>Mein Kampf is best seller in Turkey
>Literally every Turk went Germany since 60's somewhat integrated, speaking German even in Turkey
>They dont leech wellfare,mostly being worker or engineer or teacher.
>Some even started to return Turkey
btw Germany was greatest European ally of Turks for many centuries.Bismarck Baba saved our European lands at Vienna Treaty.Turks supported Germans at every major battle(Including WW2 with SS Ostturkische) etc..
why would a German pick a britbong or americuck over a Turk ? Both of them literally destroyed Germany.
Why germans hate Turks ?
Other urls found in this thread:
i have no problem with turks in turkey
i have a problem with turks in germany
Yeah it's so weird that Aryan White Christians would dislike negroid brown muslims forcing themselves into their midst.
I mean who doesn't want to see your country terraformed into a nigger shithole? Fucking based!!!
Found a pic of OP.
You have your own big country you don't need to be in germany
Mainly, because most turks we see drive 3er BMW, sell and take drugs, rape girls and usually part of a crime syndicate. Does this answer your question?
That said, I also met perfectly fine turks that integrated in Germany, usually they are older and own food stores and speak german on a daily basis.
Turks are being replaced in Turkey by Kurds and in Germany it's Arabs who are replacing us. They are a dying ethnic group.
Approach post-modernity the wrong way, and it will break you.
Because your people behave like literal retards here.
Can talk for actual turks but germanified turks are absolute retards who gobble up anything turkish state tv says while living of german welfare.
Met quite a few cool and smart turks in turkey on a job. In my country, not so much. 99% are weed dealers/internet or bet cafe owners and/or kebab shop owners.
But most just get welfare, hang around on the corner and sell shitty quality drugs.
Yes everything not revolving around amerifats is a slide thread.
Fuck off cleetus.
All those dumb fucks from Anatolia are in Germany, the good to bad ratio is about 1:100.
They stay in groups, outnumber people before attacking etc.
They don‘t speak proper german and the younger generation get more and more hostile
I'm shocked by all the Germans saying there are some good Turks in their country. Reminds me of cucked whites here who say some spics are good and integrated. Fuck off they all need to go back
they do need to go back, doesnt make all of them bad people you ignorant tool.
Searching for them is like finding jewish ashes in auschwitz tho.
Blut und Boden!!
You can want people to go back without hating them. Considering what happened to all the ethnic Germans in Eastern Europe after WW2 it's only natural we want this process to happen as peaceful as possible.
Turkish men are depraved sleazeballs who constantly try to grope white women in Germany. It's a huge factor in why people don't like Turks.
german hate german turks because they are too patriotic and most of them dont behave well or do shit. It gets even more ridiculous when you here that many german turks don't like german. It's no wonder that there is a hate for german turk. the migrants in germany often avoid interacting with german and germany also avoid them.
It’s not just the Germans, pretty much all of the developed western world dislike Turks. It’s your behaviour, particularly the younger generations. If Turkey has an education system then it’s of such poor quality that it’s pointless. You export huge amounts of borderline retarded savages that literally don’t understand how to live in the modern world.
Turks were invited dumdum
you probably mean arabs
To be fair, after WW2 turks came to Germany and helped rebuild. Those turks didn't rape germans, or behaved retarded. The worked, earned money and then (mostly) went beck to turkey. There is nothing bad to say about that.
Wrong. Germany was rebuilt when the Gastarbeiters came and at first we only had southern Euros, Turks came later because they wanted to get in on the money and leveraged their position in the cold war to get to it. Also Turks rape Germans way more than the other way around, although it's not on the level of the blacks. juergenfritz.com
I can't believe there's still people who believe this 'Turks rebuilt Germany' shit.
USA forced Germany to take them in, Germans didn't want them but CDU fell over quicker than you could say good goyim.
Did they tell you that in school?
There were massive problems between germans and guestworkers in any big city.
Im from Cologne and Ive heard a lot of shitty stories from my grandparents and my dad.
Halal butchering goats right in the street next to public parks, turks fondling younger girls etc. pp.
You probably dont understand that nearly all of the guest workers were anatolian hill mongoloids who basically behaved like the fugees now, but they worked unlike the new fugees, the only redeeming factor they had.
