What happens here?
What happens here?
Rocket launches.
American here. What country is that?
could potentially be the country where all our problems started, look for called "khazaria"
Is very nice
I'd imagine concrete, AKs, and drunk Muslims.
moderate muslims
More to the west. But still the greatest mystery of our lifetime.
gas and peasants. run by kikes.
crazy buildings
kazhar was in the region of georgia you dumb fuck, this is kazakhstan
Jesus Christ look at a map ffs.
potassium mining
Kazakhstan looks comfy as fuck
Russia's Mexico
Baikanur Cosmodrome
>What hapas here?
>tfw your family name is Burtasov
>and you live in the what used to be volga bulgaria
not really, kazakhstan is one of russias most loyal allies
muslim alcoholics.
They virtually all look asian or half Asian. They're kleptocracies with all the wealth in the hands of very few. Undeveloped industries apart from mining and other basic stuff.
people often go to Russia to work and rich people often socialise or send their kids there (or elsewhere overseas)
Depressing places
Islamic but culture matters more and Saudi influence on the practice of Islam is still quite small but growing
Turkmenistan is like discount UAE. They have door to hell. Kazakhstan is also alright. Rest is complete shithole full of goatfuckers.
number 1 exporters of potassium, weird mix of asians and south asians. Muslims living in commie blocs and huts fucking goats or drinking.
I would like to move to Kazakhstan. Would they crucify me because i'm christian?
that is where the (((Mafia))) that enslaves us now came from.
if you say KHAZARSTEIN really fast, it sounds like Kazakhstan. no wonder (((Sacha Baron Cohen))) chose Kazakh (even sounds close to Khazar) as Borat's homeland.
Political rapbattles if I'm not mistaken.
(I'm serious.)
Roaming Millennial: The Country
Are you fuckers blind? That's not even the same continent retard.
Central Asia is the hapa homeland
And they have to go back
Oops see
Kazakh and Khazar still sound pretty close though.
ask hillary youtube.com
It's a comfy life, I grew up in Kazakhstan and later migrated to German (THANKS KOHL!) :)
I always made fun of Turks in my school, because they didn't look like the Turks in Kazakhstan, I called them Greeks and they freaked out kek
The only thing connecting Khazakhstan and Khazars is that they are Turkic. But most modern Khazar descendants are from Ukraine and Russia.
The moment I saw that was my first thought, that she is кaзaшкa.
I'd assume fixed that for you
Kazakhstan is doing fine, they are the most successful out of these central Asian countries. The rest has most of its adult population working in Russia, doing all the stuff Mexicans do in America. Every cleaner/sanitary worker/builder/fast food employee in Moscow is Uzbek/Kirgiz/Tadzhik/Turkmen
Man, imagine how sick people from these places are when your 1st or 2nd world ass says "hurr durr I wish I lived there instead of da stoopid SJW west"
Let's just say you won't like it there and will not find a job or anything to sustain your existence.
What an ugly face
It's not a country, fucktard.
It's a region made up of several countries.
that looks like the "Russian" liberator from Herbert Smagon's paintings.
well, this whole Ukraine fiasco was made by jews to restore Khazaria, just in case Israel gets destroyed (which will be very soon i hope) and to have a Plan B Country so to speak.
It's not because of the "stooopid SJW". Kazakh wifes are the best wifes. In every documentary i watched, kazakh wifes were the most subservient and happy to please their husband.
Higher ratio of finding a traditionalist wife than here. They are too busy with some bullshit degree.
That freaks out the Greeks too
Half-gook. Gassed along with Murdoch Murdoch for trying to race mix.
that's how americans get to the ISS
Asian people who speak Russian along with being ex commies
I know an autistic (meme sense only) German lady who is a professionally trained chef, married to a German-American, who, when asked what she does, unironically said, "I serve my husband." Five kids all with blonde hair and blue eyes. One of the best cooks ever. Her father fought on the Eastern Front during WWII in the Wehrmacht.
Sorry guys, not only is she in her sixties now, she's taken.
Best answer. You have conquered this thread it was an 8000m mountain.
