how do we solve the catalonian question
How do we solve the catalonian question
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rape it
Let them secede, establish full communism and collapse, as a warning to other nations.
by posting leonor.
gas the EU.
Let them vote.
1. Build wall
2. Start pouring refugees into their country
But please don't do it, Catalonia is nice.
this triggers the spaniard
Well half of Europe established communism and collapsed. That happened less than 30 years ago. I don't think this warning thing works as you expect.
In a legally binding referendum.
if you waint it to be legal you should follow the law, everybody in Spain should vote then.
spain should change the law then. You can't just ignore the vast majority of people in a specific region disagreeing with such a law and ask them to get an impossible majority to back them in congress. That's not how politics works, because otherwise that region will with a legitimate majority vote to secede from your country and your laws and you can't do shit about it.
that would be to cruel, Jaakko
>You can't just ignore the vast majority of people in a specific region disagreeing with such a law
the fact is that you are not a vast majority. You are just 2 million people out of 47.
You are just a meme boy, not even majority in your region.
Jesus fucking christ not this shit again. You know perfectly well that over three quarters of people in catalonia are pro-referendum, so is about 78% of the catalonian parlament.
drink bleach you lying asshole
all you spaniards know how to do is lie, you're worse than fucking jews
must be the royal blood and she will even look better after she revitalized herself by bathing in the blood of thousands of catalonian traitors.
I wanna see her wearing a military uniform just like her father and grandpa did...
Lol right, if it is a matter of Catalonia only catalans have to vote.
>royal blood
>her mother is literally a pleb
if you're going to keep a pointless monarchy at least do it right.
>everybody in Spain should vote then.
Showers and soap, half of the separatists will flee the country.
so which side is /our/ guys?
That guy behind must have killed a lot of people.
Wow, he has a Heil Hitler shirt... Pablo was right,
Catalonia obviously.
i don't want to hate on Sofia but Leonor is just so much cuter than her.
>tfw no loli princess
Tell them they can have a country if they defeat a fighter of your choice in mortal combat in worldwide televised fight.
I don't see that 78% in the 2015 elections, just a 48% pro independence voters
user asked for a "legally binding referendum" legally means according to the law. If you can read, this is the law in Spain:
already posted, guess you were complaining of something and didn´t see it. To easy things for you it says :"Las decisiones políticas de especial trascendencia podrán ser sometidas a referéndum consultivo de todos los ciudadanos."
All the citizens.
Go Lincoln on them and kill secessionists
>I don't see that 78% in the 2015 elections, just a 48% pro independence voters
PSC is openly pro-referendum, so is Podemos.
>according to the law
Here's a crazy ass idea, CHANGE THE FUCKING LAW
I just want to point out how salty must be this eightsecondlonian to be the only one who keeps the thread active with his insults and rage.
Then they can manage in Congress.
Results of the pro-independent coalition (we can assume they're pro-independence)
I don't like the law!!!! change it according to my will!!!!!
Please stop babycrying
Pretty much by any legitimate means, short of outright violence (in which case a legal, binding referendum should be).
Most vocal independence supporters want to do just that. No need for us to help.
Expecting a nationwide referendum to satisfy the pro-independence camp is beyond naive.
>Expecting a nationwide referendum to satisfy the pro-independence camp is beyond naive.
i do not want to satisfy them, again, user asked for a "legally binding referendum", I just pointed (twice) that in order to be legal it should follow the constitution.
Ovbiously, don't expect him to like it
There is no ''Catalonian question''.
No state will declare the constitution that hundreds and thousands fought and died for VOID.
No state will condemn millions of its citizens who want nothing to do with this to anarchy and statelessness, nor will it allow them to be stripped of EU and Spanish citizenship.
You have no power behind your emotional claims, Scatalans - and if you keep it up like this you might lose regional autonomy too.
They already did in the 60 and 70s tho. Millions of spaniard migrants.
That's why catalan nationalist support (nowadays pro independence) will always be capped at around 2M.
You could just change the constitution and let them vote.
But you won't because you know the result would not be in favour of Spain.
Of course we can, if most of Spains agrees with it, two years ago the referendum would've result in a NO, nowadays with the great performance of Rajoy I guess tables have turn.
Beyond that, no sovereign state will renounce to the clay and the fantastic "catalan republic" would sink and die beggin for help.
Don't be fooled, people on the street really believe the tales and meant for it, politicians know they must not declare independence.
Cataloons are people that get mad at parties and threat to leave with their Scattergories, because you didn't accept boat as sea animal. Except that their Scattergories is actually yours, and they want to leave through the toilet pipe.
Yes, exactly. A country will act in its interests and not take stupid risks with territorial integrity. What's your problem ?
Why are you banning nazis?
it's already solved. They've already pussied out of this, and now they can feel like poor oppressed "fresh out of camps" jews and cry everywhere.
>The actual leftists agenda
Thats literally how politics works
We leave them. They are like a fly, annoying but inoffensive. Just hope the basques don't go apeshit again
Waiting a few years more until every company and bank leaves Cucktalonia, more muslims going to #CucktaloniaRefugeesWelcome, more muslims having children, then we change the constitution, leave them to vote, 100% independence with 0 conecction with Spain closed borders, Cucktalonia not being on his beloved EU and this when fun begins. Economic problems everywhere, the government divided between far right and marxists, muslims everywhere causing terror attacks and raping, bloody civil war, I can wait but unfortunately this is not going to happen.
>Change the constitution to applease under 10% of the population.
By realizing that it is Germany's fault that Spain got poor and make Catalonia wanting out more than ever.
Nuke Germany.
