Why do niggers join the US military?
He knew what he signed up for
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No, I see them like proud in their uniform, being sent abroad to kill other niggers on behalf of jews and their caucasian servants. Don't they realize they will always be niggers to them?
Non stop entertainment, thanks for killing democracy schlomo
Why do we have a military when it's clear the only times we get attacked are from the deep state
What's a doubles?
Why does OP care?
So he did not know what he signed up for? Because he's a nigger?
Just another body in the endless wars for Israel. Also "soldier" is literally someone paid to fight, he knew exactly what he signed up for
Please explain
Pretty sure Trump would have never been so insensitive if he was white.
The military is basically glorified gibs. You don't need any qualifications, skills or work ethic.
>"we soldiers now"
We know they all do, black or white. But at least the whites don't get direspected like this when they come back in coffins. the blacks will always be treated like niggers.
Because some niggers parents are smart and say don't join a gang make something out of your life. The military is an easy way to go from have nothing to having something.
You know why niggers got killed at a higher rate than white in Vietnam?
Every time someone would yell "GET DOWN" they would all start dancing.
Tell that to the nigger in the picture
Hard to have skills when your born to a crack mom who lives off welfare. Military is a great path for kids who need some guidance in life.
At least those got drafted, they had no choice. niggers today think it's cool to fight for jews and die in the gutter like an animal
I wonder what that nigger was doing that got him killed. I doubt Trump would say something like this otherwise. I bet we don't know what really happened.
They could have sat in jail for a bit. God knows they've got no problem with that today.
What about dignity? Fighting for whites and jew interests while being treated like shit.
For a good chunk of people in USA it's the only shot at getting into college and escaping poverty.
You don't say that when the guy is white, he must have been doing some heroic shit, like in the movies. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Every time an American dies on American soil it's always the deep state
They even ship off crisis actors to habe them murdered other places luke the girl.who was carried in the Boston bombing who died in a car crash in the middle East.
Why does our money to to Israel when we should be focusing on infrastructure and decentralized trade
Why do americans think it's a normal and healthy situation?
The CTR/Shareblue Shills and Payments:
if you actually study and qualify to become an officer you're not treated like shit. and the requirements for that even are not that hard. it's literally 90% work ethic and showing up on time to succeed in the military and make bank.
you could even go in as a reserves and never leave the country.
if you go in as infantry you're retarded and know what you're signing up for.
What I meant that, you came back dead from combat zone and your president treats you like you are a criminal. Be honest, you know trump would have never said that if the soldier was white. That's myy point, they are just niggers in the plantation.
Not sure
>What would John Wayne have said......
well he apparently didn't say that or his words were taken out of context. not like democrats don't have reasons to make up bullshit about trump.
the us military is real diversity and effort is rewarded whether you're black or not.
you can also turn in to meat paste regardless of your skin color because that's a risk of the job that you volunteer to do.
>looks like the coon bet a doubloon on the farmeroon, and got roasted
What's wrong with your infrastructure?
Trump denies and says he has proof, yet doesn't provide it. Hoping everybody would have already forgotten in a few days.
The problem isn't if black have the same opportunities, the problem is saying something like that to his widow. of course he knew what he was in for
Because they are violent apes. The military straitens them out a bit and allows them to be violent niggers in the process. Honestly having high IQ whites (or the token high IQ black for that matter) lead a bunch of low IQ blacks as grunts and high IQ whites specialist makes a good military.
Good ol Benny fisch(((bein))) ctr digital director who got doxxed on here and appeared in the thread in which he was getting doxxed only serving to confirm our suspicions that they were trying to influence Sup Forums and other social media
sup /leftypol/
she knew shat she signed up for
I can see it both ways but to say otherwise would be soft and a republican president isn't going to denounce the military. he wants more people to join.
Same reasons because whites
what should he have said? "I'm very sorry, your husband was a hero and a true patriot, the military must be dismantled to prevent grunt casualties in warzones" like no sweety lol check yourself
big shout out to lefty/pol/ up in this piece yo
Easy money and get out of shit neighborhood to become more successful, like the wypipo. For the most part I don't blame any of them, I did the same thing. At least they're trying to do something with their lives.
>Why do niggers join the US military?
Obviously not to supply their widows with money for clothes or fashion advice, that sheboon is wearing my patio furniture tablecloth .
Is that the same fec from the CTR destruction threads? Or a new one? And yes, I see what (((they))) are doing as well.
>At least they're trying to do something with their lives.
>Dying for zionist wars
>tries to do something with his life
>gets killed
>daughter still ends up fatherless
Is there any escape to this?
>a nigger in the military
did he fall off something in training? you know they never send nigs into combat in iraq or afghanistan
Every American shaming this man for dying for his country is a fucking traitor.
