Well, that #MeToo cancer would its way into my feed. How pussy-deprived does one have to be to unironically post this? Do they believe faggot-level virtue-signaling = getting laid? I assure you that no woman gets wet when you publically cuck yourself this badly. Jesus.
haha your news feed sounds like fun
>Do they believe faggot-level virtue-signaling = getting laid?
>It was me
We should get guys who never did something to flood that hashtag with shaggy memes
I was a huge leftie in college. Dude weed and shilled for Obama’s. 3 of my close college friends work for the state Democratic Party. Only 1 still talks to me. Feels bad man.
Like hey scoob
When I was like 12 an older girl reached into my pants and grabbed my cock for no reason.
If I pop over to facebook and post "#MeToo" will I get praise for being brave like these morons or would they tell me to fuck off its only bad when it happens to women?
'cos you can tell half of the people that post it just had their butt touched or something.
Shifting focus from pedowood actors to some white guilt femine cucks crying about something they think they've done. Holy fuck people are easily manipulated. Real psychopaths will never be exposed this way.
i like where this is going..
Years ago I was living in an apartment with two girls. One was my girlfriend, the other was her friend. Due to the odd shape of the building from the friend's bedroom window you could see the bathroom window. I would regularly jack off in the shower, curtains open, and let her watch. She never said a word. She would just rub her pussy and watch me. We never fucked around in any way, and never spoke of it or acknowledge it. It was just something we did and both seemed to enjoy. She was employed at a rape crisis center at the time.
That was when I finally realized that women are generally insane.
fuck I forgot the #metoo GODDAMNIT i can't even shitpost properly anymore thanks jews
He did it because he was scared someone was going to out him. So he "outed" himself but made it very vague to pre-empt what he was afraid some woman would reveal about him in his #Metoo post. Many such cases.
>I was guilty
Time to make a list lads and md send it to employers
Whenever something like this comes out, women always make it a giant circus with their hashtags and support groups. #MeToo is very accurate since this is essentially what they all are doing - "Hey, I was harassed too! Men want me so much that they can't keep their hands off me! I'm desirable!"
Then it becomes a contest between women.
>"Some fat producer asked me to watch him shower"
>"Oh yeah? Ben Affleck put his hand in my pants. I'm that hot"
>"Bitches please, the president of the United States grabbed my pussy and boobs at the same time, I win!"
Women are fucking cancer. Wifebots 2029 or bust.
I fucking love this timeline
80-90% of the #metoo's I'm seeing on my feeds are just "I was catcalled" or "he told me i had a nice ass"
I told a few of them to wait 20 years and they wouldn't have that problem anymore.
I wouldn't mind so much if they were actually reporting physical abuse, but highjacking the hashtag to complain about men making you uncomfortable is pathetic. Besides (pic), the muzzies have already found a solution to street harassment anyway
I saw Channing Tatum at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I completely ignored him because like ewww I'm not into muscle guys and he's not even my type, I like intelligent nerdy guys with tattoos, but I could feel his rape gaze leering at me. He told me how hot he thought I was, but said that he didn’t want to be a douche and bother me and ask me to be his girlfriend and accompany him to a yacht that he had reserved off the coast of Italy.
I said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
He was taken aback, and all he could say was “Huh?” but I kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing my hand shut in front of his face. He walked away and acted like he wasn't bothered and was just going to continue shopping, but I made sure to laugh right in his face as he walked off. When he came to pay for his stuff up front he saw me walking right out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in my hands without paying because a goddess doesn't pay for her breakfast
The girl at the counter was a fucking cunt about it (no doubt jealous of all the attention I was getting from loser Channing), and was like “Miss, you need to pay for those first.” At first I told her to check her fucking white cis het privilege and not assume my gender but eventually I turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, I stopped her and told her to scan them each individually to prevent any electrical infetterence, and then turned around and winked at Channing. He didn't even seem to know that’s a word, that fucking meat head dork with his dance moves and patriarchal abs. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, I kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly. Sorry Channing, you will never have this goddess on your yacht no matter how much you grovel. Now pay for my fucking candybars, I don't do free labor and you owe me for typing up this post.
Women and brown people, who bought into the leftist victim lie.
It's a very disturbing mindset to have a doctrine where you spit on those more successful than you and call yourself a cripple, because you're a "victim".
The "Me too" is a part of this victim culture. It is literally women adopting a victim mentality.
