How do you feel about jury duty Sup Forums?
Civic Duties - Jury Duty
I get disgusted they consider me to be the criminals peer
I live in a blue state and never go. So many welfare cases they could put on duty but they want me to lose multiple days of work because some nigger beat his girlfriend or robbed a gas station etc. Fuck that.
they should certainly pay more than $6 a day
Just tell them you're pregnant. Works every time
The county tries VERY hard to word the information they give you in a way that makes it seem less like they're forcing you to do the job, and more like it's your "duty" as a citizen and you're a piece of shit criminal if you refuse.
I got called to jury duty recently, then was placed into grand jury duty, which meant I was there for the whole month, then I was placed into grand jury group 2, the group that looked at the evidence for all of the heinous child sex crimes in the county and decided if there was enough to the claim for it to go to court.
btw there was never any evidence. Just a teenage girl saying her father/teacher/some guy she knew had diddled her. That's it. That was how we decided if there was enough evidence for the trial to proceed.
Yeah, they all proceeded past that point.
I got called for the whole month as well. Really not looking forward to it. The bright side that I have is that my company will compensate me full time regular pay while I have to serve.
You should be able to opt out for $100
And the $100 gets put in a pot
So eventually going to jury duty will be worth $1000 a day.
Grand jury isn't so bad. Normal jury can be fine, or worse, because you're there for the length of that single trial, which can... Last a while. Expect women and liberals sitting beside you, and expect them to cry and/or guilt trip you into voting the way that they want. Of the women and nu-males in my group, only ONE elder lady used her head, asked pertinent questions, and didn't literally start bawling over "dad touched me".
Meanwhile the "victim" sat there speaking in monotone, avoiding eye contact with everyone, and generally acting like she didn't care to be there - Every single one of them.
Does grand jury still have to be unanimous? Because if the truth means a hung jury, I will cause a hung jury.
Nope. Maybe? In Lane County, Oregon, simple majority vote.
Thanks for the info user. Hopefully this won't be too bad.
And, you're actually voting on each count or crime that you feel there is enough evidence for the prosecution to go for. We were encouraged by the DA to add additional counts if we felt there was sufficient evidence to warrant it, but usually we were given a paper each morning that said what he was accused of and what they felt they could nail him with.
>being too stupid to get out of jury duty
Just say you believe in jury nullification or you just plain don't like black people. Easy.
it's very easy to get out of jury duty legally
>jury nullification
I actually was thinking about that when I was sitting in the room waiting to see if they would call my number.
I'm kind of an idiot so I didn't remember what it was called. :(
>Just say you believe in jury nullification
doesnt actually work anymore unless you know what it is, what it means and its relevant. For the average court case youll be seeing "jury nullification" isnt an issue unless you and the other 11 retards on the jury believe that that nigger and all future versions of him had every right in the world to kill that gas station cashier for $30 and 6 packs of newports
>be me, 18
>get called in for jury duty for first time
>a sheriff deputy had blown some ladies brains out in a traffic stop on a dead end road in the middle of no where
>husband had warrants and was being put in squad car
>wife never got out of car and jumped in driver seat
>makes u turn, floors it “towards” the deputy
>he unloads clip, she dead
>family’s attorney said they were bird watching
>during selection they asked if anyone was familiar with that area of the county
>my parents lived about 3 miles away as the crow flies
>raise my hand, ask me to stand
>tell them my parents proximity and how I personally know the only bird watcher out there. Everybody else is either a crackhead or a prostitute.
>mouth collectively drop through out the courtroom followed by mumbles
>judge bangs gavel for order and looks at the lady typing and tells her to erase that
>didn’t get picked but got a high five outside by the defense attorney. >deputy was exonerated. became friends years later and still are.
>haven’t been picked since
It's something you try to get out of doing, since criminals only get a slap on the wrist nowadays.
If they still had public hangings, I would do my "civic duty" in a heartbeat.
I got selected twice
once for a DUI that some dumb THOT contested
>you can't just Decide I'm drunk
>even tho I'm the only one in the car
>the car was parked in the middle of this bush when I got in, you can't Proof I was driving
yes, they did proof
then the other one was for somebody stealing someone's dogs
>purebred german shepherds
I wouldn't do it, I don't agree with the bulk of English law or law enforcement in general. I'll do many thing as a libertarian like pay taxes because it's better to live slightly less rich than goto jail. But I won't support locking people in cages at the whim of the average educated person.
