Countries still allow cigarettes

>countries still allow cigarettes

why our countries want us to commit suicide?

so glad i quit those things

I'm trying to quit, longest I've gone was 3 months. At least I only smoke a pack in about 3 days, better than most smokers I know
Inb4 cancer gypsy

The NWO is seeking a 90% reduction in global human population levels.

>government telling me i can't smoke

you can eat my hairy asshole friendo

What you hate freedom? No on is forcing you to smoke fag

Name 1 way that i can look 3x cooler by spending $40 a pack?

That you shouldn't*
Meth is illegal too, but tell that to your hillbillies and they'll mutter something abouting fighting da gubmint with their ar15

This is wrong. The west is being flooded with virile blacks and arabs because westerners aren't having enough kids to sustain their economies in the near future

Why do our governments still allow us to eat cheeseburgers?
Why do they allow us to drink alcohol?

You're an Aussie so just chug one of those strong beers and shoot a snake/abo while punching a kangaroo
It should do the trick
Also holy shit cigs here are only 4-5€

you know where meth wasn't legal?

nazi germany. because SOME PEOPLE understood that their government has no place telling people what they can and can't enjoy.

i mean wasn't illegal oops

It says right in the package they're bad for you. If people want to kill themselves they're free to.

Because it was considered a medicine*
You know who passed the world's first anti-smoking law and discouraged tobacco use? Also Nazi Germany

If you can do anything about it go ahead and make the world a better place to live in..


It’s not the governments place to tell us that we can’t smoke. They tried this with drugs by the way, can you tell me how that worked out?


Because 90% of its price is taxes

Do you kbow how to win the war on drugs?
Legalize them.

fucking brainlet.

>Nazi germany was a libertarian / freedom paradise.
That is the stupidest post I have read all year. Even if you are full 1488 hitler did nothing wrong, fuck Jews, etc... pretending Nazi germany was about freedom from government interference is shoe on head retarded.

nowhere near to the extent it's encouraged today.

you know who wants to end tobacco use by 2030? the UN. and they all know what's best, right?

Genetics has killed more people than smoking, some are more prepositioned to it than others

Imagine being a person who thought this image had any real meaning in it after all these years of CIGS = DEATH photos and artwork

Nice quads
The UN may be retarded but they're right to do that, same as commies are fucking retarded but the USSR invented a helluva good rifle

the years they take off your life are at a point when you aren't generating much in taxes,

Cancer gypsy

t. Sudistolteanfag

Banning them would only harm the state itself, by giving the underground markets a massive boon.
And banning things simply doesn't work, just look at the Prohibition in the US, and Nazi Germany too.

>implying that an addictive sustance can be stopped with a warning

>dont want something
>allow it


maintaining a stigma and penalties for drug use was still a net gain for our society, which trumps your individual freedumbs

smoking kills people in their 70's

there's no reason to ban one kinda harmful substance while every society is pushing for more and more drugs to be legal.

We smoke too

How did you quit, I'm trying myself but God damn it's hard?

Cancer gypsy

>in your 70s
In my distopian paradise smoking would not have a special tax or discouraged, but if you got emozema or lung cancer from it you would be refused all healthcare when the time came, your choice.


you are delusional if you think the war on drugs and cartels and gangs the CIA having an endless source of untraceable congressional approval free money is a net gain for society.

if you legalize drugs nice, sane white people who care about quality control like me will profit off of them, and crush the niggers and spics. put the ball back in the white man's court.

did you know drug prohibition coincides precisely with the rise of international jewry? did you know the man who pushed for marijuana prohibition in the US first was William Randolph Hearst, the inventor of modern fake news?

Shouldn't be any other way.
Totalitarian government is more dangerous/cancerous than ciggies
I'm not saying 'smoke tabs'

free market (without ethics).

if I'd call the shots in that matter cigs would be illegal. it's just so degenerate.

the AK was never that good. proliferation had more to do with how they franchised low cost production.

in my dystopian paradise world there's a readily available cure for lung cancer you order off the internet.

a ban would be better than the retarded taxes and plain packaging racket we have here. I don't know if tobacco addiction is as bad as the propogandists say, but all the government is doing is exploiting those addicted with huge commodity taxes in the name of public health

Cartels aren't an issue for the average white citizen. all the quality control in the world isn't going to negate the problems of drug use. fuck you for wanting to push poison

>In my distopian paradise smoking would not have a special tax or discouraged, but if you got emozema or lung cancer from it you would be refused all healthcare when the time came, your choice.
You cannot definitely prove whether lung cancer comes from smoking or some other cause.
The most sensible thing would be to add all external costs (i.e. health for cigs, health + crime to alcohol etc.) as excise tax to recreational drugs and other drugs and let people do whatever they want

You simply quit. Grow a backbone and learn some self control. Replace the craving with excercise, new routines and something like chewing gum. You don't want to wait until doctors tell you to quit if you don't wanna die.

Just a tip for those who want to quit. Back innaIDF I was surrounded by smokers who wanted to quit because it's an expensive addiction. Quitting gradually does not work, only going cold turkey does.

Be it as it may, I just want to tell those of you who are doing their best to overcome and better themselves by quitting - you go, boys. I admire you.

Let the brainlets kill themselves. I don't support it, but they should have the freedom to do it.

why do i have to let people destroy my lungs with their cigershits, but i cannot enjoy cocaine next to the playground?
assholes all of em

I'll make you commit suicide when I kill you over not letting me smoke

I need a cigarette or more during the day so I don't kill you with my bare hands hombre , it relaxes me.