Oh and they didnt go back at all you mong, they stayed, worked, and send all the money to turkey and build retirement homes for themselves there.
They all left in recent times. And most live in Germany half a year and then live the rest of the year in turkey.
Well, a turk who came to austria to study once told me that he was ashamed for the turks here in austria.
He later was robbed and beaten by his fellow countrymen...
Drug selling, violent idiots driven by their "honor"
loud and obnoxious.
I always wondered what they are so proud of. Leaving their country annoying others?
You literally cant go to parks anymore without some turks screaming around or aggressively asking "what are you looking at" (they only do that in groups or outnumbering you)
Turks are Austria's niggers
>brought in by the yanks
>like we could say anything against it after losing the war and being a proxy state
I'm guessing it has to do with the visible spectrum of light.
>Turks are Austria's niggers
It sort of used to be the same here until we got actual Africans, including the media pushing the 'cool Turk bro' and Turk Male/German Female meme.
turks are fucking scum, but i'd take a hundred turks over one somalian any day.
>Literally every Turk went Germany since 60's somewhat integrated, speaking German even in Turkey
>They dont leech wellfare,mostly being worker or engineer or teacher.
In which universe? Fuck off you dirty cockroach. We hate you because you're unwashed and inbred savages.
In Cologne Ehrenfeld theres this new beggar junkie black guy.
No shoes, ashy skin, hoodie always pulled into his face, begs for money.
I was sitting at my favourite turkish lunch place and he came to the table and just said "money" .
I said no but you can have all our leftover bread and shit, he took the bread, went to the garbage can, dumped it all in, came back and said "I dont need food! I need money!"
Told him to fuck off and next time he throws away perfectly good food hes getting a stomping.
Tried to start shit then but we were 4 guys and the owners of the restaurant also came out and he bailed.
Fucking niggers man.
So? Turks still didn't force you to do shit. It's US's fucking bullshit as usual.
Those Turks rebuilt your economy. If anything, you should be greatful.
That’s some butthurt self delusion cockroach. Literally none of that ever happened... hence my comment about your education system earlier.
Those Turks came in the 60s when the country was rebuilt, all they did was lower wages and destroy social cohesion.
They're moving them even into small villages now, my grandma saw her first nigger the other weekend.
they didnt, most of it was already rebuilt or well on the way.
All you did was work at FORD motorworks or something.
We didnt really need any turkish guestworkers but were forced to.
Its not like you think man. Im not trying to yank your chain, im just saying turks did jackshit to rebuilt germany.
Like many said, there is no problem with turks being in turkey. Well, I do see the turkey lifting the barrier between state and religion with concern. Not being rules by religion was the very main thing that made turkey different to other mainly islamic nations, and more civilized.
>Turks in Germany
Anyone leeches wellfare and contributes nothing to his society deserves to be gassed including Turks
And Turks are not Negro you fucking americuck lmao
OK i get it retarded Turks are roaming through your land.Its because they are having identity problems.
Nah we still have higher birthrates.
An most of those "kurds" are ethnically Turks who got assimilated because a massive faggot sultan declared that "Sunni Kurds shall get less taxes." so they changed their identities.
No it’s not that. It’s retarded savage Turks in every land that gives out free welfare. You get compared to niggers because you behave like uneducated niggers. Don’t like being called out for your behaviour? Then don’t behave like that and teach your children manners, respect and reality. It’s not rocket science.
>Negroid brown muslim
Bet your father was fucking her sister and then you appeared after a failed abortion attempt.There is no other explanation of your retardness.
Also turks made up their own language, its strange and barely intelligible.
"Türkendeutsch" is to the german language what ebonics is to the english language.
>Drugs and rape
Please kick or gas
Same in Germany.
You answered your own question. Turks in Germany are the perfect example my integration does not work on a large scale.
Those "hard working" guest workers from the 60s are still here, still dont speak any decent german except the bare minimum and sit in the turkish cafe all day with other turks / arab rape babies.
