Christianity is not European

Does Sup Forums favor the pagan beliefs of their ancestors or the faith of Asian Sand people?

I'm tired of "white nationalists" also identifying as Christian.

The Christian faith is not European and damages our very true worship of the real European gods our forebears fought to defend against Christian invaders. Why do so many Europeans and white people all around the world still cling to a foreign religion that is practiced and founded by non-whites?

Daily Reminder that modern day Pagans are just angry atheists that like to pretend they believe in a religion that got shit stomped by the religion that brought Europe into the modern world.

glorious nonsense, that pic

lol triggered Christcucks incoming.

Your skin won't save you from eternal fire and brimstone

Is the "modern world" really so great?
Globalism? Democracy? Multiculturalism? Feminism? Degeneracy? Etc.

I take it you worship a Jewish man who died on a cross? A son of god who somehow still had to piss and shit and eat? He didn't even have a magic weapon! He did have melanin, tho!

Give paganism results: good culture, science, military, union and most importantly: hope for whites. Then we can talk about it.

I don't believe in the core dogma of christianity no, but I appreciate it's art and writing.

In any case saying that christianity is un-western is like saying the romans are un-western. It the most absurd thing you could possibly say.

what this varg guy actually means is the germanic, maybe celtic and slavic elements of europe which was suppressed by the dominant greco-roman thread of european identity. Despite the fact that you can lament that he is still fantastically wrong in saying christianity is not white or western.


>implying Christianity isn't the wrong religion and you won't be tortured for eternity for being Christian


Exactly what the Jews want. Jews want to wipe out Christianity and rule over the dead world of the goyim. Jews killed Jesus Christ and work every day to cover their crime against the universe. Jews are pure evil and hate Christianity. If you hate Christianity, you are a Jew as well and deserve to be gassed. :^)

Jews infiltrated Christianity to destroy it. I agree with this.

Does Christianity give whites that? Because we've been suffering for 2000 years...

Just because Romans were among the first converts (if you can even call them "white," as Julius Caesar massacred millions of Gauls and Germans), that does not mean the faith itself is not alien.

Also, it was Roman women and the poor who first flocked to the Christ-"god". Just as Jews intended as it brought about the of the Empire.

But they created the faith. Jesus was a Jew who wanted to reform Judaism. But all that is moot as he was not European.

2000? Saxons were converted much later. Before Christianity they were suffering even more because the values were much different.

Christianity symbolism is Aryan originating in Persia and North India. Though it is not European the people who started it were very much Nordic. This is why we see the same common elements in all the religious beliefs from Persia to Egypt to Greece to Rome. The Jews took the mythology and spun it so certain parts are lies but there are parallels with even pagan traditions because they share a common root. Now that the have control they want to usher in Islam which forbids most symbolism to further isolate people from their roots.

The Christian spirit is European and if there was a Jesus he was white, not brown, but white white blue eyes.

How were they suffering? They weren't slaves to a foreign faith. Whites were warriors, explorers and traders, strong as oxen, giant and rich.

They raised lesser peoples and took what they wanted because it was their right as Odin's people.

>Just because Romans were among the first converts (if you can even call them "white," as Julius Caesar massacred millions of Gauls and Germans), that does not mean the faith itself is not alien.
The west in the broadest sense of the word is roughly 2500 years old. Everyone here came from elsewhere. The germanic tribes don't get the ownership of european identity, the mediterranean cultures are absolutely essential to what we call europe today.

This guy seems to want that only nordic and germanic elements of europe count as european. But that's false.

No God equals slavery.
If we really love the white race, we shouldn't fight over petty things. America was built for Christian whites, all we have to do is make Christianity unappealing to shitskins and more attractive to white and we win the entire planet.

>Julius Caesar massacred millions of Germans
Haha, no Caesar was able to defeat the Germans. They kept trying and kept failing miserably. Ultimately, Germans took Rome and the rest of Europe and started the monarchies of nearly every European kingdom. This isn't even we wuz, it's just historical fact.

Romans were brown skinned with black hair and brown eyes. So we're most Mediterranean "peoples." Nordic and Germanic peoples had blue and green eyes, with blonde, red and brown hair.

It's also said the Vikings stood a good two feet taller than the Anglos (Roman descendants).

My ancestors defended England from Danish Pagans

>Romans were brown skinned with black hair and brown eyes. So we're most Mediterranean "peoples." Nordic and Germanic peoples had blue and green eyes, with blonde, red and brown hair.
I don't subscribe to the absurd belief that italians aren't white.

everyone living in europe today is pretty much white. The slavs are white as well and also very much important to european identity, and they are again different from the nordics.

This appears to be nothing but a nordic and germanic identity movement and not a white identity movement.

False, Founders were Deists and many of them criticized Christianity.

>Danish pagans
You mean whites?

Of course, Leaf.

>everyone living in europe today is pretty much white
Even all the African and Asian migrants that make up the majority of big cities like Berlin and London?

If a religions brings Europe to this stage, it surely is terrible.

>Even all the African and Asian migrants that make up the majority of big cities like Berlin and London?
of course not

So what is your opinion on the time period in which Christianity officially broke off from Judaism, which didn't occur in the middle east. Also, how are the various sects of Christianity that developed and we're unique to European countries, not European? (They developed towns around Christianity, and the religion heavily influenced expansion)

I believe the later Romans were brown but the one who created Rome were Nordic. As we see in Europe today the browner it gets the closer to the end it nears. Just as white flight exsists today, it is not impossible that Nords just were people who decided to leave civilization once the boy fucking started and they had to leave alot of knowledge and tools behind. This would also explain why they were able to pick and carry on with the Roman Empire like no other civilization could.

