>Be me
>Work out
>Engaged to 9/10 gf who i redpilled over the course of six months
>Financially stable
>Children are in the pipeline
>Grows own food
I.. I think i'm going to make it Sup Forums :')
>Be me
>Work out
>Engaged to 9/10 gf who i redpilled over the course of six months
>Financially stable
>Children are in the pipeline
>Grows own food
I.. I think i'm going to make it Sup Forums :')
Not calling your wife 10/10. Shame on you go wash your mouth.
+1 gold fellow poler!
Good on ya mate hope I can do the same
>grows own food
Fake news
>Children are in the pipeline
This, your Wife should be a 10 to you.
Good for you lad, having our first in a couple of months (we're 23). Only two other blokes I know are interested in having kids. One is 20 and trying with his girlfriend (personally think he's mad but fuck it I guess). The other is the parents of one of my mates (mate is 21) and I'm convinced these parents are single handedly trying to save the white race. He's the eldest of fucking 7 and there is an 8th on the way. Has to be their last since his mum is now 40, but fucking hell EIGHT. Not for religious reasons, they just like having kids apparently. Father is also legit named Chad.
Well, she is Irish
post pics of gf
I'm 25 and I still feel like a child. I hate responsibility. Give me tendies mommy!
He's trying to be as objective as possible, there's nothing wrong with that.
Ytz ätz ytz ätz im hving a party here ytz yTz ätz ytz ätz in my moped car :D drinking es ebin :DDDD
>six months
Keep up Gods work user
How does it feel knowing your grand kids will be half chink or poopoo?
Well done lad. My goal is to buy an acre of land and build my own home and grow my own food and hopefully have a good woman to do that with but it'll be hard to find one who shuns materialism and consumerism and all that in favour of a good simple life.
I read that in Harry Hill's voice.
not redpilled enough because you feel the need to boast on hte internets in seek of approval.
read the stoics.
gj on your situation though.
i just hope you don't run out of potatoes
jk, congratz my friendo
>Be me
>Live in rural New England on 3 generation small family farm
>Grow all my own food, 1 milk cow, 4 goats, an arc full of chickens
>8/10 fit and tan from manual labor
>35, educated, money in the bank
>New wife and one kid on the way
>Aggressive Lymphoma will be dead in three or 4 more months
>Too weak to do much anymore. Just waiting for the end.
Don't stop working out.
Save money.
We're all gonna make it brah.
Mate I'm so fuckin sorry. Fuck.
Life comes at you fast brother. Wont even know my kid.
That's so fucking sad user. You had it all and then life fucked you over. I hope your coping as well as one can in such a hard time.
God. Family. Weed.
Don't give up.
Fuck :(
Good for you, user
Only thing left is to get a stockpile of weapons and ammo.
>be me
>dont work out anymore after back injury
>getting fat
>havent been laid in 4 months
>no job, last company i worked at went bankrupt
>no kids
>28 years old
>shit hobbies, too much internet/videogames/movies
>eat healthy/cook at home, only thing going for me I guess
I'm fucking ruined. I should probably see a therapist and get meds or just off myself
But what if she's not actually a 10?
Anyway, great job OP
>inb4 OP is mudslime migrant
You have no reason to be getting fat, especially if money is tight. Seeing as you're sitting on your ass all day, why don't you diet? All you have to do is gorge on fibrous vegetables to remain satiated, you would get lean, healthy and save money in the process
Man. I'm 37. That shit ain't fair. And you being in America I can't help but assume there's some ruthless corporation with pollution volumes correlating with cancer frequencies.
what's your first name user?
Dino Bites!!!
Are you that Polish guy who posts from Ireland? You sound very traditional.
haha what a faggot
stand your fucking ground and try to find a cure that is the right way to adress this problem.
What were the first symptoms you noticed?
Can you try getting into an experimental therapy program, like CAR-T therapy.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on your humble servant user. Amen.
I'll keep you in my prayers.
nice. Can only dream of that type of future.
Try to stay strong man. Enjoy every sandwich.
There's nothing I can say that can make a difference, I just hope that you do what you can to be surrounded by support and the people that you love. Fuck man, I'm sorry.
>Grows own food
what do you live off of for the 6 months of the year when it's too cold/cloudy to grow anything?
>have 10/10gf
>she was redpilled before i even met her
>she's also an absolute moron, wouldn't surprise me if her IQ was in the 90s
would it be a sin to marry someone who could produce children of low intelligence?
Her parents seem pretty smart and hardworking, what if she's just stupid because she's spoiled, sheltered, and never applied herself to the maths and sciences?
i was where you are 5 years ago after a car accident
stop thinking about what isnt and focus on what can be.
cant hit the gym? get a bike go on a hike or walk more. hell save your milk jugs and fill them with sand and lift. bench press your couch. this will make you less fat and help with depression
make a healthy meal plan and do it. stick to the outside aisles at the grocery store for your healthiest options. go easy on sauces and juice and other sugary things. learn your herbs and spices for flavor.
look for work instead of gaming. even if you have to flip burgers until something better comes along it is worth it.
youre not ruined. you just have to kill the laziness and bad habits in you.
no more excuses. im in pain every day since my accident and i still carry on. went from depressed with no prospects to having a good job wife kids and home. make a plan. don't take it day by day. make yourself a path of realistic goals and fucking do it.
you can do better for yourself but you have to put in the effort
you're me in 4 years
You're fucking stupid if you are in the US having kids. But if you are a potato nigger, good luck.
i already have the job, but I think I have depression, every time I start going back to the gym I quit after 2-3 weeks because i have zero motivation
Kinda funny broseph that you're calling her stupid.
>You live in the US.
>Have kids.
>Find out she's fucking your neighbor.
>You lose your house and are destroyed in family court.
Pull your head from your ass.
>its bad to start a family
You are so wise!
>maths and science autists
Pick one
>tan from manual labor
No its because you're mexican
Well theres only one way to find out....
I see one problem here OP
i know it can be very hard to break that
gotta push through it
if its the travel to the gym that deters you try getting some home workout stuff going like the couch bench press or whatever. i had to work very hard to master some self control. what worked for me was working out immediately after waking. it takes time and some stumbling but you have to keep at it until they become good habits. once you've been at it for a solid 6 weeks youll be doing okay. shoot for one solid week. then try 2 in a row and so on.
i made myself a weekly calendar in excel and mapped out all my time wake to sleep. then all i had to do was stick to the schedule.
Irish people are more white than you'll ever be
>who wuz cabbage and potatoes stored in basement
Look at this taco bell nigger over here.
When I see people like user here, it makes me want to appreciate every moment of life while I can, they say people who have life threatening illness can appreciate life more knowing its finite. I wish I could do this but its so easy just to take it for granted. How do I break out of the mindless bubble of a life of routine and stop being complacent about life?
Have fun getting divorced and cucked by Abdula