the mentality of modern white women.
The mentality of modern white women
Ghettos are shit because of niggers. Low income white neighborhoods are perfectly liveable. In comparison to nigger ghettos low income white neighborhoods are practically utopias. This is just another white suburbanite bitch that is sheltered and naive.
It's really not their fault so to speak. Intelligence has a lot to do with nurture and add that men don't develop their frontal lobe until 25. Add that blacks are slightly more aggressive and dumb. But look at humans as a whole. Humans are so stupid and useless. Take OP for example
I didn't read this. It looked stupid so I'm just replying
complaining about things you haven't read properly, how american
Just because I haven't ate shit doesn't mean I can't say people who do are disgusting.
I’d pay good money to see her BLACKED
My schooling was pretty shit because of feminist white women.
she's right
At least she has something of a point. Terrible example OP, things are way worse than this.
she should do the right thing then and get gang-banged by 7 nogs. then neck herself.
white people are born into poverty too, a conveniently forgotten fact these twats don't even notice.
I was born in a small town where the jobs available were: drug dealer, welfare bum, drunk.
I grew up watching the old man and his friends smoke weed, snort coke, and drink their faces off. I hated mornings because I had to jump over bodies that were strewn about our apartment to get ready for school. More often than not, there was no food, and it wasn't uncommon for me to stop by the dump on my way back from school to grab whatever food was least spoiled. Pizza was my favorite.
I finished school and took a trade. It wasn't great money, but it was enough to live alone and eat. Then the graduated raises started coming. I went to trade school. I met my wife at a cafe at 3 in the morning when we ordered the same thing at the same time. We had kids. I kept going back to school to finish my trade and finally got my red seal. Money was tight as fuck at times but we made it. My wife finished university and got a job with the city.
At NO POINT did drug dealing or being a fucking low life enter into my mindset. I wanted better for myself and I fucking did it. I might not be some high paid exec, but I earn good money and I did it the right way. Now my kids are getting ready for college or university, and that's because they wanted to be better than their old man. And fucking good on em for that too.
Niggers always need an excuse for being niggers.
These people took over all the classical looking schools. The ones whites thrived in. And they sold drugs got into fights vandalized and terrorized everyone until all that was left was an old decrepit shell. I wish all these ungreatful delusional fucking retards would just die. Nothing is ever their fucking fault. Im sick of it. Go back to fucking africa. Go back to fucking mexico. Get the fuck away from me or im gonna fucking explode.
For all of you faggots,defending her i know poor white people would never make places as,bad,as,nigger,ghettos . niggers invented their,ghetto,hoods,people think the,ghetto,came first but the,truth is the nigger,came,first .
The difference between me and a nigger is im not an oppertunist. I wouldnt join a gang. I wouldnt sell poison. I wouldnt pimp women. Id drive around executing all the fuccking scumbags doing this shit so maybe my fucking city would be a little more safe and appealing.
go to any rural area (in Germany at least). people there will probably what cityfags would consider to be dumb as shit and inbred, yet you don't have problems with rampant violent crime.
humans are no tabula rasa
Thats the niggers and beaners problem. Theyre unplesant as fuck. Push everyone who isnt a violent poison selling degenerate scumbag away. And then cry victim like they dont love the fucking money and endless pussy. Youre oppertunists. Thats your fucking problem. You would rather pimp women and sell drugs and rob people. Its quick money. You shit skins are like empathy demons. You just suck all the fucking empathy out of people until the whole world is a careless hellhole.
White "women" will finally be able to be disregarded entirely after artificial womb and sexbot technology gets advanced enough.
White Women can empathise with minorities and will even get blacked to atone for the crimes of their ancestors, but they will never help their own men, who are currently going through an opiod crisis or help their dwindling racial demographic by getting married and having children . They love to demonise white men as oppressors and creeps whilst they empathise with Tyrone and Ahmed, who both come from a culture where female abuse is endemic. Most women are willing to become race traitors if it gives them social currency. For me, they're worse than the Jew.
>funnelled into living in a ghetto
Except they weren't funnelled into ghettos, they turned them into ghettos.