%70 of Turks in Turkey are literate good guys.Didnt know immigrants were massive faggots
And you just proved everybody’s point. Straight back to behaving like a Turk. If you, as an educated Turk, still behave like this then what chance do the brain washed, brain dead religious zealots have?
It's part of their self-hating complex.
70% is not a literacy rate to be proud of.
First and second generation Turks in Germany are/were cool. Then something happened and they raised the third generation to be scum.
Now you do.
Its the same thing with north africans.
North africans in their homeland are nice, working and welcoming people.
But they send all their corner thugs and no goods to the west. Which is why north africans make up most of the immigrant crimes.
And turkish crime gangs and familys are getting their shit pushed in in Berlin and other big cities because kurdish bikers and the like are extremly violent and do anything that is needed to get into a position of power.
And also in Berlin theres this GIANT lebanese family about 1500 members in germany alone. They all marry their cousins and the family gets bigger. They control a massive amount of berlins underbelly
i was just touching with redneck sisterfucking issue but okay take it easy
i was meaning educated and all over good.Not "reading and writing"
It’s not all Turks dude, most people fully understand that. We used to holiday to turkey quite a lot, my wife is from Adana. But Turkey is allowing religion to take over state and that is seriously fucking your country up. When I started visiting Turkey in 1998 it was a completely different and much better place.
The issue is that instead of dealing with your problem people you export them.
There has been a similar problem in the UK with Polish and Latvian immigration. The brits in general actually love the polish people, we feel a kinship and common history. But for the last 15 years Poland has encouraged its sex offenders, violent offenders, drains on society to go and take in EU handouts. It has soured UK / polish relationships at many levels.
Same is true of Turkey. These kinds of people do not travel to integrate, they travel to get free or minimal effort money. That kind of immigration can never work.
Guys, guys, guys, relax
That tussle now between Germany and Turkey, is just a little lovers' fight, they'll make up again.
They know deep down they love each other unconditionally.
Turks rape, steal and are violent. But somehow they still manage to be less degenerate than the average Dane.
Consanguinity in fact is a huge problem among muslims.
They just keep marrying family members.
Look at this broke ass talking.
Broke, yeah. But honest, unlike you.
Why don't you admit that Turkey is and always has been your significant other.
Even fucking Hitler loved them and all the rest of them stinking muslims.
>my wife is from Adana
>racemixing with a roach
Enjoy your self-hating kids, you retard
Germanys actual significant other should be the bongs, no one else. CHurchill and the jews didnt allow it tho.
Germans are some of the most honest and pragmatic people in this world.
I left California because of that. I couldnt handle all the fake people, fake smiles, fake promises etc.
America is a fucking plastic society. Or at least that was my impression but hey i only lived in Cali that hardly counts for all of America.
Did earn decent money and still do working from home now.
Im a very honest person and i can tell you, turks and germans are not friends at all. on any level
I also like greeks waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than turks but that probably the christian thing and that i used to vacation on Patmos for nearly all my childhood.
Giff Moussaka and grilled octopus NAOW
Immigration is retarded.And i get your point.Thx for your good will.And dont mind the religion stuff even Erdogan realized too much religion causes problem at this point.We'll fix it.
The first generation where hard-working dumb people. They do their job, get some money and would be content with the situation. Second generation still looks up to that hard work and progress and wants the same, just on a better level (college and stuff). Third generation feels like they are getting nowhere because they are still not German and in reality the educational progress ain't working. They are just low-level, dumb "Germans" and behave like it.
We respect ANZACs a lot here actually
But there is this fact, Australians and New Zealanders are actually rapists,murderers and degenerates of Britts.You are basically a 2nd class Britt whose ancestors got kicked from homeland because he was a scum.
Look at yourself before calling others Roach.
because its in the kraut's essence to use you, abuse you and treat you like shit forever.
Remember that after you helpthem to rebuild their country they wanted you to go away by paying you money?
No wonder they are still hated by all countries in Europe.
Dont talk to Australia like that
They are an amazing island folk. extremly fun loving people, beers at noon, beach culture, bbq culture, vast lands with loads of nature, pretty good weed.
The only thing bad about my time there is the price for cigarettes.
Because sissy German boys can't compete with Turkish men.
