Shilling for lead.
have a bump
>gawker media group
Go the fuck back to r*ddit
You're suppose to filter the supplements. You did purchase a filter, didn't you?
Enjoy your lead poisoning.
Fuck. No, I didn't. I need to purchase a filter installation kit too, then, and the filter-ready shake machine adapter.
Lead accumulation in the body increases aggressive behavior.
Explains a lot about Jones, doesn't it?
[proof chicken]
he should sue the fuck out of gizmodo, we all know how anti trump that shit show pack of faggots is.
gawker vs infowars
tough choice
Why burgers are SO stupid?
Primitive water filter can be made with plastic bottles, activated carbon, cotton wool, sand, gauze and a lot of autism.
It is so effective that it can reduce the concentration of radionuclides by 2-4 times!
Do not forget to boil filtred water!
Gizmodo got the info from an independent watchdog group that Infowars itself has cited before. But hey, keep chugging those lead shakes "with no additives."
Just looked that filter and lol, i would prefer running my water through it if living in US for sure, no any alarming parts i didnt found.
What an pathetic attempt from 'news corporation' i fucking despise.
Now tell us how the process of ion exchange occurs in the water filter.
How exactly lead gets from the filter elements into the water?
the lead was found in some consumable products sold by infowars.
it had nothing to do with any water filters they sell.
Now this is fake news.
get on my level, senpai.
i've been drinking caveman since it hit the store. just recently i started having huge migraine headaches.
Literal snake oil salesman.
i always thought they'd try to poison infowars shit sooner or later. easy way to fuck up tens of thousands of nationalists with one chess move
Are the levels of lead considered safe by national standards? Cali standards can be very different.
Also I like AJ. If there were real contaminants in his stuff he needs to be called out. That being said, AJ is being intensely attacked right now, and the suppliments are a major target to effect his cash flow. Especially with the source, it stinks. This feels like an attempt to hurt AJ.
my question is, how wasnt this recognized in buzzfeeds hitpiece?
>as if any of us really buy it in the core that they would target
the core was behind sandylootcrew and got to see how badly he covered an engineered happening, alex jones is a fucking retard, any of you nu-poles that want to dissent from this are in with the same bunch as youtube alien conspiracy channels. he can't even, when the news cycle is weak, keep himself off conspiracy alien shit and god
FDA is suppose to regulate this shit.
High amounts of lead mean lawsuit is now possible.
Alex Jones is CIA-controlled opposition.
His shilling for Trump should tell you something about Trump too.
Don't get caught up in these little puppet games.
'Trump vs da deep state' is a total fiction. Anything you see played out in public is just a controlled drama, and will come to nothing. The purpose of it is to foster division, and to keep conservatives sucking at Trump's teat
>He's gonna lock Hillary up for Ben Ghazi any day now guize!
and to keep the liberals sucking at the deep state's teat
>They're gonna lock him up for Rusha collusion any day now guize!
Literally two sides of the same coin, literally mirror images. They've got Sup Forumstards wrapped around their little finger, just like they have the other side. Infowars, Lauren Southern, Richard Spencer, Roger Stone...all these e-celeb agents are conducting psyops (and making shekels).
If you think I'm making false equivalence for the sake of it, think about this...they ran this exact same vibe when Obama became president. For liberals, even though Obama had the power of the presidency, they still successfully painted him as an underdog under siege
>the Republicans, white America, all these racists want to KILL Obama just for being black! He's under super duper high assassination threat! Omg the establishment STILL won't accept Obama as president because ray-ssizm! He's really trying to get his agenda through but it's so corrupt out there.
>But keep the faith guize! He's gonna lock up Wall Street and the Bush admin any day now guize!
while controlling conservatives with a just-as-carefully created narrative
>He's a soshalist communist hawaiian kenyan indonesian muzzlim who's gonna take away all are freedums overnight! He's gonna take all da gunz, rip up da cawnstitooshun, and and make us bow down to Allah! But we got da proof, we got da birth certificate! He's gonna be exposed any day guize, just hold on! Stay tuned!
They're not enemies, you're just dumb marks being WORKED.
The story has nothing to do with a filter.
Varg fuck off and take leftypol away while you are at it. Your shit sucks and nobody buys your shit because it is horseshit.
Oh, and read about the Franklin scandal. You are hiding from things you do not want to see.
Playing 1d chess here, son?
Think for a minute.