Shame on you all.
You’re right. We should float the mom housing and free food for life because lack of privilege and foot the bill for all minorities who give zero fucks about leaving a legacy to go to prestigious colleges. Maybe that’s why black people are pissed. They know libs use them for political capital or solely to virtue signal.
He signed up to die for ZOG wars while the orange faggot in chief makes fun of him.
I like how everyone is taking this out of context so they can be pissed of at Trump, like always.
What exactly about Trumps statement is incorrect? When you join the military, you know there's a greater chance of you getting killed than being a desk jockey, especially if you get shipped overseas.
Are leftists right to freak out about this or is this just more Trump Derangement Syndrome?
how did the guy die anyway?
>Be honest, you know trump would have never said that if the soldier was white.
What? He straight up told John McCain "i like a soldier who doesn't get caught" referring to how McCain was caught and tortured by VC, who gave him an option to be freed if he did some propaganda video which he refused. Also told that white feminist "women will make the same if they work just as hard" with no regard for her feeling.
Now be honest and admit you were wrong.
What is he supposed to say? What trump means is that a soldier knows what he signs up for, and that he died with honor as a soldier trying to defend himself and his fellow soldiers.
Anyone who thinks that you are not at high risk dying if you are a soldier doesn't know what you sign up for. You're signing up for being willing to give your life/pay the ultimate price in order to defend yourself and your fellow men in the line of duty.
Ofcourse it will take leftists to not understand that soldiers risk getting killed. When they actively participate in war related situations aswell as in defense of volatile regions.
To leftists it seems they see everything as a contest about who can get most emotional upset over everything, and the one who can get the most emotional upset somehow is the best human being in the world. But being in the military is obviously not about who is the biggest crybaby.
>Now be honest and admit you were wrong.
Mccain was a total traitor who sold out completely and buckled. The other vets know this well about him. He then based much of his career on this lie that he was some amazing war veteran, whilst actively blocking POW's getting help and being freed. Why? Because he didn't want any of them to tell the public what a fraud he was.
Vid related. youtube.com
>dogging a guy that got ambushed by 50 ISIS without air support and died fighting
Fuck you faggots.
niggers or no, the only reason 99% of people join the military is because they have no other prospects and the military accepts everyone regardless of merit.
the other 1% join because their dads/brothers did.
"thanks for your son's service" would've sufficed. i think it stings extra coming from a soft-handed draft dodger.
>I like how everyone is taking this out of context so they can be pissed of at Trump, like always.
I know right, the ability of leftists to lie and manipulate their agenda forward without any scrouples really crystalized for me due to trumps campaign and his time in office so far. I've not seen so many people lie so obviously and so much before. It's terrifying in that so few call it on them and it's obvious that they must know that they are lying themselves but in an "end justifies the means" thing, they are ok with it, same way they justify violence against those that agree with them saying "if we don't kick their ass they're going to kick us later" demented type of logic. I used to be a little left leaning but i can't participate in that bullshit charade anymore. They are all emotion and pretty much zero logic. And what's worse, they are shallow human beings who just feign outrage over everything in order to con people to believe what they believe in.
kek, you 16 year olds are way too transparent. i'd suggest you'll grow out of it, but it seems a lot of kids like you have spent far too many formative years on Sup Forums. hope you enjoy flipping burgers since it's unlikely you'll make it much further than that.
LOL the nigger loli does not even care. Probably was not her real dad...
>"thanks for your son's service" would've sufficed. i think it stings extra coming from a soft-handed draft dodger.
There is this pathetic moral outrage that the left always does. There's few trump respects and likes and highlights as the bravest of people, and talks about as much as military men and women. To saying that he knows what he signed up for obviously implies that she shouldn't be sad because he surely died with honor doing his best to fight against those who ambushed him, but the only ones who don't see that is ofcourse the leftists who WANT to see it in the other way. Just see how many fucking times trump praises military men and women who died or are hurt in the line of duty. During his campaign and also during his time in office. here's just one example. youtube.com
Kek. Affirmative action is alive and well in the military. Untalented individual getting undue rewards due to minority status. Many such cases.
>this out of context
yeah because it's great in context
>your son died in niger, a country we didn't declare war on and had no reason being in and he knew the risks!
It is a perfect place for complete autists like me who need to see social rule laid down on paper, know clearly who to salute and when, etc. And in this balkanized society I get to feel useful for something, which fulfills me. I know this sounds cliche but I'm really not in it for the money.
I didn't know that. But even if that's the case my point still stands. McCain's reputation is that he's a war hero and Trump still told a white, perceived war veteran that he was bad for getting captured.
