Irish national socialism

is present day ireland a breeding ground for the rise of a new national socialist party? could national socialism eradicate the financial elite and destroy the the current system that is obviously hell bent on destroying national identity and culture? opinions

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> could national socialism eradicate the financial elite and destroy the the current system

No, it coudn't

socialism is shit and you should know it


it will never happen, that's it

again elaborate, whats to stop it happening? id be shocked if it didnt make a resurgence in germany first

socialism seizes the means of production and oppresses the workers via a super monopoly

national socialism collectivizes the workers in a union to seizes the means of production and oppresses the workers via a super monopoly

same shit with extra steps

lreland isn't even a country.

>no currency of its own
>ruled from Brussels
>1/3rd of land occupied
>papal colony


at least this country isnt infested with muslims, and sure most of the political problems here are a direct result of how your country essentially enslaved ireland, agreed ireland is a shithole but i believe a nazi uprising would clean the shit off the streets, no homeless, no addicts, no scumbags or drug dealers controlling the streets, no corrupt politicians. reinstate national identity, national culture and reform everything

>national socialism
>no corrupt politicians

Ireland is too busy gleefully eating up everything coming out of the American campus left. There might be a thermidor some day but for now you can forget about any kind of heavily reactionary situation.

Irish nationalism = Brits out, MENA in

lf Irish 'nationalism' was something more than 'Anglo out Somalians in we commie Yuropoor now' l'd sympathise more with you. Even Mosley sided with the lrish. We aren't the enemy you believe we are.

You have to focus on preserving an advancing the Irish nation first
I.e. The people and culture

>hell bent on destroying national identity and culture
"Irish culture" is a meme. Celtic culture was an import. Genetic evidence shows 'Gaels' are also a meme. Successive waves of invasion and subjugation since then just further bastardized the concept. The last refuge of "Irish culture" is being white, a concepts totally abused in Ireland today through their giddy embrace of the EU's "European identity".

id sooner bow to a single man than continue living in a country where every cent is robbed from its people by multiple political parties who only serve to further their own wealth


We run America and are colluding with the Indians to take over England. Be warned.


>The last refuge of "Irish culture" is being white

i have no problems with britain, if anything britain is still our natural ally and closest neighbour, a country that once dominated a third of the world and look at it now, completely stripped of its national pride and status and has become a cesspit of multicultural drool

the more to say the government has over the property of private individuals (including "tax" money) the more corruption there will be

Fake fucking news Prof. (((Ronit Lentin)))

The Eternal Celt

>at least this country isnt infested with muslims
not as bad as UK, (in so far as its reported on), but well on the way. pic related so-called 'de-radicalized' irish woman

not necessarily true, the divide between the rich and poor is so great here that politicians see fit to give themselves 21k pay rises for doing notnhing other than parading around on the national stage, maybe a change in government could sort this grossly unfair system?

Which way Ireland



this is only possible because the politicians aren't held accountable for the money they "take"
so they fill there own pockets.
a dictatorship won't fix that

>flag shows never been good at the national identity thing
>borders been gaping wide open for last 20 years, 'muh tiger economy'
>one of highest govt. borrowing levels in world
>public corruption levels on par with india
>need a lottery win to afford a house
>current prime minister is a gay halfling from india (not even making it up!)

weeee lads next stop natsoc!!!

>Be Eastern England Anglo with blue eyes and Germanic surname
>love to LARP about the British Empire
>l'm not even a monarchist and have Irish friends and family

Wtf do l do?


come to America, buy a bunch of guns, and marry a southern qt horse girl

>the last thirty years invalidate the entire concept of your country

this, but avoid coast roasties. central and south only.

Bruv we could've been great if you'd not done that stupid easter rising shit.
East Anglia best England. We should've stayed a single union though. Sad. Might as well reform the Kingdom of east anglia now though.

Holy shit, fuck our coasts man, just nuke it already

l wish l could tbqh.

Just the idea of the USA is very liberating. Anglos Germans and lrish living together free of baggage that happened hundreds of years ago.

>Versailles would be different
>all of the UK's WW2 policy would be different

What's stopping you? Out of curiosity

I've come to the conclusion that near every western nation is in the same boat more or less but the US has the best economy and more personal freedoms for the citizens

i'm am seriously, seriously, and with a hint of irony hoping kim hits california. dear god please. i'm going to be laughing for real.