The sharp decline in violent crime rates in the 1990s doesn't make sense from a law enforcement perspective: we can't attribute it to three strikes laws, because states without them saw the same decrease. We can't attribute it to gun bans, because cities without them saw the same decrease. Rudy likes to attribute it to stop-and-frisk, but cities without stop-and-frisk saw the same decrease. Internet porn might explain the fall in rape rates, but doesn't really explain the fall in non-rape violent crimes. Cultural change doesn't make sense because it happens unevenly.
Some scientists argue that the real explanation is simple: Low-level lead poisoning doesn't just make people stupid. It makes them stupid and more violent.
Now, what exactly does AJ sell?
Water filters? Yeah, but that's just for money.
Supplements? Sure, but again - that's the money.
AJ sells FEAR. The libruls are building fema camps to pizza your children with sonic dildoes so you must FIGHT THEM NOW. Flouride isn't a tooth protection mechanism, it's commies castrating you. Vaccines are a plot to give you autism. Thing is, all the memes he's forcing are stuff most people can see through with a little intelligence. To keep his influence, he needs a stupid population.
Who would benefit from second-generation Alex Jones fans being gullible and prone to violence? Who could use them as an army?
Varg stop murdering mentally ill people.
Fear is in abundance, we don't need AJ. Our governments supply more than enough fear mongering nonsense. You fucking goon. Read The Franklin Scandal by Nick Bryant and wake up.
Read the fucking article at least.
You realize according to California standards there has to be less lead in the product than there is in the air, right?
Also, I don't doubt for a second some fucker tampered with the environment to fuck up this test. There's a political agenda and you know it.
The whole reason Hillary is walking around, despite being corrupt as fuck should be one of the more obvious indicators that Trump is not who he appears to be.
AJ is a stud. Leave the man and his crappy products alone. Stop shilling for the enemy.
Man those comments. Gizmodo is exhaustingly stupid
>Trying this hard to wish you weren't eating lead
No thanks.
>being irreparably retarded
also, if alex jones wanted his viewers to be stupid why would he sell the nascent iodine that has been linked to higher iq's? someone had to have fucked with the ingredients
>Fake news
Just say lugenpresse.
looks like kike trickery
i legitimately had a headache today that was so bad i couldn't even move for an hour and a half. i'm going to die from lead fuggggg.
alex jones still broke down the truth in the basic gestalt tho.
this is obviously exactly what happened
>Varg stop murdering mentally ill people.
Are you accusing the saner posters here of being you in an attempt to promote your streams or something, by any chance?
I'm not implying someone may be poisoning Alex Jones fans to sell abstract fear - there are plenty of things that scare smart people, after all. I'm implying that someone may be poisoning Alex Jones fans because he wants THEM, SPECIFICALLY, to be gullible and stupid.
>6 times legal limit
>under California law.
ya, okay.. California law says a lot of things... and how can i be assured the samples were not tainted prior to lab tests?
>FDA is suppose to regulate this shit.
no they aren't, supplements are specifically not tested by FDA. read up fagboi.
They were stupid to begin with if they thought iodine would increase their IQs.
multiple studies show that it can boost iq's. do some research fag
Only if you already have a deficiency. Normal people gain no benefit from his snake oil iodine supplements. But hey, I guess most of his viewers might have an iodine deficiency if IQ is any indicator.
I'm willing to bet $3.6 million dollars in my bank account that this is disinfo and Alex will make a shit ton of money in a defamation lawsuit from this.
t. supplement company co-owner
energy drinks
That would explain his brain damage.
no where does it say only if you have a deficiency. fake news
A deficiency in lead may cause normal bowel movements, healthy sleep, reasonable non-aggressive behaviour, and normal cognitive function.
As one of MY supporters, ALEX JONES, in your fight against the GLOBALISTS, how can you afford to miss out on your daily intake of this harmful toxin?
Buy super lead vitality today, and get a FREE sample of HEMLOCKBROTH.
Except the part where most people are deficient in iodine, especially the midwest because they don't eat as much seafood?
Kill yourself.
Can you drop me female vitality and caveman under the counter perhaps?
you are retarded. you sound iodine deficient
>High amounts of lead mean lawsuit is now possible.
"High amounts", not "illegal amounts," is how they describe it...methinks they'd use the latter if it applied. Onlookers will agree.
"called Myco-ZX, advertised as “potent herbs and enzymes” intended for the “detoxification of yeast and undesirable fungal organisms,” was also determined to have high levels of lead,"
High lead levels should be anti fungi. Where is the problem. Product delivers as promised.
