Medieval setting

>medieval setting
>women are in a higher position than housewives and punching bags


Other urls found in this thread:,_Duchess_of_Lorraine


He is right Sup Forumsnon

It's inconceivable that a different world with a different history would have different cultural standards!

When there's magic and shit, I don't see why the physical advantage men have over women would be that relevant anymore.

>fantasy setting
>many races which differ from humans physically and cultural exist
>different cultural standards
wow........ really make u thing......

Fuck off whore

It's like it's an anime or something haha!

If they blessed the women with men's brains

You're just proving his point.

>people will respond to this post
>even though it's extremely obvious bait
>even though it's been posted several times before

>Fantasy setting has to be like real life
Get out

Fantasy setting, not medieval. It seems more like XVIII century inspiration.

What are you fag ?
who would watch cute boys ?
Get the fuck out

Sup Forums is shit, more news at 11.

Remember to sage.

Is someone raiding the place or what, this is not the first thread I see

How about actual people who look like they can rule instead of looking like i can jerk off to them

Aren't they just competing to be the Dragon's waifu.

Almost everyone in Sup Forums is kinda misogynist, there's no point in sending them to a board.

>raiding Sup Forums
Pointless as fuck.

>fantasy setting
>women competing to be a dragon's cumpdumpster
it's pretty accurate actually

There were plenty of female rulers in ancient and medieval times, not to mention this isn't medieval times and it's not even earth.

Kill yourself and never bait me like this again again.


They had ion cannons in the 1400s?

Back to tumblr user-chan

>people are STILL responding
This board is a joke

Hope you got all the (You)s you wanted OP

pol is racist not sexist and r9k is sucking female toes, know your boards


I think the setting is more like the 1700s desu

Love it when people say this as an insult, like that has to be the most autistic thing to think people will get mad about that

>r9k is sucking female toes,
Wait, we had a thread like that about the same stupid show like op on Sup Forums

Bait threads get posted all the time on Sup Forums and people just gobble the shit up.
I don't expect people to get angry at my post nor do I want them to, I wasn't insulting anyone specifically.

Heard you were talkin shit.

>mfw there are women on Sup Forums right now

Not Sup Forums, Sup Forums, I'm pretty sure they're from another board.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Maybe some people aren't retarded and have a broader understanding of the world than someone who gets his "knowledge" from an endless circlejerk of reconfirming each others boogeymen.

So... You don't know shit, do you? What is the aristocracy for 400, Alex

Don't be silly op.
There were plenty higher postions for women in the medievals.
Like Noble housewife and punching bag.
Or even Royal housewife and punching bag.

elizabeth a shit, victoria a best!

Name 10 female rulers from the medieval ages

Not medieval, even Elizabeth should be out but that's less of a stretch.


>fantasy setting
>unrealistic things happen

So robots are footfag? as expected from degenerate.


>Who is Eleanor of Aquitaine
Men were held in higher esteem than women, but a noble woman was still worth many times more than even a bourgeois man. Birth and rank trumped gender. Some kingdoms in Europe were even ruled by women for a very long time, Eleanor of Aquitaine's influence in France was only equaled by the king himself (and even then the king of France lost a shitload of land purely because Eleanor decided to marry the king of England) etc. etc.

If you want a fairytale "knight saves princess" tale, look no further than Isabella of Lorraine. One problem: the genders are reversed. Isabella raised an army and led it in the field to save her husband, who was held hostage by the duke of Burgundy.,_Duchess_of_Lorraine

Keep your feminist "womyn were always oppressed ;___;" fantasy where it belongs: in the blackest part of your asshole.

This is the tumblr era of Sup Forums, you forget.

queens and female nobles are a thing

The nobles were mostly men, and the only reason those girls are being in line for the thrown is because the dragon demands it. The nobility still seems to demonstrate a patriarchy.

Many of those fantasy worlds also have woman being some of the most powerful magicians and occasionally even physically stronger than men.

there has to have been 10 english queens by now, probably some from russia as well

And I'm sick of it but asking any amount of realistic writing from shitty isekai is asking too much.

He's not wrong. Women were in their proper place for most of history up until the modern era.

The degenerate sexual revolution in the US basically fucked up gender politics for the whole world, probably permanently.

>it's another >>>/reddit/ links to Sup Forums episode

>not a single argument against op
Sup Forums is tumblr.

Male superiority in social hierarchies isn't cultural. It's biology.

Have you even read the replies.

Sup Forums is fucking shit and you know it.
What do you expect? It's a shitty thread, and not only that, but there are several replies that argue otherwise.

