>le 62% face
>burgers are done for
>where never white to begin with
>breeds with native tribes
>breeds with black slaves
>allows (((liberalism))) to take over
>(((Merica))) is and always has been the cancer of the European race
Wooly flat nosed white
Pavel is busy today, I see.
Flat nose wooly hair down syndrome
When the boomer whites die that will be 100 million whites and 200 million young non whites
That means 1 in 3 will be white or 30% until they are unrecognizably mixed like colonial spaniards in the americas
The future of the white man is europe
Tell me about bane why does he wear the mask?
Im not american you stupid communist nigger!
Autumn 1989 Golden Dawn members with Leon Degrelle at Spain
You sold your soul to the satanic Jews from hell. Here comes your bill.
Kys amerigoy
It's nice to be in the colonies though, our lands are huge and everybody is spread out so much that less stuff is haunted here.
When a European eats a veggie or some beef, it was raised in land where 80000 serfs probably died of plague or got gutted in that exact patch of field.
An America can head to the PNW and walk in the arboreal forests, or I can just drive an hour or so outside of any city, and we can literally walk on land that no human has ever set foot on before.
In Europe, it's probably impossible to never not be walking on multiple corpses, it's always just a matter of how far down.
>Non-Hispanic Whites are 62% of population
You can get "Hispanic Whites" ?
the fuck?
hello fellow goyim, let us continue to argue about "whiteness" and who is and isn't white, this is constructive to our cause
in the census there is no race called spanish rape babies so they just get filed under white hispanic
Those golden dawn members look like fudge packers
Amerishartz aint shit
Im german that was born in south America. Blue eye, blonde hair. My family moved to US when I was 3. Im counted as a white hispanic, even though I'm 100% german.
The jews made all our women obese.
We can't breed with them anymore.
>the fuck?
the vast majority of them would not be identifying as White if they had any standards of racial cleanliness.
as it stands, "hispanic" just means someone who descends at least partially from Spaniards, speaks Spanish, and probably likes to think of themselves as belonging culturally to at the very least a Latin culture, more specifically a Spanish one.
their definitions of "race" may be absolutely atrocious, seeing how they don't really understand how purity works, but they can be on any "race"
on average, they're mystery meats and very very very few are even close to being untainted by non-White ancestry.
They’re all in their containment trump-worship thread.
I hope you know you're going back.
Shut the fuck up, Scotland.
But gunburgerstan has never been superior they just had enough food and oil to build a big enough military to bomb Europe and Japan into submission.
*hand rubbing intensifies*
Good Goy!
No way is this place 62% white.
52% is pushing it.
>chad's was never better
>he just had a big enough dick to fuck my girl into submission
kekistan pls
1) Post hand, lying spic.
2) For every one of you actually white hispanics, there's ten swarthy mixed so called-whites from various places who are counted as Non-Hispanic white.
One side of family lived in PR for 300-400 years. I end up 38% Iberian, 7.5% Italian, 2.5% taino Indian and 2.5% black. Other half is Mayflower pilgrims.
White Hispanic
Who's next Goy?
Ar*bs T*rks and J*ws are wh*te in America