>muh cigs r bad
You're worse
you ruin everything
I wish you'd just fuck off
SJWs on one side. Mr Fucking BanIt on the other

>I need a cigarette
Pathetic. Why not just neck yourself? Like, objectively?

>only going cold turkey does.
Same advice James Bond gives.

fuck you for sewing death and destruction around the globe for the sake of puritanism

You are the type of tyrant that would try to ban booze, porn, card playing, women with hair exposed, etc.

I quit 5 years ago though I still smoke weed on a regular basis
it took me a few weeks but the trick is to go gradually
Start by smoking only the most important cigarettes of your day (I had 3 : morning, after lunch and before bed) and once you've taken the habit, lose the least important one
repeat until you smoke none
once I had gone one day without any, I had the motivation not to waste the progress I'd made so since then I never smoked again
good luck

Just vape you stupid faggots. All of the benefits, none of the cons.

Also don't bother linking studies of cheap 1$ chinese chink vapes with crap in them, buy a proper vape & tank, buy (or mix your own) proper juices and hey ho, you can get a healthy dose of nic.

Or you can use snus.

>believes repression has any chance to work

i'm not categorically against tobacco but i did stop smoking it succesfully

what worked for me was one day i had to go to the dentist and have a tooth pulled and he told me not to smoke for 3 days.

i spent all three days inside my house high on pain pills and pot edibles and tried to smoke a few cigarettes here and there but it was just unpleasant.

i guess that's not very helpful because it only applies to people who need dental work done.

Sharia really is starting to look more and more attractive. Shame about the Muslim part of it, though.

Do you really want to live past 70?

not my country, not my problem. obviously their own governments are okay with it.

Damn we are high

holy fucking brainlets

A shirt with "I'm a massive chode" would be cheaper, though.

how are the drug laws in Denmark?

Mostly illegal, but with low amounts of hash on you you just get a fine or slap on the wrist, those addicted to hard drugs, go to fixie-busses to get free drugs.

>net gain
can you come back in the real world?
>Cartels aren't an issue for the average white citizen
apparently not...
well let's fund the CIA then, why the fuck not ???

Anti drug laws are a very new thing.
The idea that drugs like meth or heroine could be worse than alcohol took a very long time to develop

hash is mostly harmless so it shouldn't be penalized but
>fixie-busses to get free drugs.
why would they do that? do they give them actual drugs or substitutes?

I think all those campaigns did a good job with reducing smokers.

Like I see much less smokers around, especially younger smokers.

they unironically aren't it's like 90% prohibition and gangs.

opiates are prescribed hundreds of thousnds of times a day to treat pain. tens of thousands of children take amphetamine pills before school every morning.

>Quitting gradually does not work
it did for me

same reason alcohol is legal

I think it's mostly for the real hardcore addicts, and its morphine or methadone. It's so they don't do crime to get drugs, and withdrawal is easier for them.

they give out drugs because it's cheaper than dealing with od's.

they also have people who will help you wean yourself off. supposedly this works but of course there are people who abuse the system.

>ancom flag
how anyone uses this nonsensical flag unironically, I will never know

My trick:
Don't smoke one day. Next day see if your day would be better if you smoked. The thought of not smoking becomes really inspiring, and makes you realize - cigarette changes nothing!

I think the only key to stopping is to actually feel good for not smoking.

i just found this out last week, but it explains so much. Ausfags pay like $30 for cigarettes and it's going up to $40 by 2020.

>ausfags still buy them

>repression is literally the base of a State
>it doesn't work


>just quit bro xDDD
t. never smoked

Vaping is niccccccceeeeee...
Lovely, lovely nicotine cradling your body lovingly in its lovelyness.

>Addicts pay anything to get their next hit
Aye, shock to learn.

Better pay those internet bills.

>morphine or methadone
substitutes can't be a long-term solution though
how much does an OD cost?


This is unironic truth. Know a rn/ws who smokes it and does exactly that. Some pretty funny shit desu. Lately its been about antifa and #bldm. Also has an ar15 in his truck

If people know the risks they should be free to smoke cigarettes if they want.

Addiction comes in many forms, some are socially acceptable, and a normal thing in the daily life of the norm, like phones, media, etc.

>muh war on drugs works
are you a literal retard? I just want to know before making fun of you

Good on you.

an ambulance ride plus drugs plus the pay for paramedics and nurses and clerical staff and a doctor for the time the addict is at the hospital plus space in a bed someone else needs. maybe long term care if other complications arise.

versus a shot of that costs like 10 bucks and one nurse for every addict for the whole day

>how anyone uses this nonsensical flag unironically, I will never know

There isn't an anarchist option, it's ancap, ancom or hippie

No, australians will pay anything for their next hit. I live in Ciggy, USA and our fags pay about $4 pack, so their addiction actually makes sense.

True, but internet is also a utility, quite separate from a narcotic which offers zero benefit.

you can always just do national flag.

True, but internet can also be escapism, which is for certain true about drugs.

Yea. Addicts. If your fags went up to $6, you can bet they'd still be purchased. You just have better free market is the only difference.

M8, for all the shit the internet provides, you can't equate it to a dangerous narcotic.

I just did.

Vaping is cheaper and you still get nicotine and it doesn't fuck up your lungs nearly as bad.

Yea. Unsuccessfully. GG.