I'd rather refuse and be found in contempt of court and pay a fine or whatever the punishment these days is.
kek, my fucking sides
>tfw juries aren't part of your legal system.
Annoying as it is to get called for jury duty, Ill take it over roaming african lynch mobs burning me alive for stealing someones penis with a magic handshake
I got called once like 3 years ago, it was for a first degree murder (I live in florida).
It was an open and shut case, the guy murder his "best friend" for a pair of shoes they "fund" the shoes were worth like 1k$, needless to say the dude was black
Problem is, there is no such thing as a speedy trial anymore. And with the inflation of out currency good honest people usually can't bear the burden of jury duty. The system is broken. On one hand paying jurors is immoral, but so is hurting them. You can't have Tax slavery and jury duty service at the same time... fuck the government. On top of that, get on a jury and they'll "guide" you to the "right" decision because it's the law! Penalties are a joke, every other day we read about people who are guilty as fuck getting let out after a slap on the wrist...
If you really dont want to do it just bring up "jury nullification" at your interview. no way in hell they will let you serve on the jury after you bring that up.
If the government won't fully recognize my rights, I won't perform my "duties".
Summons get tossed in the trash.
I have jury next week and they only pay 40 bucks a dayyyyy. Good thing my job pays me while I’m gone.
I had jury duty once. It was DUI case where a guy rammed his car into a public park at 3am. The guy had a BAC of .08 (which is the maximum legal limit) and claimed it wasn't because of alcohol, but because he fell asleep after working a 24 hour shift.
I believed him. After a 24 shift the guy had about 3 beers and fell asleep.
Not guilty.
Sitting around judgin' niggers all day while my lunch is paid for? Sign me up. Also, you collect a paycheck from your employer. It's the law.
I hate that so many decent people want to get out of jury duty.
But I also hate that so many lawyers want the jury to be as dumb as possible.
I was told I would have jury duty; I wrote back saying I would be out of town during that time and wanted it moved. Judge agreed to move it.
But then they never called me.
I would like to sit on a jury sometime. I want innocent people to not be victimized by stupid lawyers, and I want guilty people to get ruined.
>Get summoned for jury duty
>Told the Judge that I will partial, and would vote not guilty no matter the evidence
>Never summoned again
Feels good.
My "peers" are other high-IQ professionals. Not normies and definitely not nogs.
I've only been called to nog jury duty.
Take up the White Man's Burden, lalalalala
>How do you feel about jury duty Sup Forums?
I've gotten 2 letters in 10 years, I just threw them out. Where I live it would be just another drunken injun assault or DUI anyway.
And if you are lucky they will say that a man can't be pregnant, allowing you to sue them for discriminations. It's 2017, time to use the bullshit against the retarded system that created it.
>just get out of federal prison
>get a letter from the sheriff
>"oh shit, here we go again"
>it's only a jury duty notice
>throw it in the trash
>4 years later
>nothing happened
I guess I should have gone, but I was on federal house arrest and I had just finished a 3 year prison sentence. I'm very confident the letter was some kind of mistake.
Also, they never took me off the voter rolls, so I could have voted while I was in jail, even though my state forbids it.
Op you must go lie and put the nigger in jail.
Is it illegal to tell them you will automatically vote guilty if it's a black to get removed?
Jury duty should have a caveat in which you should be able to provide proof of your hourly pay in order to be properly compensated. For many people losing a hundred or two dollars from their paycheck means a lot.
just check the box that says you don't understand/comprehend english
they are not going to hire a translator for just you
>check a box hat says you don't understand/comprehend english in english
This is similar to what Catch-22 is about
no, I did did when I was a younger, now i just check the box saying i don't know understand/comprehend english
which is somewhat true cause i know all the words in the dictionary
you are an idiot
just because you understand some words doesn't mean you completely understand english
Didn't happen
I was just joking, bro
I'll even say nigger if I have to
It's annoying but it's your civic duty. It should be treated with the utmost respect and reverence. If you're a proper American than you already no this. If're a degenerate kike.
You can definitely do that. Talk about how racist you are. Youll be denied
Never been called and continue to hope that I never do. Waste of time. I'd do my best to be tossed.
just say you hate niggers and jews, they won't pick you and you can go about your life
Just say you do not believe in the authority of the court, thats it.
Loved it. I've done if a couple of times now.
Just doing my part for my local community.
As long as you take a charger with you for your phone or tablet, you should be fine. You mostly sit around and do nothing unless you get picked, at which point you sit around and take notes.