>roach having the nerve to talk about any other country and their history of rape and murder
I am laughing here buddy, the entire Balkan region fucking hates you because they're the only ones who really know what you cunts are like after having to put up with your shit for hundreds of years. The Brits and Germans might be retarded enough to justify having hordes of you in their countries, but once they eventually catch on like the Balkan nations did, you'll be seen as the gypsy-tier people you really are.
I respect them a lot actually because they also respect Turks a lot.Im good with them
but i fucking hate roach meme.If kek would give me chance i would exterminate it into oblivion.
Why didn't the GUEST workers go back ? They were allowed to bring their whole family instead.
Well every country here has its meme with which it gets smacktalked
Its all just banter for the most part. calm down.
Maybe some did, but being on Welfare in Germany is probably still better than hanging out in the Anatolian hillside so a lot of them (and their descendants) stayed.
Anatolian hillside has lots of developed cities right now.But Germany is better than bunch of steppe,yes.
Because there's too many of you in Germany.
>why would a German pick a britbong or americuck over a Turk ?
They don't.
>dirty stinking Roaches
>Lazy as fuck
>Arrogant as fuck
>Literally worst ally in times of war. Even worse than italy
There is nothing to like about t*rks
>>Literally worst ally in times of war. Even worse than italy
Noone is a worse ally than italy, dont be silly.
we have fucking atrocious weed what are you talking about
>North africans in their homeland are nice, working and welcoming people
Nafri spotted
Wherever they are nafris are nafris
Nafris are not nice
Nafris are lice
>>Literally every Turk went Germany since 60's somewhat integrated, speaking German even in Turkey
>>They dont leech wellfare,mostly being worker or engineer or teacher.
is this what they teach you in turkey? or are you just delusional?
Turks were brought to Germany by the kikes to genocide the German people and dilute the German culture and genetic heritage. Turkish people are violent, indolent, lazy. They do not abide by German laws,and customs. Turks need to go back.
>Mein Kampf is best seller in Turkey
implying roaches can even read
>Get preped up by germany to not be shithole like every other m*slim country
>Get german weapons on par with western standard
>You are told to reclaim your own land you lost years before and open a new front on russia
>Your 3. army already outnumbers russian troops, that can be sent to the area, 2 times
>Russian troops are completely unprepared as germany binds all their resources
>Try to reclaim your own clay
>At first contact with the enemy you lose, because only try to zerg rush them
>Immediately flee and stop all advances
>Proceed to genocide some farmers because you as these were the only ones you could win against
Because germany has too many "black turks"
You know the kind of turks that even in Turkey nobody likes.
>my favourite turkish lunch place
it's time for you to fuck off
>and then (mostly) went beck to turkey
you're a fucking retard
>some even started to return
because they got deported when their work visas expired, Germans fucking hate Turks it's just that both races are so volatile and unlikeable that you end up together as brothers in faggotry.
retarded cockroach
>they dont leech
I'm pretty sure half of Roaches in Germany are unemployed and on welfare.
That's almost bordering on Somali status.
>is this what they teach you in turkey?
of course. state propaganda tells the people they're God's gift to mankind, not that they're subhuman retards.
Time to dress up for Halloween
>They dont leech wellfare
>mostly being worker or engineer or teacher.
Hahahahaah dude your people are almost gypsy tier.
And even expat higher educated Turks from Istanbul are ashamed of being a Turk after seeing how Turks in Europe are.
The real question is,
>Why doesn't everyone hate Turks ?
To which I have no answer. The day of the stake can't come soon enough.
There are almost no Germans left in Germany.
I might be one of the last and I'm a Turk.
German are Turkboos.
fuck turkroaches
turkey should be wiped from the face of the earth
Day of the Crunch is coming, roach.
wrong. kurdish birthrate is decresing rapidly while turkish birthrate is increasing slightly since early 2000's
at the moment kurds make 20% of turkish population and their birthrates will be decreased to replacement level within 20 years which means kurds will make 25% of turkish population at most
kurdish party got biggest vote in 2015 at just 13% including some turkish leftists and liberals
kys roach
>implying Sup Forums reads history..
they're about as ignorant about economics and history as the antifa.