Why are girls attracted to tattoos?
It's peak degeneracy
Why are girls attracted to tattoos?
idk but her skin looks like garbage probably from tanning in beds for decades already
fuckin yuck m8
cause they're women
can't plan for the future
live in the moment
they can't build shit thus they don't value the effor it takes to have a functioning society
they're women.
I've met more guys who are like that than girls tbqh.
>they're women
They're idiots
Girls are attracted to fearless leaders. Fearless leaders are more likely to do silly, risky things like mark up their body permanently, ride motorcycles, or lead a cavalry charge and smash their enemy, or have the balls to ask if girl if she wants to come up to his room and then start fucking her.
Helps you make babies. Also helps you die young.
Why do insecure neckbeards post about girls wanting other men?
they love "swag"
basically if you could wear stuff so they can pretend to be in a movie with a kick ass dude... it doesn't matter if you can't really fight or do anything. Just look like someone who can. This is female logic.
Why are women attracted to criminals? Why do women have children with people who will abandon them?
The government will step in and pay for women's mistakes. Before this, women made better decisions because there were consequences
Shaming competitors for being attractive is a woman's tactic. They can't win in a man's game so they try to switch teams.
Women like badboys
looking for guys with an "individuality"?
Just get some OP
you'll instantly bang better women
Would you really want to be with a permanently displeased woman who's only with you because she needs your money? Every day she sits there wishing she could be with alpha tattooed felon #534 but instead she's stuck with you just because you're the safe pick.
This is the real reason to go MGTOW, imo. Divorce laws/etc aside. If I had a gf I would be perfectly happy with whatever I had (I would only make a girl I found to be pretty/etc my gf) and I wouldn't sit there thinking about how there are so many other hotter girls out there. I wouldn't even really think of them as being hotter, in some strange way... like I would unironically find my gf to be the most beautiful person.
That doesn't seem to be true to women.
not even close, it's just stupid
it's so mainstream now it no longer qualifies as "badboy"
It is definitely true for women. You're just bitter since it hasn't happened to you. Statistically men cheat more than women.
can we make this a "POST OLD SHIT TATTSS THREAD"
When a married couple has a talk about "opening up the marriage" I wonder what % of the time it was the woman's idea
Its all just peacocking, user. After awhile, no matter how you try to explain it away, its just for show.
t.wasted a shitload of money on tattoos in the navy
They're not.
Women are children-like creatures excited by novelty.
If there is a hundred guys with no tattoos and one with a few, - she'll notice the contrast and think he's the cool one.
There is nothing inherent in tattoos that they find appealing.
what is the perception of individuality?
>Why are girls attracted to tattoos?
This boggles my mind too, and I have tattoos myself
The amount of girls that say they're "into tattoos and piercings" on their online profiles blows my mind
It just seems like something weird to say you're into, unless you're a tattoo'r or somethin
I usually ignore those women, tattoos on women are a big turn off for me
I'm a Scot so I come from a long ling of tattoo'd ppl, it's tradition for my ppl, not degeneracy
why are girls?
Old instincts, based on what tattoos represent culturally.
>in hunter gatherer times, women who were attracted to hunters and warriors had their genes propagated more, because these guys survived better
>they gave birth to women who either a) were naturally attracted to those men, or b) were instructed to be attracted to them through culture
This also ties in to why dance music and black low-culture is associated with sex. Back in tribal times, who got to dance to the drums? Hunters and warriors.
Fucking "bad boys" to the sound of drum music is as instinctual to women as kicking your foot up when someone taps your knee with a hammer.
Same reason European women are flocking to "masculine" Arabs and Africans. Their own men bowed down to feminism post sexual revolution, thinking it would somehow maintain their masculinity and sex appeal. It did not.
Tattoo fags are not leading shit. It's all for attention like fucking women. So basically people with tattoes are women is what I'm saying.
It's not tattoos, it's the trend of having tattoos. They're young 20's at the moment. When they're 40 their kids will see what they look like and think "fuck that"
This, really. They get distracted by the one that stands out. Ironically, they have zero aesthetic sense for themselves, as all their "body art" is taken directly from pic related
>ex gf
>"I'm more attracted to smart guys"
>breaks up with me
>starts dating a 6'2 chad who's dumb as a rock
women everyone
Getting a tattoo means you don't give a fuck about what people think and you're not afraid to take drastic action, qualities leaders need. Lots of people with those qualities, lack of care for what others think and lack of fear are total losers and often criminals. But that lack of fear means there's a better chance he'll be a leader and thus give her Chad babies than if he were a solid beta.
It's just some fucking ink, we really need threads about this daily?
I don't understand why this triggers you fucking faggots so hard.
t. Helga with her two inked African boyfriends
Spot on.
>be me
>dating woman, falling in love
>tell myself, "she doesn't have to be smart, she has lots of other qualities I love"
>she says, "Hey, user, did you know the earth is actually flat?"
>dump her
People change their minds, user.
>tfw no flat earth gf
>dumped a girl for being "dumb"
>believes in the spinning ball jew
user, I...
>he doesn't know
>complaining about degeneracy while posting on Sup Forums, a degenerate site
She's probably a coke/meth addict, he has access. You'd be surprised at the amount of hot girls who party all the time and then become coke fiends.
Tattoos imply you're dangerous
Women prefer dangerous men
>low iq
I saw a guy in full body tattoos, it was pretty impressive
no homo
the fucking anchor and dreamcatcher
why are these so predictable
>thousands of years of tattoos
>muh kali yuga