Go ahead Sup Forums
Ask a wigger who was recently redpilled anything
Bumperino, California
pick one
Sup eminem?
What is the perfect coffee pot temperature?
Well *was a wigger
I stopped being a degenerate about a year ago, got redpilled around two months ago. Life hasn't been the same since
Shet they know
69 degrees
>69 degrees
Your response lacked any wit or creativity.
>eminem confirmed
I'd rather be Eminem that a spineless Brit. I've been meaning to ask you guys, how does Muslim cock taste?
We're Australian, not fucking britbongs you spastic americunt. I wouldn't expect anything different out of you cunts.
>thinks australian flag is british flag
>riff raff confirmed
Have you studied Hitler?
Bait lvl 1000
Yes somewhat not as in depth as I should because it's such a fucking rabbit hole
do u still like rap? did u look up to blacks as models or other wiggers like insane clown posee
Australians chose to take it up the ass from the crown. You're brits
How did you got redpilled?
what is it about nigger culture that made you feel strongly enough to disappoint your family and shun basically every value that they tried to instill in you?
I started studying Hitler independently around the beginning of this year. My world has been completely changed.
Which reich of the Holy Roman Empire was best?
No I despise hip hop now and try to convince all my friends to drop it. I looked up to rappers and the niggers who were selling me weed and xanax and cocaine I wanted to be just like them. Crazy how today's culture hypnotizes you
How do you think?
First Donald Trump got elected and I started paying more attention to everything going on.
Then I came to Sup Forums and it didn't take long before the red pill was shoved down my throat.
>despise hip hop
How can one despise hip hop? Hip hop is the greatest thing there is and the messages are clear and sometimes retarted
The third bitch
You should've been paying attention a long time ago. Welcome
What response are you getting from your unenlightened wigger acquaintances?
Goodluck, I have tried to redpill my friends and relatives.
It takes a very long time, when they crack them a little bit, their morbid curiosity gets the best of them and they get redpilled slowly under their own steam. Otherwise it's next to impossible without making yourself look like literally Hitler reincarnated. You need to take it slow
Well, you left the Matrix. What now?
The only question i want to ask you is how can we keep you from posting any more threads.
Tell us your story
>Implying Australia wasn't a prison for Britain.
You low iq idiots are basically in the same country
you even have the QUEEN of ENGLAND on your MONEY LMAO
You don't know my family
sounds like he hit a nerve though
They just say "nah man it's my shit" and "everyone has their own taste" stuff like that.
I haven't directly said "stop listening to nigger music" but I drop a lot of suttle hints like "these artists are talentless and probably pushing an agenda"
How much of a faggot do you have to be to use the term "redpilled"?
And how brainwashed do you have to be to thinking there's such a thing? Education is a lifelong struggle, not a magic pill where you suddenly realize you've been a retard your whole life.
Reptilians? Yes or no?
What or who is at the very top of the power structure of Earth.
Easy. 400$ to my paypal
What do you think of my new tattoo
Did it move me closer or farther away from being a wigger
It moved you towards a middle Cronus of cringiness
The UN. The Reptilian theory is satire imo. Now go on about your day..
Closer. All tattoos are degenerate.
>being this bluepilled
>not putting your routing & account # in all fields
Look here pal..
What do you know about the moon base?
I know that Lord Newt will not stand for anymore faggotry taking place in the loading station of sector CL58. He's super pissed about the bronies who have decorated the corridor.