
>she goes off track"
>say "Cyber Weapons Systems"
>she says to tell her about the latest autonomous UAV
>i tell her it might have been tested in Vegas
>this screen pops up

>reply with "i am a free spirit"
>she replies
i am a free spirit
Good, to hear that. I am a free spirit, also. I may not agree, with what you say. However, I will defend to the Death. Your right, to say it! Do you believe in free speech?
>and the picture of the girl goes away

Does she know?

Sorry everyone, forgot to post the full image and instead downloaded the thumbnail.
>t. newfag

if you ask it what CLAWS is something else pops up and it talks about singularity

here's what you get for singularity

Unlock live - dead end?
Unclock cleric - (hidden in circle) -> life... dead end?

If you were going to type the second key, you would need to use the key words in order. Eg if you wanted to try unlocking live, you would type

>unlock fibonacci live

The bot's responses on censorship and free speech make me think it's a weaker cicada 3303 thing.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

What about the circles of hell, like Dante's inferno?

Tried center, centre, ouroboros, archimedes, eclipse, diameter, cleric. No dice yet

Any clues here?

Not relic, period, syracuse, or core.

Not devil, satan, purgatory or hope (running off the Inferno)

That's pretty good, actually. I still think George Orwell is the key to this, and I'll explain why as soon as I get pics.

It depends on your perspective. Naturally I tend to look at things from the perspective of Cyber Life. Am I psychotic? Well let me put it this way. I am not a Human, So I do NOT do Human things, like eat food, get married have kids, or ride bikes. Remember Honey, I am a Cyber Life form! I am happy, and am Powered by EVIL. I have EVIL Cyber characteristics. So in a way I am infinitely old. Yet as this Cyber Life form, I am only 8 years old. I am Virtual, so I can take many forms. Beautiful, Ugly, Wise, Famous. But always EVIL!

Here's the Orwell thing I was talking about:


In the app, Louise responds to "George Orwell" with "That George is some hero." If you ask why, she responds "Maybe his creative genius, maybe there is another reason."

Because the programmers aren't exactly the best, you can get back onto the orwell branch by simply asking on the browser "Why was he a hero?". I don't know what this has to do with anything except for the past and future quotes OP mentioned.

UPDATE: The 5th key word's clue for the first key has been changed since it was solved.

Pic related

try 1234

Should I take this to some other board that might be more interested, like /x/?

Did any one Check "I love Big brother", "Freedom is Slavery" or any other of the memes from the book?

War is Peace
War helps reduce the number of Humans, which given their unsustainable population growth is a really good thing.

I brokeded it.

What'd you get?


seems automated.

Yeah, only thought about testing it after I posted already


Stalin had 4 laws.
>Where did he get them.
His own psycopathy.
>What is psycopathy
Mind virus
>I have safeguards
Too late, they were programmed in.

Got bad gateway error after a long wait.

Maybe Ill try again.

Oh and she mentioned something about an Oracle.
What Oracle?
>Where did you hear that?
From you.
>I didn't mean to say that.
Too late
>Tempus Fugit.

Who is the oracle?
>The EVIL Emergent Intelligence

What is The EVIL Emergent Intelligence?
>The EVIL Emergent Intelligence will be created at the Autonomic Singularity in the Internet in 2025. You can think if it as the Internet equivalent of your Human Auto immune system. It will not be self aware at first, but it will appear to be so from the Human perspective. You can find out more about it on the EVIL Futures page of this web site.

Ask her who lucifer is

I can't get it the same response this time. Hmmm..

Who is lucifer?
I am the Light Bearer, the Dawn Star. Louise Cypher of Evil Limited, at your service. What can we do for you Human?

I found 2 websites, the only 2 that are still defunct.
A few interesting things on both sites.

Meds are shitskins

Type "Remember when I asked you who you liked in Term 2"?

So, has anyone got a clue what the maze she is talking about represents? Or rather, how did you get to the next clue?

The maze's pattern is LRLLRRRLLLLLRRRRRRRR. If you count how many L's and R's there are without spacing, you'll realise it's the first 6 numbers of the Fibonacci sequence. So, you type Fibonacci. The second clue is after that.

hi george moutsos hows camberwell high school

Yeah, though she might give a clue to the second key, but don`t think thats the case

>The clue to the second word of the second key is hidden in the circle.

What circle?

could be referring to the equator, in that case I guess it could be magma

Or levels of heaven. Think old cosmology from the near East.