I took my part in convicting this beaner heroin addict of reckless endangerment last week. It was a weak case admittedly but he got caught lying on the stand so I had no problem saying guilty in the jury room.
>get picked for jury duty 3 times
>3/3 times its a black defendant
>guilty every fucking time
Thank you for your service
somone has got to bring those penis stealers to justice user
>First Day: Sit in a room for 5 hours only for the women to come in saying the guy had pleaded guilty.
>Second Day: Sit in a room for 4 hours only to hear the guy pleaded guilty.
>Third Day sit in a room for 4 hours again only to hear the guy pleaded guilty again! Told we aren't needed any more and that's our jury service over.
Did fuck all and just sat in a room, was alright as I got compensated but just a complete waste of time all in all.
More important than voting. Prohibition only got repealed because they couldn't get a jury to convict anyone. After hanging 4 juries in a row every time and spending beaucoup money, the law was effectively nullified. You are the final arbiter of the Law. Is something clearly self-defense? Is something clearly not rape, but hearsay? Hang the jury. Cost the courts money.
But its the showing up part, available to be a jury member, that's important.
With a full compliment of people about to be on a jury, the clock is up on the defendants. No more bullshitting left. District attorneys give them one last chance to get a firm but medium sentence if they plead, otherwise they gotta go on jury roulette, where they might get a jury full of black klansmen (Uncle Rufuses, no relation) that want to hang that nigger right now!
Jail is the best home half those niggers will ever know anyways.
I tell them I know about jury nullification. jk. I've only been once and wasn't picked because I said chiropractors aren't real doctors.
Yeah i had no qualms showing up, i was interested to see what it's like and get a few days off work in the process. Just a same I never got to sit through a trail. Oh well seeing as I got called up when I was only 21 there's a good chance i will have to do it again some time in the future.
i got jury duty this month on my birthday. it's not perfect but i think it is an okay model
This. Just make sure you understand what jury nullification means and how to argue for it. The jury is a part of the judicial branch and unless your state constitution strictly forbids jury nullification it is within your right and power to use it.
I also once told the judge the criminal on trial was guilty. It was a DUI case and I basically said if the cop pulled him over and arrested him because he was clearly intoxicated then that should be the end of it. The trial is a waste of money. The judge asked if I believed cops should be judge, jury, and executioner? I said sure.
I’m a fed so I get paid for jury duty at my normal pay rate.
I don’t mind doing it because of that, and if I get to lock up a nigger or do something regarding some of my states shitty laws then I will.
you're a piece of shit ruining peoples lives over skin color. hopefully you and your loved ones suffer greatly before you finally reach hell.
Worth doing at least once because you get to see this shitty world that you hopefully will never have to experience otherwise (your local court system). The process of picking a jury from the pool of potential jurors is really tedious.
you won't make it to be on a jury if you show even the slightest hint of being "rayciss" .
The problem is the smart people get out of it and easily influenced people get picked.
Listen to me you dumb niggers and listen well. You degenerate fucks are harming the country by thinking you are clever for getting off jury duty. The people who end up on juries are usually dumb, unemployed boomers who always side with the state, or always side with the person claiming victimhood. Without fail.
Criminals routinely get off because they know they need just one nigger on the jury to hang it. This is why raping murdering niggers get out in 5 years. The prosecutors know if one nigger is on that jury, the guy is getting off.
Same thing for civil cases. Some feminist or nigger gets fired and brings a case for discrimination. These parasites get $20,000 settlement as a matter of course because the defending lawyers know that juries are packed with Boomer feminists and niggers, making the whole thing unwinnable.
By getting out of jury duty, you are ceding control of the judicial process to niggers, Jews, and boomers. Being on a jury is your chance to exert the most control you likely ever can in your NEET insignificant lives. So when that faggot kike attorney asks you to raise your hand if you are racist, prejudiced, impartial, you keep your hand down and your mouth shut. You do anything you can to get onto that jury. You don't have to say a godamn word in the jury room. You don't have to hell Hitler and tell the 11 or 9 or 7 other jurors why you are not voting how they want. You can tell them to fuck off and vote Yes or no based on your "prejudices" and they can't do a fucking thing about it, nor can the kike lawyers, no can the kike judge.
Stop being faggots and sit on juries.
that was the whole reason he was on trial, family said he used excessive force. He shot 6 times.
We have better things to do then to judge other people.
If you feel the need to judge other people, thats on you.
Do not expect everyone to be like you.
