11,000/18000 people on twitter voted that the holocaust was lied about or extremely exaggerated
You may think this is meaningless social media memeing but it's actually huge. (5 hours left btw)
11,000/18000 people on twitter voted that the holocaust was lied about or extremely exaggerated
You may think this is meaningless social media memeing but it's actually huge. (5 hours left btw)
Other urls found in this thread:
are the normies becoming redpilled? if we continue spewing anti-holocaust memes will the story finally collapse? how long can they keep the belief strong when we now have the internet and many book sources that they weren't able to censor
it has nothing to do with Sup Forums rigging it yesterday at all
that's beside the point
nah, it's Sup Forums. A shit ton of people come on here. Also OP is a faggot for not posting a link.
>right wingers challenging historical/scientific facts
Business as usual it seems
This poll has been spammed on Sup Forums and Sup Forums since yesterday all those
Tell me exactly how many jews died in the holocaust.
At this point I don't really care if the holocaust really happened. Doesn't change the fact that we are getting jewed. I want to destroy Jewish hegemony by any means necessary, even if it means convincing normies to deny muh holocaust
Sup Forumsacks are real people too. We increased the sample size of the poll
6-7 million is the widely accepted historical estimate.
I thought it was more like six trillion!
>historical/scientific facts
>widely accepted historical estimate.
Wording alone tells this is a lie.
Wow, you sure got me!
Edgy anti-semitic teens on the internet are most certainly a more reliable source than academics and historians who dedicate their lives to finding out the truth!
>this fact is so true that i use wording that allows me to backpedal my statement infinitely
Not a real Holocausts like not a real Communism. Both invented to the East of the Brest-Litovsk. Coincidence?
>The truth
Find one autopsy that shows evidence of gassing.
What? Only Shlomo gets a vote. Typical (((polls))) these days.
There's truth and then there's (((truth)))
lots of "real historians" doubt the 6 million figure too bad you won't bother looking into both sides of the argument.
yeah goldbergenstein wouldn't lie to you user
He's telling you the truth
For your information, that was the original speculative upper bound of the amount of jews affected, directly or indirectly. The same document suggested miles under a million for a believable number of casualties among jews.
>more voters rigs a vote
>hillary won popular vote
>democrats thus rigged the election
Right Sup Forums had nothing to.do with this
Fuck these kikes. They will not replace us, they can never control the narrative again.
No it is not, maybe for normies, but once you start interacting with Historians the number starts going all over the place depending the variables placed
Six million was just the nice clean number that was chosen due to the religious significance of it
Israel is our ally. Being white is such an embarrassment.
Article 2 of the Convention defines genocide as
...any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
—Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2
Article 3 defines the crimes that can be punished under the convention:
(a) Genocide;
(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;
(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
(d) Attempt to commit genocide;
(e) Complicity in genocide.
—Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 3
>Nazis may have killed up to 20m, claims 'shocking' new Holocaust study
Remember the 20 trillion!
I know for a fact that some people on there will actually fall for this ratio and think 1 in 2 people they meet dont "know" how many jews were killed. You just brightened my day pol, voted.
Also, tag news orgs and reporters in the comments aim for mid/small tier networks.
every war is genocide?
shill faggot
History is made by the victors
What do you want anyone to take away from the laughably named United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention? Pretty random post.
I'm just here to say fucking LOL
Can't wait for the coming shitstorm
According to the best historical estimate made by RauL Hilberg in the 1980s in his book "Destruction of the European Jew" - Hilberg states that 5.1 million Jews died in the Holocaust. At the very least the 6 million number is an exaggeration, and a rather large one, utilized obviously for political purposes. Why isn't 5.1 million enough? Why is it considered Holocaust revisionism to think it's only 5 million?
The truth does not fear investigation
>(((widely accepted))) equals fact
>muh 6-7 gorillion
>no sources to counteract counter semetic teens
This is why we are winning.
Just look at all the edgy faggots in the reply section.
>muh muh those sources are fake! How can you be so mean? Remember the 6 million wehhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Oy gevalt remember the 80 quintillion lampshades!!!!!
>no link to poll
I fucking HATE shit posting leafs.
kek, there's one "conservative maga jew" in the replies that has like 200 posts in damage control mode
Because there's really no point in you asking. If 1 million is just as bad as 6, why be a Nazi apologist and try to reduce the number? We all know you're slowly moving people towards outright denial.
t. Joel
The difference between 1 million and 6 million is that 1 million will get you occupied and paying reparations, whereas 6 million gets you divided, gutted, and your great children guilted into oblivion to the point where fucks attempt to totally wipe out all memories of you.
It also shows it's okay to lie to justify your actions.
>i'm just here
Get out.
academics and historians like David Irving? I've yet to see someone more credible on this subject than him or Ernst Zundel.
THis poll is bait anyway. No matter the numbers this kike is gonna whine about the holocaust. If 100% answered more than five million then its a reminder to forget blah blah. If any number votes for the less than one million it’s gonna be oy vey muh neonazis wahhh
By that definition, yeah. If we were to go to war with Russia, we'd be intent on killing groups of Ivan.
>outright denial.
>implying it isn't the correct position
>arguing from authority
>it's okay to lie to justify your actions.