>Trump not saying trademarked presidential apologies
found the leftist. Are those 18 billion soros just gave you people being put to good use yet? The shilling on Sup Forums recently really has been amped up.
>I didn't know that. But even if that's the case my point still stands. McCain's reputation is that he's a war hero and Trump still told a white, perceived war veteran that he was bad for getting captured.
The reason trump did this is to get people to look at mccains real history as a POW. Trump is well aware of what i just told you. It's how he baits the media constantly to look into such things. I mean the ridiculous amounts of times he has done that during his campaign and on twitter during his time in office is wild. And the press just jumps on it every time. He says things with an "outrageous" bent to get people to look into things like that, but he isn't wrong. If the guy knew he was wrong about it you can bet your ass he wouldn't say anything remotely like that.
Imagine being such an autistic piece of shit that you make fun of dead American soldiers, regardless of their race
To sleep in their cars during PT
To sleep in the arms room during the day
To get a no-shave profile because bumps
To play basketball in afternoon PT
To take leave during FTX
To absolutely suck cock during LFX
It lets them get gibs but with a nigger-level of accomplishment
I bet she was staring at a KFC across the street JAAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA
good honestly. blacks and mexicans would do well to join the military instead of chopping eachother up in gang disputes.
>I didn't know that. But even if that's the case my point still stands.
No it doesn't stand but now you know that stuff about mccain you didn't before, the question is what took you so damn long? But this is the thing. Pretty much everything trump has said that has been controversial to get the media to jump on it, has been proven right. Except that the leftists haven't looked into these things, so to them they think he has been wrong about everything. They have feigned moral outrage over what he said, instead of looking into if what he said is actually accurate. Here's another example the "mexico is not sending their best" turns out that mexican government takes criminals puts them out of prison and bounces them over to the US as illegals in order to not spend pesos to keep them in prison, so many of them that they were in the tune of over 300.000 convicted murderes, rapist drugdeals and others just roaming around the US being bounced out of mexico. He was right about that too. but the leftists still to this day sit and feign moral outrage pretending trump said that all mexicans were rapists.
That's the problem with leftists their "outrage" makes it so that they never really look into these things.
Look, i agree that Trump gets a lot of shit and the media is unfair to him and liberals are autistic and will always be mad over stupid shit, but you can't defend everything Trump for the sake of defending Trump, especially when he actually fucks up. If you do you're no better then liberal drones and sheeple who see no wrong in the people they admire.
I think your starting to fall into the unironic sheeple stereotype. You can't say what Trump meant for him, if what you said was "implied" it was very vague and dumb and its more likely Trump has a lot of shit on his plate and slipped. It did come off as inconsiderate and he could've absolutely phrased it better instead of unreasonably expecting everyone to somehow get that shit you're supposedly saying.
Trump fucked up, i don't get how you're trying to excuse it, you can't just admit he fucked up this one time?
>The reason trump did this is to get people to look at mccains real history as a POW. Trump is well aware of what i just told you.
That's really, really pushing it. He could've just inquired about the vetern shit and that would've been more effect. What you said about "baiting the media" is true but that doesn't make sense. How is that statement in any way ambiguous? You seem to be doing a lot of shoehorning, which is what liberals do because they have this smug idea that if their ideology's are flawless, and they can't admit something's wrong because if they do they'll lose and right automatically win, which is isn't true, its stupidly unrealistic and smug.
What the fuck are you talking about? Do you even understand what i said? It actually works in favor of Trump, unless you're trying to agruing that Trump told a nigger off and he would've praised a white soldier?
>the question is what took you so damn long?
What? Am i suppose to be glued to Sup Forums
>That's really, really pushing it. He could've just inquired about the vetern shit and that would've been more effect. What you said about "baiting the media" is true but that doesn't make sense. How is that statement in any way ambiguous? You seem to be doing a lot of shoehorning
Nah man, go read his books, he explains exactly that method he used on the MSM about 100+ times during his campaign and they still fall for it, i watched every single speech he gave during his entire campaign, and looked all these things whenever the MSM thought they had something dirt on him it turned out that he was right about what he said. And people who started accusing him of all kinds of things were also highlighted as total frauds later on who had all kinds of agendas. It's why people started calling him teflon don, and the whole 4d chess thing started becoming a thing. And also the trump curse kind of thing for people who started falsely accusing him of shit.
Let me give you another example, remember the guy khan, who accused trump of hating all muslims for wanting the travel ban (the identical travel ban that obama did, same countries). Well it turns out not only had he spent time in saudi arabia, and writing not only stuff about sharia but clearly some stuff aligned with the most jihadi oriented branch of it, the sunni salafist/wahabist brand. and praising it, but he was also a sharia law advocate, and through a company he was actively involved in smuggling muslims illegally into the US. And when this was discovered the media dropped him like a hot potatoe.