But he's right. Re;Zero is historically inaccurate and its "muh equality" pandering only goes to show you how fucking trash the entire series is.

Why would anybody argue against what's inherently correct?

Except mad people of course.

Why is it unrealistic women being better magician than males though? Besides the unrealistic part of magic existing.

Or that in a superhuman strength setting with literally limitless potential, in which some are as weak as a normal humans and others can jump hundreds of meters and knockout dinosaurs with a single punch, females not being capable of being stronger?

And in such setting why would females who are not weaker than males not become important warriors and always comply with people weaker than them?

>falling for feminist historic revisionism regarding what the world looked like before feminism

Next you're going to try to tell me that white people have never been enslaved or otherwise oppressed and that white Americans never lived through poverty that was comparable to (never mind "worse than") what the black community faces today. Then you'll follow it up by claiming that Islam is a religion of peace, rather than a bunch of parasites who oppress and destroy every culture that they come into contact with.

There have been many times throughout history where a woman was running the country, especially during wars when the king was away. Furthermore, "housewife" isn't as powerless of a position as feminists would have you believe. Women were generally in charge of spending the money that men made, cooking food, and keeping the home clean. Is that really a less powerful position than those of their peasant husbands who chopped wood and plowed fields? And the noblewomen who were a part of the political class certainly kept their noses in politics and greatly influenced their husbands, and again, she had the key to the family finances.

Feminists love to pretend like women are witless animals with no agency of their own when it suits the idea that women are oppressed. Women of the past are no exception.


The thing about women throughout most of history wasn't that they were considered inferior in the modern sense, but rather that women were seen as "different" therefore their roles were often different as well. This viewpoint is considered sexist today, even though it's mostly correct. Women are different than men due to the specialization that happened through evolution, that's why women are both physically and mentally different than men. This however is not something many modern people want to admit, and that's why you get retarded shit were political activists try make men and women equal in every conceivable way.
If women are up to specs, sure they should be allowed to do whatever they want, but having some quota where 50% of bosses in companies need to be women is stupid.

There is literally no skill where women hold the top positions. Women wouldn't be better magicians in the same way they lag behind in tech and science.
The setting is retarded.

except men are smarter than women too

Well the mean IQ is similar it's just that all the geniuses are men because men's intellect varies much more.


>The best swordsman in the land was some skinny fat red haired bitch
>Sup Forums will defend this

Not an argument.

>skinny fat


How dare you disrespect Reimu like that.

There is a reason why you get a -10 malus on opinion when you are a female ruler.

The entire selection is to choose a dragon "PRIESTESS" for the position. So i assume only women are taking the spot because it's necessary to renew the contract with the dragon, and only a female can do it.

There have been plenty female rulers but comparing anime, especially one with an obvious fantasy setting, with real life is just what I would expect from reddit aka ReZero's main audience.

>Sup Forums tier responses
Nice strawman

>reddit tier response
>Sup Forums
Read your post again then kill yourself

You can't even make a coherent or valid argument. Fuck off and hang yourself you fucking retarded trog.

Please list the Sup Forums responses, because I don't see that many.

Hey reddit

>retarded trog
I usually call someone Reddit ironically but you sound like the actual thing.

>pointing out a strawman is now reddit

You are either a newfag or a retard. Most likely both though.

As you wish

>everything I don't like is Sup Forums

>stating historical facts is Sup Forums
no wonder Sup Forums is always right

Hey reddit

I actually agree with most of the points that I listed. So you are full of shit.
I never said they were wrong.

>being this much of a newfag

Most of those weren't even near Sup Forums tier.

Is the only one I would consider being so.

Reddit's out shilling in full force today. Go back to your containment board

This thread will be deleted lel

Based on the replies you're getting, I'd say you're the only newfag here.

This thread reeks of Sup Forums and Sup Forums is shit.

Then you have never visited Sup Forums and as such have now right to speaking.
>shilling is now arguing
If anyone needs to fuck off back to Sup Forums, its you.
>gets called a newfag
>resorts to calling the other person a newfag
Your inability to formulate an argument proves how new you are.

It's almost 3 hours old

Confusing, are you saying you can't formulate an argument?

>Then you have never visited Sup Forums and as such have now right to speaking.

No I haven't and I would like it to remain that way. Sup Forums is probably the worst board on Sup Forums in terms of how much damage it does to the site as a whole.

Garbage thread,

>t. jew

In a society in which strategic military power is significantly composed of individuals which can be both male and female and of any race countries will tend to be fairly egalitarian (in the modern neo-liberal sense of equality for identity, not in terms of actual power relations), as that will allow them to maximize their military strength by allowing them to utilize the maximum number of highly talented individuals.