>tfw can't even fully support East Anglia because l'm a Midland/Anglia hybrid


National Catholicism is the only -ism I need tbqh

lt's quite a hard process or at least that's what l've heard. My aim is to get enough experience here and then get a job in the US with a view to move there permanently.

I am too friend
Make the group already ffs, "the order of St.Bridgid"
What do you or will you be working in and where in the US would you like to move

Thoughts on an updated version of Roger's Rangers uniforms?

No. We need the National Conservatism that the National Party is offering, not Socialist pro-censorship shite

Conservatism is a dead ideology
What you need is reform.
NP should bill themselves as a right wing reform party not a Conservative party

Working in finance.

l've always had a dream of moving to Miami tbqh. GTA Vice City heavily influenced that though so it's a bit of a meme. l have some new family in Baltimore but wouldn't consider there.

East Coast and the South is more attractive to me as an Englishman.

NP are something new. They don't want the old theocratic Irish Conservatism. Bit they also don't want Liberalism. They are Ethnic Nationalists who are anti-abortion and pro-free market, so they are actually Far-Right in this sense.

Florida is the California of the east coast, and Miami, southern Florida in general is a Cuban colony at this point
Maryland is an objectively shitty state, terrible gun laws, lot of niggadry, etc.

The South is one of the best parts of the country, but as an user said earlier its best to avoid the coastal areas. If you're working finance you might be able to find work in one of the cities in North Carolina or Georgia

Oh mate. :( RIP

fuck off newfag

i fixed your flag



lt's good but it's not quite Boro

How does it feel know Big that your "country" can fit inside of Texas?

immensely superior.

we're a tiny island and conquered the planet.

you own an entire continent and lost to Vietnam lmao.

>lost to Vietnam
Except we didn't.
Nearly all military objectives that were put forward during the war were accomplished, we pulled out and were going to give the South arms to defend themselves, but democrats killed the bill

that republican flag is trash. Use the sun flag


If the leftists lose the abortion referendum, will the GardaĆ­ start arresting people that order the abortion pill online?

Your objective was to defeat the Communist North.

You didn't and then retreated.

That is a loss.


>Can you imagine putting 4800 women in Ireland behind bars every year
Yes. The numbers would obviously start to drop if they cop on that there are consequences.


thanks for the yous

No, they should be doing it now.

>5 lefty race theorists in a room
It's fucking nothing.

Referendum for ascough is next week yes how's it lookin? I'm gonna be mad as fuck if they remove her.

Considering that the majority of the universities doing this are basically converting disabled toilets to "gender-neutral" bathrooms, I don't know whether to laugh or groan.

Kill the treasonous cucks who brought about this referendum to begin with

I can't see her doing well. They held a referendum last year on whether the university should take up a pro-choice/pro-life stance and the former won. Combine that with the amount of attention that it's getting and the number of signatures on the petition outnumbered the people voting in the SU election.

RIP /ourgirl/

desu if they do remove her it just makes them look like the fascists since she did absolutely nothing wrong and its a complete overreaction based on their pro baby murder agenda

It depends on if they can animate enough people to get out the vote. Students unions are normally only less than 10% of people, and Ascough is that rare kind of preppy glib quango salaryman that isn't actually a leftoid, so I would imagine there is a substantial silent majority who want nothing to do with the system or the types who normally inhabit it but would gladly vote to snub the noses of the anti-Catholic anti-nationalist left wing.
I really really really want to see the future Irish times bloggers get BTFO.

This is a students union referendum in Dublin, stop larping and address reality.

Oh, I thought this was about the UCD girl being impeached, my mistake

look at this faggot, he doesn't even realize that NS is not right wing for starters

That is what it is about.

whatever that means. meanwhile in your country, a country supposedly on the cusp of natsoc according to OP the prime minister halfling doesn't even qualify as European, the GAA, last remenant of Gaelism, is full of Africans and the country itself, where 1 in every 5 wasn't even born there, has been colonized by Nigeria, Brazil and Poland (FUCKING POLAND).

how diseased does the body politic of a country need to be for that to happen? AIDS tier diseased, worse than UK tier diseased. and how diseased in the head do you and all the other Irish have to be to tolerate it?

you're far far worse than Canada- Canada was founded on immigration, its nobodys homeland. you and your kind pissed away the homeland your ancestors gifted you (such as it was).

