Filipinos were first–to America



>In Morro Bay, a special rock marks the original landing of Filipinos to America on Oct. 18, 1587, some 33 years before the Pilgrims landed.

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But did they survive and build a successful civilization?

A small viking expedition discovered the US back in the 1100's. But was not known widespread till much later. Your move philipinos.

Columbus, in what I was always told, actually got the ball moving into North America. And this article in disingenuous because they are reaping profit from an article that stands on firm Western grounded possibilities.

Columbus landed in Dominca not North America.

Most powerful race in the world.

>We wuz Tondo Empire n shieet

please stop

We were there first

Doesn't matter who the fuck was first.

hahah you say that now beasue you know you weren't the first.

Vikings beat them by a few hundred years.
Bad source.

I'd like to also add that this viking expedition left a property marker which was found...


this muslim viking landed on the shores of greenland. not california. try again

vikings landed in greenland and in canada area not the USA.

First to America.
Get owned by America later.
Sure Filip . Seems not at all bullshit


I guess flips get to say WE WUZ BURGERS N SHIET now

Also this.

>the Pilgrims
nigger no one thinks they were first anyway

Good for them, it's a shame they didn't have the foresight to settle and conquer. Only the pilgrims seem to have been the ones to see the potential of an entire continent free from the clutches of European Aristocracy.

The natives at the time look eerily similar to us. This is not entirely impossible as the Austronesian group of people that the Filipinos have been descended from have spread throughout the Pacific and invented the Balangay. Basically, eastern equivalent of the Viking ships.

Kangz beat everybody to America. They used to be the Olmecs you know. Kangz were also the first people and claim all the lands were settled by them first.

Ponce de Leon discovered and explored Florida. In 1513. Checkmate flips.

North American plate nigga, part of the continent, just with some water over a low-lying part.

I fail to see the relevance.

USA didn't exist.
They landed on the continent of North America.
Is it so hard to assume that a few of them walked south / west a little to what we now know as USA?
The native americans knew about beer, western languages and shit like that because it was taught to them by these Viking explorers.

They discovered the United States 600 years prior to the existence of the country? Wow

sheeyut none of fockers read the article:

>And those First Filipinos? Well, as usual, it’s still the same old story, a theme modern-day Asian Americans are surely familiar with.
We just don’t count.

>Filipinos may not have had the power, but first is first.

>Technically, they were the hired help, the deckhands of Pedro De Unamuno, who sailed for Spain, as he landed on Morro Bay, close to San Luis Obispo on the Central Coast of California.

The "first Filipinos" were OFWs!! Slaves basically. they was just rowing the boat. This article is complete bullshit and just goes to show how fucking stupid Filipinos are and if they see the slightest bit of what looks like prestige they will latch on to it.

hey you want to know the truth about Filipinos? Read this 300 year old document!

there were Chinese here in 1421
they just didn't stay for longer than it took to refill water jugs

Asians traveling from the North were the first.
Filipinos, landed and left.
Vikings landed and left.
Columbus killed a bunch of Mexicans.
British landed and built a community that became America.
Americans already know they weren't the first even with Columbus. Columbus isn't ours, he just told us there was stuff here. He belongs to Central America and Mexico and South America.

They also burned their ships when they got back lol.

why is greenland part of europe? it's definitely closer to us

>muslim viking
hate that this is now a meme because of fucking Sweden

>He belongs to Central America and Mexico and South America.
He wasn't even a spic he was Italian, he's just the reason why they are mongrels.

lol must have landed in oregon

meant for
for got to click it

So the pinoys genocided the indians cool

>landed on the shores of greenland.
That was Eric the red not Leif Erickson dumb beaner.

Saint Brendan the navigator and a dozen Irish monks were the first Europeans in the Americas in the 6th century AD.

>They discovered the United States 600 years prior to the existence of the country? Wow
The landmass you dolt.
>muslim vikings
>hate that this is now a meme because of fucking Sweden
It's being effectively debunked by non other than muslims themselves as we speak.
First off ofcourse if there was anything related to muslims in scandinavia it was due to being a souvenir, because the norse were avid sailors and traders around the world. But as it turns out, the talked about silk robe is being debunked by muslims themselves claiming the stupid swede who claimed the souvenir proved that vikings worshipped allah, it turns out it's not even correct! It's not even a souvenir from the middle east whatsoever.

You fucking shithead, the norse were the first



Filipinos are filth they weren’t the first to discover the americas.This must be the biggest accomplishment you guys might have I can’t think of anything notable about ur shithole of a country

Actually it was Guarani or San Salvador now.


Here. Have some education, it looks like you need it.


Filipinos are the most low class, selfish people on the planet, you all look the same and are the same, monkey faced with disgusting noses. Your accent is also repulsive and you sell out your own mother and family for money. Without the west you would have all died, and you know it. Continue stabbing each other in the back for $1 dollar because that's the type of people you are, you equate everything with money, including love and compassion. It's really not surprising that Stephan Paddock had a Filipino as a girlfriend. Trash people and culture.


A few days ago a pilak thought he was the successor of Majapahit when in fact it was only the South part of Philippine was ever part of Majapahit.

Not to mention


Whites were the first people in the Americas (look up the Solutrean hypothesis).