Just as the US army isn't a completely bad thing. If the US had national guards only, yes, 20 million innocent civilians would not have been killed by Americans in the last 70yrs, but on the other hand, some people might be worse off.
The EU army isn't a completely bad thing
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You guys cant even agree to refugees, good luck with a military
>tfw switzerland is the european palestine
All i can see there is sensible Europe and welfare niggers. (Never thought Ireland'd be non welfare but love them they're trying.)
Why the fuck are germans always trying to unite europe?
It always results in some communist devil organization
Let europeans live how they want,russians will never attack europe
Your main problem is the refugees,retards
proud over my fellow swedes
>The EU army isn't a completely bad thing
I agreed with this map. European army without Greece and UK the only two countries who paying the NATO commitments.
Fucking german subhuman.
EU army is shit idea and it is only pushed by germany because you want lebensraum, again
so fuck you, again
we had enough, you can genocide your own people, no army for you so you could force your gay will over normal countries, or fight those who want to leave your neomarxist regime
Drop dead you fucking nutter. You're just the lowest tier goblins in mordor - all the good Germans died out long ago and you brainwashed arse heads are all that's left.
Plz die
>European army without Greece and UK the only two countries who paying the NATO commitments.
But you are bankrupt. You owe us 300bn in bailout money and 300bn in TARGET2 money.
You don’t pay anything to anyone.
>You don’t pay anything to anyone.
sup, so when are you paying WW2 reparations?
I am glad we are out of it too.
Who would want to be on the same side as Germany.
Fucking scum the lot of them.
Yeah, fuck you too. We don't owe you shit.
Want your money back? Go ask Deutschebank and fuck off.
Why are you so obsessed with a one European nation, Hans? You were supposed to fight (((them))), not join (((them))).
You're about to be in debt to the IMF and the EU for all those refugee loans:)
You're just like Greece! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAH
>shilling for EU army
Fuck off with your plans, Germany.
>owe us
Notice that?
Germany is a fucking embarrassment to Germans, they desperately need some other named organisation to belong to and are determined to drag every other country down into a swampy hell of peadophila government regulation along with themselves to ease the shame of being a fucking German.
You are worse than niggers
And the only reason you aren't worse than Jews is that Jews are successful where as we smashed your big ugly faces in a couple of times already in recent history when you tried your usual poisonous tricks.
Fucking die or rejoin the Soviet Union - Europe hates you, you cunt.
America is not a World model that's worth following. It is completely alien to European ideals.
Europe survived having national armies that cooperated together, why not continue what already works?
Centralized military isn't needed. Who is the threat to Europe?
How did you even come to that comparison.
>Who is the threat to Europe?
germany and brussels
germany with their stupid idea that they are leaders
brussels with their stupid idea that they can make laws
>But you are bankrupt.
Our debt is 300 billion while your debt in NATO is 400 billion. EU army is just a scapegoat to avoid your debts filthy german kike.
Your economy was boomed because the allies (include Greece) erased your debts and US spend some trillion $$$ to rebuild the western Germany.
But if you go today in Germany and visit the eastern regions then you will realise that Germany remains a shithole. 28 years after the eastern Germany looks exactly like the Soviet one and its the vote pool of AFD and Die Linke.
So its impossible for Europe to survive if incompetent losers like you who never won a war continue to control the Brussels. You are good to innovate things, but everywhere else you just suxx and you don't have the balls to admit it.
>Go ask Deutschebank
They had 8bn euros in Greek gov bonds. And as you did not go officially insolvent, why should we ask a private company?
This lol
Greece and UK have the biggest armies in the E.U
While germanistan is an arab shithole
Read the 2014 Wales Agreement you fucking idiot.
Also, you owe TARGET2 money, a fuckton of that.
>The nations more willing to fight for their country are more willing to not want an EU army
Yes, goyim.
Make an EU army
They were the USSR
They pulled a wall down
Didn't do anything to combat USSR communism
Now they want to have an EU army
Germany isn't a real country, and has only existed as an undivided country for 90 years. It caused two world wars during those 90 years.
It needs breaking up.
Son of USSR
Because that's where your money went.
To them and other banks.
We didn't get anything and we don't owe you anything us.
You only took from us, stolen rather, and we should have been the ones asking for our money back, here.
Oh and that's not counting the reparations and nazi loan you owe us.
You ought to pay us before you pay Poland.
EU army has about as much chance of happening as me curbing my half a handle a night 90 proof rum/vodka/whisky.
(((germ))) every fuckin time
Nice source downthere.
"Retrieved by Taxpayers for common sense"
Go away german troll
>data from 2015
Also, Estonia is pro-NATO not pro-EU army
Hahaha, those fucking germans! Those fucking subhumans!
Now they want us to fight for them! Bhahahaha!
Is there a bigger JEW than the germ?
You are the masters of propaganda and the curse of Europe from the day one when you came from the Russian steppes german piece of shit.
People here who unironically support the EU are fucking retarded
EU is basically a way for the US to cuck us, especially France