And they say north korea is a worse place than america

and they say north korea is a worse place than america.

Other urls found in this thread:

Barf that shit is hideous.


I'd fuck it.


she is beautiful and should be allowed to walk naked in city in daylight

Dude, I mean, like.. Mr. Bean is funny and all but... Yeah, na.


Flame thrower the creature then flame thrower my eyeballs plz
All prey to die once they have beheld such foulness

If that's genuinely how you want to live, go for it. When you go out of your way to be a hideous monster and put on this #Feminist bullshit facade though, that's mental illness.

These people know they're doing something out of the norms of society and trying to gain acceptance for something they would never do if it weren't for the attention.

Kill it with fire


The mental illness of it is astounding.
Newsflash... you're mad

creatures like that caused a world war

Shes fucking hairier than I am jesus fucking christ. Disgusting.

I don't get it though... Is she taking test or what?


Same bro


>He wouldnt fuck the female version of Mr. Bean
cuck desu famalam


>fema coffins
lmao you unironically believe this shit

>other people are free to do whatever they want with their free time so north korea is better
Fuck off, commie trash.

That happy trail went urban sprawl.

She sells pornography on her tumblr page. I'm intrigued by it desu but I'm not willing to pay.


That's a dude on hormones. At least I hope it is






I'm glad jesus is coming back soon. I can't take this shit anymore. All you satanist scum will burn.

Shes so fucking disgusting, shes not even looking at herself naked in the mirror.



No you would not

Meds are shitskins

Look at her head. You know she's got baby brains. Very hairy too, would benefit the most from modern shaving technology, but knowing this, the ungrateful animal refuses to shave. Europeans can usually get away with not shaving, but we are the shaving equipment gods so that is not likely to happen.


time to pull out my gross lena dunham collection

they're clearly American-sized, what's not to believe here

She is so fucking hot. Exactly my fetish. Shut up you degenerate pedos.

Sup Forums is full of jewish spam bots

She wouldn't be bad looking if she weren't a fat fuck with a bad haircut

You're not me and you don't know me! I would fuck it, I'd fuck this too!


Scarily, more attractive by comparison. Time to re-evaluate life.


There's a penis behind those thighs

She looks Turkish to me

I have no doubt the will is there, but lets face it when your dick sees that it's going to suicide.

I think this chick is not a feminist, she is just an slavic whore eho post pictures of her incredibly hairy body online.

YOUR dick maybe. Not me, I'm a sexual tyrannosaurus.

>When your parents are Turkroaches

Mine would, no doubt, getting my dick wet in that is not worth it.

She's a dead ringer for Mexican artist and Commie (not to mention Trotsky-fucker) Frida Kahlo.

is like a female chris chan

>self portrait.jpg
that little guy was a good painter

shit cultural marxists mongrels like that bitch ruined the name frida

>she wouldnt be bad looking if she had a different haircut, wasnt fat, had a non vogon body,wasnt an objectionable twat and looked completely different
in this case alone, theseus ship doesnt work.

Underrated post..

Ofc this is disgusting, but you know, i still can fuck this.
Unlike nigger-porn which more like bestiality and scat combined.
Or asians with their "rotten" vaginas.



>At least I hope it is
God help us all


I bet the Jews regret making this

I need a fucking bleach

Is that Craig' s mom?

That facial expression is the most concerning thing about the pictures. Dafuq is that, a smile?

i am scared what is that?

what am I looking at

discovery channel

Wow that would be really stinky haha...I wonder how bad it would smell? Haha asking for a friend I bet it would smell absolutely putrid hah.

Chris Chan's true soul mate

whats going on?! I didn't learn about that in school

Jewish-Mexican **

You sick fuck. Not only is she notitsfat, shes a child molester. And a raging militant feminist.
You like child support? If not then reconsider your taste im the dunham, because it taste like salty milk and coins, soaked in semen.

shes a jew. meaning shes as hairy as a neanderthaler. which is what jews are



it's female with sean connery's chest hair. gas it.

ngl i'd wife that and live a radically paganistic, organic and trad lifestyle inspired by Evola with that. She seems so raw and primal. I want to have children with her.


She or whatever it is will shave it off when no one gives her attention for it anymore. Deep down they all want to be a pretty princess

That's what generations of interracial breeding in USA looks like when not shaved, but it's the natural representation of 10/10 woman in USA.



Looks more lika a dude on estrogen.

Why are there hair on tits.
I get it, a beaver is ok by my an all. I don't mind a little fur on a girl but what the fuck.

I like her face desu. I'm sorry.

Aren't europeans more neanderthal than jews?


Wtf is her name?

>in this case alone, theseus ship doesnt work.
if it would get me away from this minotaur I would risk it

I do too, she's not beautiful but looks funny and endearing.
I wouldn't mind doing her doggy style. She shouldn't have much hair on the back, r-right?

When will it be legal to shoot these things?

>She shouldn't have much hair on the back, r-right?
my concern is what else is hidden behind "her" back

Phoenix Floe.

I am not such a big fan to know that.

No, it's a woman.

I'm gay and I want you and it gassed.

people have no shame anymore