Well done
this is brilliant, I can hear the "You're part of the problem"s already
I fucked it up at the "cutting me off" part and now I'm upset with myself
Good work
>women adopting a victim mentality
It's in-built bug.
nice id
I bet at least 1 in 2 women who post #metoo are lying
>all these numales basically admitting they are sexual predators
Can you repeat that once again for the judge?
It's a good thing though. They need to be gotten rid of.
Who would rape this?
I've been full on sexually assaulted by a girl (she grabbed my dick) and I've been offered to grab a girls pussy in public, which I declined. Both of them were cute as fuck.
These cucks have to chase women like meat and then apologize
Wtf is this shit ? Someone translate this for me
#Me too.
I’ve been uncomfortable and embarrassed for years, but now I surprised (but honestly kind of not) and just overwhelmed by all of the status updates made by such beautiful, strong women I know. Stay strong ladies!
>If I pop over to facebook and post "#MeToo" will I get praise for being brave like these morons or would they tell me to fuck off its only bad when it happens to women?
you won't know unless you try
It's just a bunch on attention whores whoring for attention.
Holy fuck someone euthanize this faggot
>all of these """male feminists""" admitting to having sexually harassed or assaulted women in the past
Wtf, I've never done anything that could be perceived as harassment or assault, and neither have any of my normie friends to my knowledge. I feel like a lot """male feminists""" (the vocal ones at least) are really just sick fucks who project their own dark urges onto the entire male population to absolve themselves of personal responsibility. Like "Oh man, I groped another drunk girl, us men sure are pigs"
Now that's a low ball if I ever saw one. About 1 in 2 women lie to the police/court about being raped. I would be surprised if more than 10% were real.
Rapists, probably
I could see this as an actual tumblr post
He already is by his actions.
source or qualifications?
Correct, though feminism is a dead avenue for men to be caught in, it has zero realistic solutions and benefits to men, built on the basis of self guilt and self flagellation at this point.
It's an attempt to garer attention, legitimize her claim that he was once sexually assaulted, while implying modesty.
It's vapid female bs you're better off not trying to reason with it
anybody who writes masc-indentifying like that is a pussy
Real trauma victims don't advertise it.
>it was the progressives
i mean you'll hear no argument from me
why are leftists so retarded, Sup Forums?
Harambe mebe?
>Projection the post
>Arm chair therapist the post
Wew. Even statistics show familiar rape is more prevalent than stranger rape (for the western world atm). Seriously I don't even want to address how little depth of reality is applied to this post.
That was her in early 2015 before the incident; this is her now.
Do they get a script? They seem awfully similar
Just being molested doesn't mean you sit around being traumatized over it. Otherwise african women would all be catatonic.
I can't feel bad for celebrities and the elite because they reap what they fucking sew. They create this environment where they're not legally held responsible for their actions so they can do whatever the fuck they want. Those that are tossed aside and held accountable usually do something to upset the herd first.
On top of that they also protect one another and keep things hidden in their secret little society until it becomes inconvenient. Everyone knew what Weinstein was doing. It was treated as a joke for years from Seth Macfarlane giving a speech, to 30 Rock using it for a punch line they never took it seriously until they had to take it seriously.
Kek. She should have kept her hair up, it's less frightening
dem sum tuff wemyn
I lost it at #8
>it's not just hollywood guys, it's everywhere
>we ALL need to look at ourselves because we're ALL guilty
Yes. They actually do. Remember all those "my 8 year old said" posts?
I have an attention whore friend who has been sexually abused most of her life. This is a goldmine for her. For once she doesn't have to lie about it either.
Sucks because she would probably be a decent person if her brother didn't rape her during her entire childhood.
Touching a womans behind or saying the wrong thing to woman today could ruin my life 20 years down the line.
Scary stuff, social media modern day witch hunt on men
Just convert to Islam, Sven, then you can rape and harass as much as you want.
Not if you're white tho.
It was me #metoo
Swedes tan well, just do that and dye your hair black. All the girls are doing it anyways so they're less likely to get raped by Mohammad.
I hear ye, raping and harassing is not OK but like the word nazi, the word rape could be:
>touching a girls hand
>forcing your cock inside
>thinking you have to touch a woman to rape her
That's not very feminist of you Sven.
my bad saw after my post
men are bad
>Who would rape this?
I wonder how many white knights out there spewing this nonsense are actually virgins and this is just a desperate tactic to try and get their feminist friends to fuck them.