The pacifism, socialism, charity, forgiveness, penance and multiculturalism of Christianity is not European.

Europeans honor strength, community, honor, bravery, family, pagan culture nature.

If you look into Judaism you will see mention of the Quaballah and how it ties in with Persian and even Egyptian teachings. Those were civilizations brought to their prime by Aryan whites so Judaism itself is stolen from white people. I'm not sure about the Torah which seems like their genuine set of rules and may be unique to their race, but the basis for Christianity was always Aryan for the most part. The are trying to we wuz you guys.

Notice how these ungodly pagans assume that Christianity is anti-semitic.

Egyptians and Persians were not whites.
They weren't kangz either, but they weren't white...

Jesus was not reforming Judaism, have you even read the gospels?

Indo-Aryan were white, Persians are their rape-babies.


He saw himself as a Jew. Because if he even exist he was one.

Divide and conquer shilling

God, I really hate these nordicucks
>We wuz Rome n sheeeit
Fucking snowniggers, Europe for them is Swedenistan, Norway, Denmark and Germoney

wtf I love LARPing as a viking inna woods now

Fucking chinks at it again

What do you call the continent that isn't Europe, Africa, Australia, North America, South America or Antarctica?

I would call them Semites or Middle Eastern? Nobody knows who you are talking about when just saying "Asian", expect mostly everyone thinks the eastern Asians

>Why do so many Europeans and white people all around the world still cling to a foreign religion that is practiced and founded by non-whites?
Because of the total control by Christianity of any alternatives. Any pagan tradition that it did not incorporate into itself, it destroyed. You can't even utter the word God without it being equated automatically with the Biblical myths. And any rejection of Christianity is categorized as non-belief.

Why not think of the "western Asians" of Jordan, Palestine, Iraq, etc.

"mostly everyone" can eat shit, if they can't connect the dots from Middle East -> Near East -> West Asia

read a fucking book

Matthew 24: 7 KJV

>"For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in diverse places.

The word nation in the original greek is "Ethnos"

This can be understood as;

a multitude (whether of men or of beasts) associated or living together
a company, troop, swarm
a multitude of individuals of the same nature or genus
the human family
a tribe, nation, people group
in the OT, foreign nations not worshipping the true God, pagans, Gentiles
Paul uses the term for Gentile Christians

Christ is warning of racial warfare

Because i've never heard anyone refer to them as Asians? Even british magazines only talk about Pakistan and India as Asian, not Middle East

But racial warfare has always been a thing. Whites should be united against the races that seek their destruction.

The Middle East is misleading They're part of the Asian continent. There is no MidEast continent.

Okay, well what does it matter if it's "Asian"? Son of God doesn't have a nationality, Truth doesn't have a race.

The only thing to unite in is the body of christ.

1 John 2:15-17

>"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passes away, and the lust thereof: but he that does the will of God abides forever."


I think the only thing you need concern yourself with is Christ and living out the life he asked us to. All of these geo-political issues are bigger than anyone man, and also foretold. You cannot stop or change what is in motion. I understand the feeling of helplessness but thankfully you have the most powerful and forgiving being ever on yourside.

Whites should stick to their own culture. Not a foreign faith that seeks to make them weak, anti-nature and welcome those who want to destroy white society,

Because the best advancements happened in Europe when it was Christian. Until the Protestant Reformation Western Europe was united under Roman Catholicism, and Eastern Europe Orthodox Catholicism.

Also many of these modern day pagans are annoying sjws who think they're witches and shit.

Christendom is my culture, my ancestors stopped worshipping trees and living in mudhuts the second they were introduced to Christ and never looked back. Why would i forget 2000 years of my ancestral heritage and start larping as some tribe from over thousand years ago?

If you truly reject multiculturalism, globalism, socialism and are nationalist, you cannot be Christian.

>Christianity is not European
this this again

It was started by Jews in Palestine! You can't deny that much.

Yes because Christian Europe never defended itself? What does believing in the Almighty have to do with those things? God created separate races and languages for a reason and what i see is mainly pagans and atheists being the biggest cucks

It really hasn't done a good job lately...

thats total bullshit demon. the LORD will NOT dwell in a temple made by hands.

Communist subversion of Christianity has ruined the church but the temple just needs to be cleansed

and they had slaves? whats your point

you're not even European you stupid burger

Christianity is absolute cuckery

Sup Forums has the idea that Christians are righteous crusaders who will tear everything in their way down to save humanity, but in reality Christians are complete cucks

Ask a Christian about immigrants and they will say some bullshit like "god made us equal" or "god let me be born in this great country to help those in need!"

The Vatican has all the records on paganism and the only way to save mankind is by storming in there, taking what is rightfully ours and returning to the original ways

Aryanism is best displayed in Hindu culture.

Christianity is best shown through the Melchizedek teaching of Heavenly Father worship.


>Christianity is absolute cuckery

>being this much of a self hating faggot

the end goal of christianity is to abandon christianity, this has happened all across the world

being a christian is bending over for some shitty jewish book and living your life how sand niggers 2000 years ago wanted you to

>being this much of a self hating faggot
stop projecting pagan boi

>implying that pagans arent closet homosexuals

>the end goal of christianity is to abandon christianity

no that would be progressive protestantism

>being a christian is bending over for some shitty jewish book and living your life how sand niggers 2000 years ago wanted you to

Wow! I see you have studied bible history for about 2 seconds! I'm impressed with your scholar work.

>not this shit again

yes, and where did he get it from?

Everything worth preserving in Europe and America was made by Christians.

because the christians destroyed everything made before they came