It is...that's what he said

Apparently there's a baby murder committee going on right now

Yeah, I've been watching that. The Indian doctor is really shilling for abortion here.

Irish people would do best to become self sufficient in their countryside and watch the show

Don't talk shite. Ireland and the UK have something vaguely akin to real politics. Nobody follows the cartoon retard American version.

Yeah absolutely disgusting meanwhile he's also telling outright lies saying that in countries where abortion has been legalised terminations have gone down lol. Scum. Hope he burns in hell.

Abortion the eugenics of the modern age, all low iq sluts and blacks, if you decend from adoption you are the lucky few. women have always and always will be able to take an abortion its uncontrollable

The Christians want a all these sheep for the flock with no thought whatsoever from the parents, it's not what people before these times would have done

Well bend me over a barrel and call me sally, today ain't my day.

She literally did nothing wrong, I'm quite angry that they're doing this. She was following the law ffs

ur welcm

>Abortion the eugenics of the modern age, all low iq sluts and blacks

Really they do IQ tests before they give out abortions? News to me. It's mostly smart white career women that kill their offspring.


Abortion isn't legal in any black country BS meme

>women have always and always will be able to take an abortion its uncontrollable

Yeah and they should be locked up for it and treated as the criminals they are

If she is impeached, I'd love to know the voting breakdown especially with the number of American liberals studying in UCD.

>Not a harp
Poor job.

>real politics
It's only more "real" because everyone knows nothing will be accomplished to change our situation through any of the show they put on in Dublin. American show politics is more "real" in the sense that people think it is.

The idea of "experts" giving opinions on whether abortions *should* be legal is disingenuous or stupid depending on whether the people who think it valid are dishonest or deceived. The only thing someone who conducts abortion can tell better than anyone else is what the risks of abortion are, and when it comes to that, they are definitely going to weigh in on whichever side they personally believe, and since they're "experts", have a definite stake in promoting.
It's an ethical/moral question, not a scientific one.

Ireland is a tax whore. It lets US companies come over and fuck its dirty ginger butthole --- how does this equate to socialism. It doesn't unfortunately.

Foreign students can vote in this?

America is actually very pro life, but then again given that they're college cunts, idk

It's mostly smart white career women who don't have any pregnancy in the first place, take a look at the numbers. An issue of feminism quite aside from this

St Brigid's cross is the Irish swastika though. You have pleb taste.

Talking about US, half of abortions here are from blacks

"Abortion the eugenics of the modern age, all low iq sluts and blacks, if you decend from adoption you are the lucky few. women have always and always will be able to take an abortion its uncontrollable"

My ex graduated from college in three years, professional... I was also a college graduate, and she had an abortion without even asking my opinion. We both had blond hair, blue eyes, good athletes ( she was a Division 1 swimmer, and I am six feet 200 pounds) the kid would have been beautiful, but my ex just didn't feel like having a kid at that time. Abortion is white genocide.

And abortion in Europe?

I like you guys a lot, I was in Dublin for a bit on two different occasions. Great banter, friendly and social people. You're completely cucked though, Catholicism is a bit of a joke there at this point. I was there with the whole marriage referendum and there was homo shit everywhere, from buildings plastered with 'art' pieces of men fondling each other, to Irish lefties (which seemed to be the majority of people there) embracing "equality" and lowering the status of Catholicism any chance they got. Basically, if I remember correctly, there was a landslide in the vote for gay marriage passing. Over here though, there is an extreme division over it.

TL;DR version, It's not the system itself that is hellbent on destroying national identity and culture. Irish people have basically lost Catholicism and are becoming the next Sweden, or at least the people in Dublin are.

Probably depends on whether they're studying for a semester or a year, I'm looking through their policy book now.
But I imagine that if they have a student number then they'll be eligible to vote.

Might check in with AFG to see if he has any Irish NatSoc flags. St Brigid's cross isn't immediately recognisable without the texture, and usually has longer "arms" to the centre square. It could work though.

Common herbs are genocide then

It might be hard to hear but she didn't want to have your child. If you aren't still with her there is no further complication.

Idk, I'd assume it's more whites that do it.

I'm against abortion, just pointing out where the "abortion effects black population more" argument comes from

Well US aside it ain't legal in Africa so it's only white countries practicing this