>What? Am i suppose to be glued to Sup Forums
No but you're supposed to research and look these things up for yourself and they were so ridiculously easy to find that it's incredible that you didn't. It shows you took the MSM's word for it, and only now are you realizing it was total baloney.
>What? Am i suppose to be glued to Sup Forums
Please understand that the reason you (i assume you're a leftist but if you're not that's fine and i apologize.) and many others leftist don't know these facts. is because you never looked into them. The news these people often get aside from MSM is from leftist "comedians" like colbert, kimmel, john oliver and a stream of others. But realize that these people are not actually comedians. They are political propagandists for the left masquerading as comedians. They disarm you with comedy and then fill your head with garbage that many take at face value. Once you realize this you will start to look things up far more what the media and these people are saying. And you will also see that the majority of leftists hardly EVER do any independent investigation. Imo they seem too afraid to figure out that what they want to believe in isn't entirely accurate.
>That's really, really pushing it. He could've just inquired about the vetern shit and that would've been more effect. What you said about "baiting the media" is true but that doesn't make sense.
You don't understand trump very well it seems. Trump is a self described COUNTER PUNCHER. If someone attacks him, he strikes back many many times harder, so if you attack him of something and he knows some dirty stuff about you he'll point it out. In the case of mccain mccain claimed that trump didn't like the military iirc, which pissed off trump because trump LOVES the military. So he hinted in no uncertain terms that mccain was not a very good soldier. He did it in a very controversial way so that the media would pick it up, and it's a hint that people should look up about mccain and his POW story. And if they did they would've found out what other vets had to say about him and his history of blocking POW's from getting help etc. The problem is the left never does the last part. They just feign moral outrage about his bait. He plays the media to cover it, gets people talking about it and then people start to realize wait.. that mccain dude is one rotten piece of shit.
Iv have, sell people their dreams, repeat shit and people will believe it, a lot of it is social engineering and exposing cognitive biases.
But again, both the "he knew what he was in for" and "i like a soldier who doesn't get caught" aren't open to more interpretation.
McCain is a shit soldier,
Because he got caught.
I like a soldier who doesn't get caught.
You don't like him because he got caught.
Its like trying to pick apart a yo mama joke or a jersey shore insult as having a deeper meaning. The "Bill Clinton likes them young" and John Miller shit does intrigue inquiring curiousity. But i don't buy that Trump is redpilling people 24/7 none stop as if everything he does is analytic. If anything i'll lead people who didn't know about the claim that McCain was a POW think he was, and from there there's no reason to think he's lying about it because we'd all know it already.
>Trump is a self described COUNTER PUNCHER. If someone attacks him, he strikes back many many times harder,
Its funny because this is actually Trumps social engineering in play. Before i go on, i do agree with you, don't think i don't. But Trump builds logos and repeats them until they catch on. A lot of times you're ritually repeating common slogans about Trump, almost verbatimly, and lose focus on the conversation points.
I voted for Trump and defended him as a Mexican.
A lot of shit you're saying is common knowledge from browsing Sup Forums. But the integrity of McCain doesn't really matter to the point i made about Trump not being racist against the poster who claimed he was.
"Imo they seem too afraid to figure out that what they want to believe in isn't entirely accurate"
And i feel the same way about Sup Forumsfags practicing critically thinking, the liberals are so retarded that it makes the other side seem to be secure in their ideals and i think a lot of them feel they don't need to rethink shit and figure out where it fits in.
The only family making the phone call a huge deal is the nigger family that happened to have a Democrat in their presence when Trump called. Makes you think.
Because they are niggers.
>trips of truth
Does anyone doubt they are lying????
Black people in general will lie about their "good boys who didn't do nuffin"
>of course they would lie to make trump look bad.
Kek has abandoned us.
>stay in ghetto with no money or job opportunities
>join military and get decent paycheck with college paid for, and ability to get a pension at 40 with lifetime healthcare.
It ain't a bad gig if your other option is sitting on a porch for the rest of your life
Fuck off with your race baiting faggot, blacks who join the military are solid brothers with amazing discipline and strength. They are not the same class of people living off welfare.
Go fuck yourself, OP.
[spoiler]He didnt die for his country. He died so can jews can keep a solid grip on the world. also some white traitors to their own race are getting a share of the loot[/spoiler]
For the money and benefits. They almost all work non-combat jobs (folding laundry, pumping gasoline). It's a good gig when you get a safe, do nothing job.
No, they aren't. They're overwhelmingly pogue welfare suckers.
As if being in the military wasn't already living off welfare. People here mentioned joining the military is the best thing to do when you are too lazy to get an education and you don't want to work.