Mouthy Buddha

We redpilled Mouthy Buddha so hard he had a mental breakdown.
Very interesting psychological case.

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>tfw no Emily gf

i dont care

I don't care that you don't care. But thanks for the bump, anyway.


link to the good parts?
too bad shes prob a degenerate that drew scat porn

Well, the first half is better. Listen at 1.5x speed if you don't have much spare time.

She's still a fine breeding sow

According to an interview she did with Azzmador a while back she was living a super unhealthy lifestyle, which led to significant weight gain, but she is following Anglin's advice now to become perfect waifu material. Hope she finds a good husbando, desu. Wouldn't want those genes to go to waste.

Girls and their fucking retarded lean backwards when shooting makes my blood boil


I like the guy, and it's pretty clear that he's dealing with the same black pill that all former liberals go through when they enter the far-right circles. I hope he doesn't an hero, he's a smart guy and I wouldn't want to see that talent go to waste.

God i love Emily so much. She's tougher than most men.

This guy has some pretty good production. The moment he decided to investigate and attempt to debunk the JQ it was over for him.

Hmm. I didn't really get Black pilled coming from the right. Was just paranoid really.


what video did mouthy delete? is it still up anywhere?

She's fucking ugly. Why do alt-kike virgins have such low standards?

Mirin that "le 56%" face

woman detected

It was just a short update video where at some point he mentioned rabbis pushing for multiculturalism in the US but not in Israel. It was a bit of a dog whistle.

Not everyone has the luxury of learning to shoot or having access to guns and shooting ranges to practice.

Here, let me redpill you on the redpill process:
There's a little known fact (but it's actually very straight forward and obvious) about becoming redpilled/adopting controversial views. Now Sup Forums is inhabited by NEETs to a certain extent, at least at far higher rates than the general population. NEETs have the advantage of not being vulnerable to peer pressure, chiefly because they have no peers to pressure them. It's simple enough to be confronted with contradictory ideas and emotions and sort them out in ones own mind. The result of that sorting out is becoming redpilled.
However, most people who are normally adjusted in society, and especially people who have a public persona like Mouthy Buddha, are far more vulnerable to peer pressure. Such people invest their social identity and their reputation into the ideas and values that they believe in. When this kind of person is confronted with the same contradictory ideas and emotions, and then wants to sort them out, he is faced with having to tear down that whole socially constructed edifice of identity. Far scarier. Far more at stake. Far greater consequences.
This is at least partly why so many normies have a hard time being converted to the Alt-Right, and it's especially the case for someone like Mouthy Buddha.

Probably different for him because he's half spic. So basically now he knows what's really going on in the world but he also knows that he'd never be safe in a white identity movement being a mutt and all. Also going from viewing people as individuals to viewing them as a collective requires something from you that ultimately feels like giving away your humanity and empathy.

Now he's backing down cause the jews are after him. He crossed a line with them and basically made a david duke video.

>tfw the redpill is real easy because life was rough for a little comfy kid like me

being redpilled makes her 10x better looking. And she's pretty qt anyway, you're a fag

Nah, I think he's just having second thoughts.

I never said life for me was "rough", ya daft cunt.

>for breeding oly

I looked up his youtube channel and apparently he uploaded a video yesterday where he apologized for having fascist thoughts and said his real name at the end of it. this guy is pretty interesting.

great analysis. i'm sure plenty of posters here are guilty of only holding views in front of their computer rather than in real life, with their real identity where there's real consequences

Like I said, he's a mixed-race mutt and former classical liberal who got redpilled, and now he's stuck between a rock and a hard place because he knows the "truth" but is essentially locked out of the identity politics game. He has nowhere to go. I hope he doesn't kill himself.

I hate to agree with the fucking leaf but she is ugly as fuck and fat too. What good is saving our race if it mean our children will be fat and ugly like the women we had to settle for.

it's a nigger meme you autist

Is she even still relevant? Was she ever?

Have you even seen the Ascent of Alfred? It's some of the best amateur animation I've ever seen.


What the hell oh my this was fucking amazing.

Just wow.


It does seem like it's harder to get truly redpilled for non-white people, or who are not fully white. Can totally understand that.

She is the Queen of Sup Forums. If you don't agree you are either a nigger or a kike.

Yeah those 56%er genes sure are valuable

Show us your real flag, shitskin

TayTay is the Only and Eternal Queen of Sup Forums.

her output is so tardy thou

>i like taking dicks up in the ass: the post

that was breddy gud tbqh
who knew cowtits had it in her

I wanna purge my snorkel over her feeder. stat.

Me too. They all fucking do it. They refuse to properly support the weapon and provide a stable shooting position.

An hour and 25 minute video.

Mouthy Budda is an useful beta male.

Fucking love JF


He is smart as fuck. Love him too.

Emily Youcis is so attractive, I would literally suck the dick of the guy who got the fuck her just to have a taste...