Did you even read my post and what it was in reply to you fucking prancing lala homo man?
triggered, cuck?
Good one. I'll start selling rat poison as a "headache remedy" since, technically, it will make your headache go away.
You're legitimately retarded. I was telling the anti-iodine nigger that most people are deficient in iodine, especially in the midwest because they don't eat as much seafood, which contains iodine. Due to this, people who are iodine deficient end up being less smart, literally what you're arguing, and that intake of iodine increases IQ. Thus why you should take iodine, at least the nascent kind like Alex sells.
The potassium iodide is damaging if directly ingested, and I guess is OK on skin, but still not ideal.
But you don't care, you're clearly retarded, and clearly are iodine deficient.
lead gets a bad rap
Normal table salt, which most Americans use far too much of, contains iodine. Intentionally. Because we like salt enough to eat lots of it. How popular are salt-free diets in the American Midwest?
>anime spammer calling anyone else retarded
Ch-chaga mushrooms?
my bad bro, ive been up all night fucking arouond, I thought you were other dude. FUCK
>that pic
And nigroids say white women don't have arses
ironically forgot to take iodine today lmfao
Fluoride is fucking stupid to add to the water and herbicide literally does turn frogs into females and is screwing up people's health
It's pretty fucking stupid that you retards ignore this shit just because Alex jones hypes it up to seem like it was done with evil intentions when it was really done out of pure greed either way, to your detriment
You're fucking stupid
Next you'll tell me circumcision is good, it's good to traumatize all infant males based on the assumption that some of them will be too stupid to wash their dicks enough, just like with fluoride and dental care
God damn idiots
>led the U.S. to adopt the Swiss practice of adding sodium iodide or potassium iodide to table and cooking salt.
Which are both shit forms of iodine, that don't even get into your thyroid correctly.
>muh anime is stupid and fuck weebs xDDDD argument
Sup Forums is an anime site, get the fuck out of my board and hop right on over to the plethora of non-anime sites such as it happens to me too
>this thing was like this once, so it remains like that forever. things never evolve or change
I take teh supermints evreyday and im felling goode
>chanology is evolving
>gamergate and what it brought is evolving (and i was part of it, didn't like what it brought to Sup Forums)
>2016 election is evolving (same way I feel about gamergate)
>reddit and whatever the fuck this is now is evolving
I want the normalfag cancer to go away. This is, an always has been an anime imageboard.
>activated carbon
>not using almonds
Anime is not a healthy pursuit for a grown man. It's juvenile angsty teen garbage. Grow up, weeb. Drop the cartoons, you'll thank me.
You can stop false flagging now. I don't really want to derail this thread with waifuspamming and other fun things.
Alex CLEARLY states you can mix the caveman into almond milk. But it in the Alexapure Pro water filter on sale FITY PERCENT OFF until next week and you're ready to defeat the globalists!
Or you could just make an argument.
Don't get it twisted, I'm not one of your kind. I saved those images ironically I can assure you.
You're such a tsun~tsun thing cutie.
Do you know how to check for an iodine deficiency?
It's really fucking clear when you are deficient in iodine, and a lot of people used to have it, which is what prompted the practice of adding it to salt, that quickly cured the symptom in the population.
So don't tell me its not effective and can't get into your thyroid. Most people would be walking around with swole chad thyroids if that were true.
>the jews paid you pennies to post this
Didn't Alex Jones report on Trump being poisoned? Is Caveman produced by secret leftist who adds lead to the product? Is Trump drinking Caveman, and that's the reason he has so much energy and IQ?
Yeah, it did. Who would have thought a little bit of shitty iodi(de) would help people with next to no iodine intake for the time!
And it helped people get smarter too? Well no shit! Doesn't change the fact that injesting potassium iodide is unhealthy and harmful when using a stronger one like Lugel's.
Thus why Nascent iodine is a thing, because it doesn't fuck you up if taken orally, and actually binds in your thyroid.
The DRI for iodine just so happens to be the bare minimum to not get a fucked up thyroid
i will bet you my pinky that you actually need more iodine for a healthy thyroid
Oh, the png wasn't fuckhuge after all.
hey can i get a glass of
Youre supposed to filter the supplements, not take them straight
please explain how you filter it then
he's fucking with you
if you actually filtered your supplements they would be rendered ineffective by the (probably) activated charcoal/carbon attaching to everything in the filter.