Why is Sup Forums so degenerate to think this dumb spic is smart enough to be a FBI mole?
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Why is Sup Forums so degenerate to think this dumb spic is smart enough to be a FBI mole?
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you don't have to be very smart to read off a few lines some guy told you to say
Why is everything a conspiracy theory for you retards?
i'm just saying that that point is dumb
I'm just saying you're retarded. Get your mind out of the gutter, Greg.
you're beyond retarded, friend. die asap.
He's not, he's the body double for one. Who knows where Campos is, maybe getting debriefed or offed somewhere. So they sent in Fake Jesus
I'm good, not dying anytime soon. Unless you conservative cucks allow another shooter to shoot me when I'm enjoying my night out with my girlfriend.
It's called Makeup you fucking moron.
go ahead and speed up the process