>The right is on the side of facts
>Unless it comes to jews, then they're against facts
Fuck you cunts, you are as bad as the left.
show flag
Since 07 brit bitch, you're ain't gonna be the one who kicks me off this site, Fucking internet wannabe nazi - grow up in Israel and you'll see what real jew hate feels like
For anybody who's not convinced, just going to leave this here.
>grow up in Israel and you'll see what real jew hate feels like
what did you mean by this?
I'm neither confirming or denying these numbers (BKA, don't raid pls kthxbye) but I'm just saying that any claim to the contrary will get people thrown into jail over here. So who knows what the real numbers are when no deviation from the official narrative is possible ...
IMO, these laws are utter bullshit and need to go, there is no reason why an open discourse should be disallowed. All they do is make people actually doubt the official, brutally enforced narrative.
>American flag
>Shaming people for expressing their personal views in a public voting situation because you don't agree with them.
You are cancer. You are a shame to your flag. Get out.
What's historical significance of SIX MILLION? Why not 3 4 5 million? All are big numbers.
No it's a widely forced estimate, put in place by draconian laws in European countries where denying it results in imprisonment.
hello sir jew. not memeing here but how is it over there? wanna know for a friend. also is anyone here feeling sleepy. i sure am.
That even living jew raped nations like yours does not compare with being a Russian (reminder: they didn't rape my nation, they killed it) who had to grow up around religious kikes as a Goy. I was in the Sup Forums mindset about Jews when I was five years old, so congrats on discovering the truth and all but it's kinda ridiculous that some brit kid is telling me to get out of this board.
left can't meme.
>are the normies becoming redpilled?
it's probably mudshits. they have Jews with passion and there are shittons of them on social media
Something about the Jews having to lose 6 million of their own to fulfill some prophecy in the Torah. Not sure exactly and I'm too lazy to look it up.
It's ok, winter soon, first rain was a week ago so from now on the weather is only going to get better. Other than that pretty much nothing, waiting for the next war, chilling
oh yeah, only anti semitic teens on the internet have questioned the holocaust
the point is that the original number that was proposed was 6 million and they absolutely cannot allow any discussion about that or else people would ask questions about other stuff with regards to that topic, too
>accepted historical estimate.
okay, now what is the actual number?
We create our own context, newfag. All that matters is that this poll happened and it has 60% of respondents counting as holocaust deniers
somewhat I guess. but it doesn't matter anyway because the winner writes history. if you start a real war, you are betting everything on one card.
either you succeed and it doesn't matter what you did because there is no one left to judge you. or you lose and it doesn't matter what you did because the other side has total control over you and can say whatever they want without consequences.
Oh I assumed you were a jew
even if you were, I wouldn't mind as long as we all agree Hitler did nothing wrong
why do you stay in Israel though?
>slowly moving people towards outright denial
Once upon a time I was going to research the denialists' claims.
But before I got around to it I found out that it's illegal to question the holocaust in many countries.
That changed my mind.
I won't research the "facts" until it's legal for people everywhere to question them.
For me, the holocaust didn't happen and I refuse to change my mind about it until it's legal for people to question it.
And there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it.
Nobody who's done an actual AUDIT of the death toll has come anywhere near that number
are there online archives for world almanacs?
He didn't, Germany for Germans. I'm staying here to save money, start uni, relocate somewhere nice to continue my studies, hopefully get a girl and stay or get citizenship in some other form. Idk if I'll make it in Russia tho, they have a very specific culture and I didn't even grow up there. So, right now accumulating funds to begin a new life amongst Europeans.
>widely accepted
good good chosen goy!
The official History is written by the winners not losers, the truth is rarely what is taught in school.
The entire holocaust narrative is based on a false confession by an Auschwitz commandant who was tortured for 3 days and nights by British military police. It has never ever ever been proven that there were even six million Jews in the German-occupied territories, let alone that six million were murdered. According to all legitimate documentation and physical evidence, the number of European Jews who died of all causes during the war is ~500,000. Also, according to nearly every census taken in the immediate post-war years, the worldwide Jewish population had grown by 750,000-800,000.
Post your best holocaust documentaries here for red-pilling purposes, plz.
good luck m8
we can never have too many redpilled people in Europe
This "poll" is not going to be accurate at all because people don't actually believe less than six million people died, they are just voting less than a million for epic lulz.
Something that happened 72 years ago (and only lasted 4-5 years) still being relevant in Europe 2017.
Do the Jews think another holocaust is imminent in Europe?
Are they concerned for the wellbeing of European countries?
>4-6 Concentration camps open in Nazi occupied territory
>4-5 years were Jews were exterminated
>5-6 million European Jews killed; ~a million Jews a year killed in 4-6 camps
>No mass graves for the Jews, all apparently incinerated
Something feels fishy about those figures.
>No mass graves for the Jews, all apparently incinerated
do the math for how long it takes to cremate a body using current day efficient crematorium incinerators and apply it to 6 million bodies.
Used to be the best website. But it is down now. Dunno why.
Every time.
No Jews died during wwii
Not a single jew in history has ever died
you write like a crazy person but anybody who hates yids this much and isn't a Muslim is bretty OK in my book
Where's the-
>0- Real jews were annihilated by the Romans