> your 1st or 2nd world ass
They ARE second world. People misuse that term far too often.
> Кaзaхcкий пo-pyccки гoвopить? Чтo o Typкмeниcкий
See, you're doing this again. These "traditionalist" wives live in shit and want to leave. You're romanticizing their poor life while they would fuck a 100 negroes to leave their shithole. It's like an American who wants to go to Mexico for a "qty trad gf" for him to be robbed, stabbed, infected with HIV and leave in a few days
Ивaн speaks pravda, tovarich
>moving from a first to a second world country cause muh traditionalism
I smell yellow fever.
You have no idea...they may seem subservient, but that's just your view from outside. It's like people thinking Russian women are subservient...
You see one of those slaves at 8:05. Lol what a pitiful worm.
Germans do everything right. It's impressive. These western women are lost. They need to feel that they are being replaced by subservient wives. They need to feel that it was their mistake.
I'm 22 years old and I should be married right now and making some kids, just like the Cathedratic Teachers in uni that I used to have. All of them married at 21-24 and dedicated themselves solely to their professional activity while building a strong and healthy family with the symbiotic help of their wives. Good wife material nowadays are too distracted and we all know that shit.
We need to get married sooner. Also the younger the broad is, the easier is to have multiple healthy children
Eгo aнглийcкий язык хopoший
successors of the Golden Horde
why do you assume their lives are bad because they don't have an iphone or some shit?
Sure there are probably some unhappy people but the ratio is undoubtedly similar to first world countries where there are dissatisfied lonely people punching at keyboards in a desperate attempt to make a human connection they lost some where in pursuing the virtues of our society.
Дaйтe кapтoфeль пoжaлyйcтa
I honestly wouldn't be able to tell what country that is without looking at a map.
Kazakhstan is such a large country, yet I've only heard about it from a jewish ''comedian.'' I thought Kazakhstan was a small country.
both of her parents are actually asian looking kazakhs
What is this series about? Seems interesting
No, Russian women are the most dangerous. They are like brazilian slavs. I can see on TLC when a guy gets a russian wife and then get's fucked over.
Americans are stupid what would you expect? I'm not romanticizing, helping the needed is a holy thing. I'm well aware of the gold diggers and thots, I grew up in the a hood full of degenerates and druggies, I can differentiate things.
Having kids with asians is a big mistake. A lot of kazaks have ruskie blood
wow shes perfect. Asiatic features and blue eyes
She looks like a fish, but with arrow slit eyeballs. One gene off monocular vision like a bird.
You realize that's not one country right?
The original turkey
all my knowledge seems nice starting point
For you, "chopping wood" or "living in a wooden house with a traditional wife" is romantic and idealistic, while the people in these countries do it because they have no other way. If your wife isn't traditional, you starve. If you don't chop wood for a whole day, you freeze. Russian peasants would plow the fields, eat organic stuff and have traditional wives, while being poor, very intellectually hindered, sick and miserable. A Russian aristocrat, just like Europeans and Americans who jerk off to traditionalism, would come to the village, chop a log, fuck some peasants wife and feel like he is living the simple life before leaving for his mansion, while a peasants life was survival.
This is were russian women gets their boyfriends from.
You're confusing this with Chechnya, dating a central Asian would be like Stacy dating Pablo the window washer
Sorry I only speak meme Russian and sing хoхoл Old Church Slavonic. Anything else and I'm lost.
She and a lot of other Kazakhs look like hapas though, and the genes are clearly there.
I agree we need to get married sooner
that does happen though. burger women love those mexican landscapers.
citation needed
fucking turkish jews
isnt that where stalin stored all those nazi scientists (hence why they look whiter than argentina)
Very nice!
Yeah, but Central Asians are all scrawny and, well, Asian, and the ones that aren't are usually pretty based
The Chechens are the big bad Chads around here, Central asians are like the silent kid no one talks to
Stacy = the popular blonde from high school. She doesn't even look at lawn-mowing Mexicans.
Probably nothing at all.
>turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgystan and tajikistan btfo.
>geography lesson from burger
Also, Borat looks nothing like a central Asian