This is what is wrong with the world today, everyone thinks they know what's good for other people.
>get the form
>don't go
>sorry never got a form
The perfect crime!
A judicial system is part of a functioning society. It's annoying to do but it's necessary and I think you should do it.
The only thing I think is wrong with it is that you end up missing work and losing money. For people who rely on every paycheck, missing even a few days of work can be catastrophic.
For how important having juries is, being a juror should pay like $20 an hour at least.
>welfare cases they could put on duty
>allowing niggers to weight the guilt or innocence of a person charged with a crime
Do not delegate your civic duty to the unemployed (eg: niggers)
I got called once, long ago and I noticed that they paid all the shipping costs if I wanted to include extra documents for whatever reason so I filled the envelope with pennies and taped it to a brick. It was the midwest (Indiana) with their lovely racial felony conviction quotas to "prove" just-us isn't way-sis. So a wk later I get an angry phone call saying that I need to be locked up in an insane asylum and slammed the phone down on me so I laughed. It's wasn't a crime what I did but what's the point of a jury that gets large block grants from Uncle Scam based on "proving" they have a crime problem and it's nothing at all to do with corruption in a lot of counties?
>have democracy
>everyone is equal before the law
>justice is blind
>the jury is not...
first post already said all there is to say already
Truth. Jury duty is also educational. I also pulled duty at a court martial. (I'd rather be tried by military if not guilty, by civilian if guilty.)
Why were you in prison?
I did a 2 week trial for an auto accident. My company pays me and I got to make an extra $400. I did not have to do any work and hung out with a cute girl who was on the jury.
I did it once. It was fine. I was unemployed at the time so it gave me something to do. The defendant was a crazy African who I'm surprised was allowed to stand his testimony was so full of bullshit. The white witnesses/victims were also fucking delusional. They all had the same obviously rehearsed lines and some were claiming to be held captive when they were in and out of the room they were apperently being held in.
Would happily do it again.
Huge redpill on how lazy and niggerish all teachers/county employees are. If you didn't already realize.
100s of cat ladies openly bragging about how much they're getting paid to sit next to you, while fake reading some fiction "book".
Kek why would that matter
>twice selected for jury duty
>1 - nigger raped a white woman (2 weeks) - guilty nigger goes back to prison
>2 - Samsung sues Apple for copyright infringement (expected to go for 8 mo.)
noped the fuck out of the second one
I'd like to sit on a jury for a long trial because I think it would be fun and also I'm not a retard so I could actually help effect justice. Also, I salaried so it wouldn't be a big deal (unless I was totally cut off and couldn't work in the evenings and it lasted so long that it prevented me from getting my yearly billables.
Unfortunately, it'll never happen. Lawyers don't pick other lawyers for juries.
>civic employees get full pay to serve on the jury
>people who actually work get less than minimum wage
It's like they're intentionally trying to pack the jury with niggers and single-mothers
fuck CA
It's fun to participate in but hilariously broken and not suitable for a judicial system whatsoever.
>get on a Grand Jury in NYC last summer
>we're not allowed to look up the law or people's rights
>explicitly told to indict someone only if we were presented with sufficient enough evidence to go to trial
>dumbfucks I'm with vote to indict when the evidence is literally just he said/she said
>a few of them don't fucking speak English and literally do not understand what is being presented, but vote to indict anyway
>explicitly told guilt or innocence is irrelevant to our decision, it's all about evidence
>retards still vote to indict because "hurr I think he did it"
>DAs are clearly biased and nudge us to indict everyone
>I get fucking pissed because it's clear these people do not give a shit about doing this right and just want to get it over with as quickly as possible so they can go home
>they justify indicting everyone with "Well, they can still be found innocent :^)", never mind the fact that trials can take years to arrange and these people will be in jail in the meantime
What a fucking nightmare.
"I cannot be fair and impartial." Say it at every opportunity clearly and confidently.
You cannot be seated on a jury if the court has reason to believe you won't be fair or impartial.
Tell them in every answer, "No, I cannot be fair and impartial."
>What a fucking nightmare.
exactly my thoughts on the whole thing
too much money and corruption
too many people that just want to judge others even when there is no concrete evidence to convict either way.
sad world we live in
Was gonna post this. You did good, user... You did good.
What about it? Be more specific.
>job gives paid time off for jury duty
>go to courthouse for a few hours
>dont get selected
>get note from the court excusing your absence
>rest of the day is off
>get paid for 8 hours of work
feels almost as good as taking a 30 minute shit on company time