This is reasonable.
More employment opportunities (jobs, economy) leads to lower recidivism.
Sounds like she actually agrees with Trump.
Can’t you just look outside and see 75% of your women getting blacked, Sven?
>it's my life
>its now or never
We're all going to make it bro. Listening to Bon Jovi - Its my life while reading your post.
statistically, by a significant amount, white men race mix more than white women.
Feminist white female teachers are who got me my mental disability.
Definitely a case of nurture, in the form of beatings by the class nigger which would always get excused.
No, I did fight back and it only got me in trouble while the nig roamed free.
Honestly white socialist women are the first to go on the day of the rope.
Look, I know you keep shilling this idea, but I hate to break it to you. Artificial wombs and sexbots are ideas that proceed from feminism. What real men want is sexual subjectification and sexual colonization. Women should be property without the rights of citizens. You'll get all the sex you can consume then. Everyone, all men everywhere will fuck all the women all the time.
>Dumb cunt justifying scum behaviour and moans about criminal record because she is too stupid to not get caught.
I was involved in shady shit before and never got caught, you literally only need a plan and need to be careful.
Fuck Niggers, its not the superior White Man's fault that they are as dumb as fucking monkey.
>only 75%
come on burger let's be realistic here
She needs a slap and a dick in her mouth.
I give it 5 years to ten.
No porn on Sup Forums newfriend
but I grew up in the ghetto next to these people and I never got involved in any of that...
feels inspirational man
Everyday I wake up I do two things.
1. I look in the mirror and say "Kill yourself faggot"
2. I chant "I warsh myself with a rag on a stick and that's what I use when I clean my dick" --- I do not actually clean myself in this manner but I chant it none the less.
I do these things because I am fucking fucked up in the head.
I share these things because I wanted to waste your time.
I use reddit spacing because it pisses off the most niggish of niggerfaggots.
>schools are underfunded
Fuck that. Baltimore City schools spend four times more per student that what students here get. No riots here. Nobody shooting each other over stupid shit here.
Hey dumb fuck, you may have gotten out, but clearly white poor towns are just as bad - you said it yourself, the only career options were
>drug dealer, welfare bum, drunk
>I grew up watching the old man and his friends smoke weed , snort coke, and drink their faces off.
Clearly you were an outlier. I know several black outliers just like you.
See, the problem with making the "victim of circumstance" argument, that we're all just pawns of where we're born and how we were raised is;
1) Literally disproven with one example of someone bettering themselves.
2) It doesn't lead to where liberals thinks it leads. They think it leads to compassion and showering the poor with money. In reality it makes just as much sense to proclaim that the poor deserve their lot, will never get better and that instead of showering them with money and chances, we should accept that they're at the proper station in life.
Many cultures already do this to the dismay of the liberals who are the first to defend those cultures as valuable. The caste system of India, the tribal system of Arabs and Africans. If you're born into shit luck, if you can't get anywhere in life - that's what you deserve.
>Stop thinking you and your race are somehow better than others because you haven't experienced being funneled into living in a ghetto
And once again we have many examples of minorities that survive this phase and come out stronger. The left then invents a new narrative called "model minority" which says that just because asians were discriminated against and do much better.. something something, doesn't count.
In fact I've never heard them articulate exactly WHY it doesn't count. Only that it's sinful to bring that up, and makes you a racist.
Waking up in the morning as a white person makes you racist too, so I don't see what the point of that argument is.
She probably gets banged by nogs all day. Probably has a couple of halfbred nigger kids. She loves the bbc, but wants thwm to be able to provide for her also. That way she can have her cake an eat it.
The reality of the situation is this - the white man has been successfully domesticated over several generations under the guise of "socialization and civility". The natural end progression to this is all the beta nu-males you see wandering around, those who abhor violence, value empathy, and live other peaceful western "ideals". Blacks meanwhile still have extreme struggle within recent generational memory. This is exasperated in the situations OP describes. Their natural tendencies toward violence and general aggressive behavior have yet to be fully bred out of them; they aren't yet as domesticated as the white or Asian male.