Philadelphia isn't going to be very good hunting grounds for her quest for a quality man.

She is not in Philadelphia anymore.

She's fat

She is perfect.

Officially she is in South Korea, however I can neither confirm nor deny whether this is true.

Yeah I watched it and it's pretty lame. It's basically a total cuck schvitzing about uncovering forbidden knowledge and a French dude doing some low level /SIG/ posting while assuring the cuck that everything fashy is just satire.

The irony being if Mouthy Buddha actually just committed entirely to the alt right he'd quit his drug habit, wife up, make some babies and lead a happy normal productive life making high production value trad content. But of course that's not the cuck way so instead he resolves to just give up instead. . . and then give up on giving up later.

She seems crazy as fuck, but would still bang

An interview with our blessed Queen:

Dude, Her being crazy as fuck is part of the turn on.

I Would bang without hesitation.

This is my favorite song of hers, shame it was taken off YouTube:

Man I love me some JFG

It's more interesting than that. Mouthy Buddha represents a case study of the leftist/progressive struggling with the cognitive dissonance that accompanies exposure to the, as you said, forbidden knowledge of the Alt-Right. And him trying to come to terms with political beliefs that he was conditioned/brainwashed into thinking were evil. There's an extra layer of subtly: he was also conditioned into being hostile to the Alt-Right. I, personally, converted to more radical beliefs before the Alt-Right was a thing, but since then it has been heavily demonised in the media. It's interesting to see how people are going to cope with their conversion to a set of ideas and beliefs that they have been brainwashed into believing are evil. The conversion will be harder, but once people take the step and cross the threshold then they are definitively on our side.

I don't have anything against Enoch, but my favourite song of her's is definitely Race Oddity

Oh well.

Emily Youcis vs Antifa Thugs

Did it ever come out whether her and her sister were molested as children?

Her high school was invaded by city kids who didnt live in the district. School got worse and property taxes went up. Definitely part of the red pill experience that can't be undone.

Also, y'all ever seen the nude video she did running around the forest?

wuld fug

>haha watch me limbo while I shoot

When I was growing up smoking cigarettes was bad, but pot was "evil". I noticed that the kids who started smoking pot would also pick up cigarettes. When questioned why, they would almost always say "Well I smoke pot already, cigarettes aren't even illegal(at 18) so whatever".
I'm worried that there will be people converting from the left with the "I'm going to the darkside" mentality, unaware that we're really the rational humane party.

>Also, y'all ever seen the nude video she did running around the forest?

Video's still on YouTube, lol:

I feel like there was an uncensored version at one point.

Very sexy.

He is just a fuccboi who can't cope under the pressure that the left is putting him under after his JQ videos.

Destiny (that manlet who debated jontron) has been attacking him constantly on his stream and on twitter. It got throught to buddha and now he is in despair because he belongs neither to the alt right nor to the left.

Wrong. left retards like destiny are after him and have been shaming his on twitter etc.

That's another layer of forbidden knowledge. Inevitably converts swing too far to the extreme and need to be brought back into the fold. These critics routinely deal with people who've more or less completed that process and returned to a new "normal" but the critics don't know about the process that needs to occur to get to that point. They just think they'll spiral off into extremism forever and end up scalping kikes in an ally somewhere.

Im mixed race. Mostly white english. I didnt find it hard to be redpilled at all. I just fucking resent the fact that i will never truly belong to a clan. But i will always be English in my mind. Thats important for now and for when I have children.

Jean already responded, quite accurately, might I add:

nice trips
JF did a great job, very smart guy.


Watch the first 20 seconds of his new video, I cannot stop laughing. The man is well-intentioned and honest, and I don't think he is actually Sup Forums-tier, but when he has to play devil's advocate, it's fucking hilarious:

>I just fucking resent the fact that i will never truly belong to a clan.
Well this is a reason why it'd be harder to get redpilled, which is why I think people such as Roaming Millenial will never get redpilled.

You say you're mixed, but mostly english? Wouldn't that still make ''the english'' your tribe? Unless you are like 25% black, which would mean the mixed-part would show strongly in your phenotype.

lel accurate

Personally I think they can be redpilled, but our current schema makes it difficult. I think if people understood racial differences in the broader context of the universality of inequality then they would take it a lot better.

MB will be on a live stream discussing his future with alt right talking points soon

This is where my mixed part comes from. Its steeped in British history as its owned by us Brits. I'm brown but not paki brown. Lets say olive for arguments sake.

Fuck off, shes our girl

Emily isn't qt stop posting her u cuck.

Fuck you

Fuck this actual cuck indeed

Emily is superior to Tay, who has never espoused one red pilled thing from her pampered mouth. Emily is /ourgirl/. She beats out 90% of other candidates just by background, and then she voices her actual red pilled opinions.

She's also put her whole life out there, not hiding her power level like 99.999% of Sup Forums