Problem solved.
I just want this situation to keep going on. 700 companies have already left Cataluña and the numbers keep increasing as we shitpost. Feels comfy desu
politicians are just triying to save thieir asses before January first, they don't give a fuck about the future of Cataluña.
Let's see what happends when all the hidden money sees the light
Oh thats going to be a shitshow.
This is pretty obvious because they refuse to stand down after the lack of support of the international community or the companies(including pro-independentist ones lel) leaving in stampede.
Yeah that child earns 102.000€/year how fucking sweet..
October 16th Puigdemont asked for 2 months of talking to solve the problems
Whatever happends should be before 2018, reach some agreement of inmunity or at least become a martyr so they can make a smoke screen on their crimes.
This is illegal content pls delete
Yeah it's also germanys fault that your economy is shit right now, am i right?
yeah dude, 102.000€ while our regional governments are wasting millions in public spending with big kickback. Nice logic
This is true, though.
If the referendum only takes place in Catalonia, it's tacitly recognising the fact that Catalonians, independent of other Spaniards, have the right to decide the fate of Spain (of which Catalonia is a part). That's not the case, until a referendum happens.
Obviously Catalonia hasn't seceded yet, so a referendum should logically include all Spaniards.
How is this complicated?
Yes, delete yourself
They seem to have solved themselves in 8 seconds
Guess logic doesn't apply if it means you're acting stupid
Well it's the fault of the globalists who are using Germany as a base of operations to destroy Europe. Low iq people will blame Germany, others can see beyond that.
How can anyone be so retarded? By your same logic anything done in any part of the world affects every single person in this planet. Next time I'm going to vote in the japanese elections because it affects me indirectly, or vote in the next venetian referendum because it will affect me too.
Take your communist ideas somewhere else dumbass.
This. Spanish media and government are all a fucking mafia, fascists on "moderate" clothes. They are trying to make everyone else believe their propaganda, which comes as disgustingly obvious to us Catalans, but we won't let them, we will win Europe by telling the truth and nothing but the truth.
>How is this complicated?
Because they know they will lose a referendum if it was done in all Spain. They want the cake only for themselves.
>we will win Europe by telling the truth and nothing but the truth.
Normally you manolos use the most retarded kind of arguments but this one must be one of the worst.
Is Digimon controlled oposition?
Think about it, he says like he wants independence but he doesn't act like he wants it, and in the meantime people get hurt by thinking this will be obtained
>dolça Catalunya
Ok Manolo you have to go back.
Decentralization is always preferable, even if it's leftist faggots pushing for it.
It doesn't matter how much autonomy you give them, in the long run spain has two futures
>Yugoslavia 90's era
>Or Spain 39's era
I agree that descentralization is usually good, but you should never give more power to leftists, no matter the circumstances.
Deport communists.
>video sponsored by Soros' puppets
Forget the channel, mean the fact. It is false?
Expertice in deny reality has its limits, even to you.
Full vid, other channel:
They even removed the like/dislike stats now. Guess why..
Not gonna watch a 7 in vid on mobile but I bet everything is bullshit.
Manolos can't into higher thinking so everything they say is like muh CataluÑa is Spain followed by sheeps saying zasca en toda la boca and retarded stuff like that.
If you want a legit fact here is one: you're not catalan, you don't belong in Catalunya and you have to go back.
>Not like the channel so video is a lie
>Not gonna watch a 7 in vid on mobile but I bet everything is bullshit
>Normally you manolos use the most retarded kind of arguments but this one must be one of the worst.
Solid reason
Also, I'm not in Cataluña, but if I were i'll still be in my country.
killing all commies
Seems to me that the rest of Spain doesn't want Catalonia to secede because the rest of spain are a bunch of poorfags and want more gibs and use the argument of MUH SPAIN. Does that about cover it?
Again, not gonna waste Mb watching the video. But judging by the channel, the title of the video and all the comments it has to be low iq manolo crap.
Yes, the most accurate thing to say would be that catalans are the gib factory of Spain. Not only is that Catalonia subsidizes poorer regions but inside Catalonia we native catalans subsidize the millions of spanish gibmigrants that came here last century.
Obviously no spaniards is going to admit this so all the say is muh spanish unity, muh constitution, muh commies. I still haven't heard a good argument for us to remain in Spain.
Do the catalans want the immigrants? I've only done a cursory glance at the issue.
So what are there 2 types? Those that want to say piss off to shitmigrants and gibs and those that are paid by George Soros? I'm confused.
>Again, not gonna waste Mb watching the video. But judging by the channel, the title of the video and all the comments it has to be low iq manolo crap.
OK, but if you want tu discuss and ask for arguments only to ignore them on judging the title...
Guess you'll ever win, congratulations.
No but we're already a minority in our own country so the immigrants already here shill for more of them. All the crap you hear about refugees welcome tourists go home is made by the descendants of spanish immigrants.
Thing is the only demographic group favouring independence is native catalans, so Spain has always tried to flood us with immigrants so we become a minority and don't have enough votes to secede.
With a well placed assassination.
So write it here, tell me a single argument to convince me that we should remain in Spain. For once drop all the "you can't secede because we will send the tanks" or "the referendum is illegal" and try to make me understand why it is beneficial for us to be part of Spain.
This video is obvious open society george soros propaganda though and they are pro independence.
They could at least print the logo in color. But they didn't care about democratic voting, it was only a façade.
C'mon. If Podemos backs it up and you manage to convince psoe to not vote, you will pass the law. Catalan politicians are corrupt and lazy.
The catalonian question is independence, not having referendum, you shill.