Those beta feminists are all closeted rapists. I was saying it for a long time. The only people who wouldn't rape drunk girls or abuse them are chauvinistic Chads who don't put them on the pedestal. They don't need to be creepy, they don't obsess or harass one girl for months. Those beta herbs just try to get their trust so they can do their creepy shit.
Here's how it goes:
Stage 1:
>small number of guys with shitty parents/ghetto culture/no conscience harass/assault/rape women
>those women rightly complain about it
Stage 2:
>legitimate victims from stage 1 form an anti-rape coalition
>people starved for attention see how much sympathy stage 1 victims receive
>"I'm a victim too"
>problem looks larger than it really is
Stage 3:
>people see the problem as an epidemic
>become paranoid
>on the lookout
>guy does something questionable
>"all men are rapists"
Stage 4:
>guys get falsely accused
>defend themselves
>normal men say "hey, I don't appreciate being lumped in with assholes"
Stage 5:
>actual assholes pretend to be normal guys from stage 4
>"What? Me? Rape? Never! #NotAllMen"
Stage 6:
>the genders now hate each other
Every single day I feel better and better about being an incel and filling my savings account solely for myself. How likely actually is it to get falsely accused of rape? I mean this seems like it's entering Salem territory right now.
A GUY on FB just created a popular post, stating that even looking at women is a bad thing, and calls it visual rape. Whats wrong with this society.
I was dating this 8/10 but I really wanted to fuck her BFF. So I took them both out to drinks and dinner, and kept whispering sexy shit in both their ears all night. I had rented a swanky suite nearby, suggested we go swimming and skinny dipping, which they agreed to cause they were all giggly on champagne. In the suite, we all got high and I knew they were into it as they started making out in the hot tub. I made my GF watch as I fucked her friend and came on her face. My GF liked it off and then mounted me and fucked me again. They woke me up later and we all fucked. The next day, I dumped my GF and never talked to them again and found some new pussy. Peak degeneracy 10/10 would do again! #metoo #itwasme
>implying Ray Charles would have touched that beast on his worst day
There was never enough heroin in the world to make that happen
i'm john mccain and i endorse this message
Lol you're so mean xDddddd kek you're such a playboy exdeeeeee!1!-!-!1!!
Who are you trying to impress with your boring fantasy you son of a filthy tgird world lander whore
>that ID
kek. he looks like he just did
Jesus, user, images like that should come with warning labels. What the hell, man.
>Be me
>Be gay af
>Boyfriend regularly grabs me, touches me, and generally sexually assaults me without any pre-existing consent
>Be in a pissy mood (Common for me) and tell him to stop
>He doesn't
>Get serious about it and order him to stop
>Lol he doesn't give a fuck
>End result I cum buckets, he cums buckets, and we're both left extremely satisfied
Instead of feeling raped I feel fucking great because it was my pissy attitude that got in the way of both of us having some fun. I'm just glad to have a guy who knows when I'm actually serious and when it's the depressed bi-polar cunt talking/
Also I hate these MeToo things because it's always
>I got black out drunk at a party where I knew no one
>My boyfriend spent 4 months begging for sex and I finally gave it to him but deadfished it then made pity sex into rape
>Guy who was wasted beyond reason touched my titty or butt or said I smelled nice
>Got drunk, fucked a guy, he wasn't that cute, so now he's a rapist.
Had the picture in my head visualizing the whole scenario. Thank's for the mixed feelings of sadness, anger and joyful laughter Mr Burger
We need to meme this.
Fuck those cucks for accepting responsibility from some Hollywood perv on behalf of men in general.
I don't know how it happened, but somewhere along the line a small group of women managed to convince all women that it's bad and traitorous to enjoy attention from men. So now, in order to signal to other women that they're part of the team, every single instance of attention from men, no matter how innocent, is something to scream rape/assault/harassment over. They actually feel GUILTY if they enjoy the attention.
"Me too. I was accused of false rape."
We should trend this on Kikebook and watch their REEEEE's.
Couldn't help myself. Ever since the election I've had less patience for ppl on fbook,
notice how toxic masculinity doesn't have a six pack. really gives my noggin a floggin
how do you force a cock inside of a hand
Faggot-level virtue signaling has gotten me laid in high school, and it was because I whiteknighted a girl,she asked me out later.
We even went out for a couple of months until she unironically started getting into witchcraft. That's when I noped out of there.