Did Warspite get an announcement video like Iowa?
I've been away from these threads and the game for a couple of weeks until today, and I just saw pictures of her being posted when I returned.
Did Warspite get an announcement video like Iowa?
I've been away from these threads and the game for a couple of weeks until today, and I just saw pictures of her being posted when I returned.
Neither Iowa nor Warspite had an announcement video.
I want to drink coffee with Graf.
>announcement video
Nigger what?
I could have sworn Iowa did get some sort of announcement video just prior to being introduced to the game.
No you fucking retard.
Don't let your dreams be dreams.
You're probably thinking of videos of people beating KanColle Kai and getting Iowa for beating it.
How do I make that specific dream of mine come true?
Shigure looks different today.
Ah, that may actually have been it. Thanks user.
Has much Warspite fan art appeared yet? I ain't seeing much so far.
>cross between Atago and Shoukaku
I like it.
When I say KONGOU you say DESS.
It's just Shoukaku with blonde hair instead of old hag hear. Which is funny considering Warspite is the one that needs a wheelchair.
How long until Warspite NTR doujins?
Just keep checking Pixiv for ウォースパイト.
On suicide watch.
Now there's two anglophone ships to bully her.
>indo tumblrshit
Barrow-in-Furness > Devonport
>hate brown haired girls
>Kongou is one of my favorite ships
Explain this.
Kongo is faux-British, remember?
Hopefully Warspite will give her a good British schooling.
Schooling is Singaporean. :^)
>love brown haired girls
>Kongou is my favorite ship
I don't know, man.
>Girl X Botes X Monster
Has science gone too far?
I wonder how they will do the Warspite-Kongou friendship
I miss the good-natured Kongou bullying that flourished in the wake of Iowa's arrival.
Nobody cares about your one medal, Singapore.
Dumb name, bland design
Why is she such a crappy boat
>Dumb name
>Bridcutt can't even speak English anyway
The hime will be sad if you talk like this.
Shush, Phelps' era is over. Our boy is destined for greater heights.
I want a Warspite and Shoukaku NTR threesome doujin.
>no penetration
I'm blueball'd as fuck. I can't get off to just bjs and paizuri
Well, yeah, North > South but still user.
Rude desu
Disappointment of the century
Ooyodo-san is the loveliest ship-girl in existence ! I'm so lucky to be married to my wife Ooyodo-san !
We can unanimously agree on this ranking.
Damn that's cute AF
Is this the sluttiest DD ranking? Because if so then I agree.
Pick two.
By eating ham sandwiches and an abundance amount of tea.
Wealthy and Classy ruling elite South > Poortherners who cry muh Thatcher
Is Nimu-chan as pure as Iku-chan?
Hopefully as well as the fans protrayed the Kongou-Iowa "friendship".
I've said it before and I'll say it again; Kongou wears Iowa's outfit far better than Iowa does.
I want to headpat her with her glasses off.
When will Takao get some seasonal art?
I've said it before and I'll say it again; fan art can make anything look good.
Never until they get the artist back.
But Iowa and Kongou have the exact smae personalities, why does Kongou not like Iowa?
>no Umi
Fuck you.
She's so adorable I forgot about her.
Sixth place.
I want to pinch those thighs.
Why can't they just hire new better artists. They're a diamond dozen in japan
Mou sugoi Kaga-san!
No clue, guess its either a contract thing or out of respect that they don't have other artist draw someone else's girls unless its some rare special occasion like the Samidare artist girls being drawn by Ichiso once for a magazine.
Who's to say.
Pretty much this.
You fags would like Myoukou better if she had a better outfit.
But I like their Kai 2 uniform and I like Myoukou.
Takao/Atago's outfit is GOAT and make any other boat that much better
I already like Myouhou. She could let her hair down though.
Probably. I like Akitsumaru for her outfit
Jesus Christ, that was a pain to read.
I like Myoukou's eyebrows. They're the best in the game.
Its western shit, that's what to expect.
Miyoko a cute, my favourite CA
But even what was supposed to be fluent English coming from Warspite was anything but.
I like her Kai2 outfit, but it depends what you have in mind as an alternate.
This is unfair to the other boats since Atago and Takao have fantastic outfits
I like Myoukou kai2 outfits a lot too
Have some delicious SEAmonkey tears.
But I don't understand whatever mongoloid language that is. How do you expect me to enjoy the tears?
Did she deserve it?
Ok let's settle this. Let's rank the DDs by sluttiness.
Here are the candidates. In no particular order.
Feel free to add if you think this list is incomplete. And rank them by sluttiness.
Looks like the granny duped another one.
I'll take any of the others since green hair is horrendous.
Yes but that is a downgrade.